Uh Oh, Clippers owner

When folks want to advertise their ignorance you don’t really have to do anything, you just let them talk. And that’s what happened here.

Dude, that statement will be written on your grave.

I get that you like to come across as some super well educated, sophisticated, liberal, man of the people. But you aren't. Everybody knows you are just a troll. A good troll. But a troll none-the-less. Probably some kid sitting in his parents' basement, trolling board after board, day after day. lol
Definition of Racism from dictionary.com:

1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
Definition of Racism from dictionary.com:

1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

And we can both look at that and draw different conclusions on how it relates here. So posting the definition for the 10th time, doesn't really help.
Dude, that statement will be written on your grave.

I get that you like to come across as some super well educated, sophisticated, liberal, man of the people. But you aren't. Everybody knows you are just a troll. A good troll. But a troll none-the-less. Probably some kid sitting in his parents' basement, trolling board after board, day after day. lol

Who predicted a lifetime ban immediately after the story broke and what happened? It's amazing how many people in this country don't know how to keep score.

"Super well educated"? When folks want to advertise their ignorance you don’t really have to do anything, you just let them talk. And that’s what happened here.
Who predicted a lifetime ban immediately after the story broke and what happened? It's amazing how many people in this country don't know how to keep score.

"Super well educated"? When folks want to advertise their ignorance you don’t really have to do anything, you just let them talk. And that’s what happened here.

Keep score of what? Are you in grade school?
Just for you bounce I'll start a bocabull instragram feed so you can see how the other half lives.
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This puts a big kink in the NBA forcing sterling to sell. I saw in another article that the owners may not get there 75% cause some minority owners are worried that they may be forced to sell if the majority owner violates the NBA owners contract. So what if it then goes the other way. What if a minority owner of the thunder violate the nba contact, can they make Clay Bennet sell? Its going to be a legal fight.
During the game they keep saying Sterling won't be able to show damages because he will make a product from the sale of the team. Personally IThink that is nonsense. A person doesn't fail to lose future profits because they get fair market value today. Now he might have trouble showing lost future profits based on his historical profits or lack of them.
It's over. No Sterling will have anything to do with the Clippers or the franchise will become insolvent and be put into receivership. All the sponsors will bail, the players will be allowed to void their contracts and the fans will cancel their tickets. The Sterlings can either sell now & get a fair price or fight a losing battle and get slaughtered.
It's kinda bs when you think that a non majority owner can do something that hurts all the owners

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It's over. No Sterling will have anything to do with the Clippers or the franchise will become insolvent and be put into receivership. All the sponsors will bail, the players will be allowed to void their contracts and the fans will cancel their tickets. The Sterlings can either sell now & get a fair price or fight a losing battle and get slaughtered.

It is a long way from over. You may be correct that Sterling loses and perhaps he should but this isn't over until there is a vote and litigation.
The players resolve on this issue is set in stone. Sterling can either sell for his billion, donate $50 million or so to minority charities and be forgiven or he can fight, receive substantially less and die a pariah. Hopefully somebody he respects is explaining this choice to him. He could turn this situation into a positive and achieve full redemption if he mans up.
The players resolve on this issue is set in stone. Sterling can either sell for his billion, donate $50 million or so to minority charities and be forgiven or he can fight, receive substantially less and die a pariah. Hopefully somebody he respects is explaining this choice to him. He could turn this situation into a positive and achieve full redemption if he mans up.

I don't think he is capable of redeeming himself. Did you see the early release of his apology? He apologizes but blames the girl and then takes a mild shot at Magic. For a man of his wealth and experience, he does not seem very media wise.
Yep, his shot at Magic appears to be evidence he is looking for a fight. Dragging the community through a soap opera. He's a real pisser.
Sterling refused the pay the fine and hired an anti-trust attorney. This is going to be interesting because Sterling doesn't appear to have violated any specific part of the NBA Constitution or Bylaws; however, there is a general clause that says if something isn't covered by the Constitution or Bylaws the Commissioner has discretion and may fine up to $2,500,000. It goes on to say he cannot appeal the decision of the commissioner.
Appears he is done. They are going to vote him out before the finals. If he wants to fight in court that's his right but the league has already taken over control of the franchise and any court delay will simply postpone the official sale date. The league likely has the ability to withhold any legal fees they incur from his sales proceeds too so he is only hurting himself.
Appears he is done. They are going to vote him out before the finals. If he wants to fight in court that's his right but the league has already taken over control of the franchise and any court delay will simply postpone the official sale date. The league likely has the ability to withhold any legal fees they incur from his sales proceeds too so he is only hurting himself.

You are assuming he loses both the vote and litigation.