
Seems a bit odd to not allow this discussion.

The limitation on the discussion is a direct result of nothing but pure speculation being the basis for bashing of our players and our coaching staff, which based on a post yesterday, is hopefully being curtailed a little bit more. Don't pretend to speak for the guys that run this board, but every single thread is being infected with negativity and the same redundant points/posts.
The limitation on the discussion is a direct result of nothing but pure speculation being the basis for bashing of our players and our coaching staff, which based on a post yesterday, is hopefully being curtailed a little bit more. Don't pretend to speak for the guys that run this board, but every single thread is being infected with negativity and the same redundant points/posts.

I get that. But I that we really had some people in the know with this team.
I get that. But I that we really had some people in the know with this team.

I think that we do, but them electing to not to pass on information isn't a reflection on anything except that they either do not know, or do know and do not want to say what it is on a message board. For wahtever reason, the school and the player have, through their silence, made it clear that whatever it was they do not want to discuss. The good news is that whatever it was blew over after one game and Tiny played with great effort last night...not perfectly, but with great effort. Tiny playing is the story not the reason behind the suspension, at least that is how I take it anyway.
I think it's ridiculous that we aren't "allowed" to discuss his suspension. It's exactly the kind of thing we posters and lurkers want to know. Now, if no one knows, that's one thing...but it'd be nice to know.
The limitation on the discussion is a direct result of nothing but pure speculation being the basis for bashing of our players and our coaching staff, which based on a post yesterday, is hopefully being curtailed a little bit more. Don't pretend to speak for the guys that run this board, but every single thread is being infected with negativity and the same redundant points/posts.

You nailed it, Mr.B!!! This is not about trying to put a muzzle on anyone or limit discussions about players when facts are available to support what members are saying. But that is not the case here, and for Tiny's benefit, if nothing else, it's best to drop this matter and let the coaches handle it internally, which is exactly what Coach Capel said they would do.

I think it's ridiculous that we aren't "allowed" to discuss his suspension. It's exactly the kind of thing we posters and lurkers want to know. Now, if no one knows, that's one thing...but it'd be nice to know.

That's just it, Genius. I don't think anyone knows for sure. In the last few days I have read or heard at least three versions about why Tiny was suspended, and every single one of them had their "sources." Nothing about that is fair to this young man, and that is why the discussion has been closed. Do I need to explain further?
It's amazing to me that people whose only contact with the program and players is through the TV screen or their seat at LNC think they know more about the team, players and coaches than people who do have direct contact with the program. Amazing might not be the right word. Mind boggling might be a better choice of phrase.

By the look on Coach Capel's face all season and the actions on the court, I'm not sure are guess is as good as the coaching staff's on what's going on in the heads of some of these guys.
It's been a frustrating season for all.....fans included, more so in some cases because as fans we have no control of the outcome of the game.
If he isn't happy, he should move along. There is more at work here then any of us know. I don't want an unhappy kid sticking around "just because".
If he isn't happy, he should move along. There is more at work here then any of us know. I don't want an unhappy kid sticking around "just because".

If everybody thought like this, we would have less national championships in football.
If everybody thought like this, we would have less national championships in football.


Being unhappy about waiting your turn to play in football is different, then potentially not liking your teammates in basketball. I get the feeling Tiny doesn't want to be here. And that is fine, it happens. Maybe he's a bit homesick. Maybe it's the losing. Maybe he doesn't like Capel. Who knows. I think something is going on though. Maybe it can be worked out this offseason, and maybe it can't. If it can't, it would be better for both Tiny and OU for him to move on. You can't possibly disagree with that, can you?

Being unhappy about waiting your turn to play in football is different, then potentially not liking your teammates in basketball. I get the feeling Tiny doesn't want to be here. And that is fine, it happens. Maybe he's a bit homesick. Maybe it's the losing. Maybe he doesn't like Capel. Who knows. I think something is going on though. Maybe it can be worked out this offseason, and maybe it can't. If it can't, it would be better for both Tiny and OU for him to move on. You can't possibly disagree with that, can you?

there are many stories about key players on championship teams wanting to leave the team b/c they were not happy. The leaders of the team convinced them to stay and they won championships. Quitting on your team isn't always the best way to go about things.
there are many stories about key players on championship teams wanting to leave the team b/c they were not happy. The leaders of the team convinced them to stay and they won championships. Quitting on your team isn't always the best way to go about things.

This is what separates "a team" from a "a championship team." All teams have leaders, but in some cases those leaders lead in a direction that is contrary to the goals of the program.

If you look at the players' comments in various news sources from the last week or so they are starting to recognize (at least publicly) they have a leadership issue. What remains to be seen is will those leaders change the course of this team enough in the last five games to give coaches/players/fans hope for a better year next year.

Lastly, just because a guy plays well doesn't mean he is leading well. Sometimes great leadership comes from a guy struggling and how he works through that struggle.