Uh Oh, Clippers owner

Of course he was going to lose the vote & any litigation. He's out of options. The last gasp was for him to bow out which he did today with the hope that his wife and heirs can maintain a minority stake while selling the majority. It's an interesting tactic because the NBA could be accused of being unreasonable if they ban his wife and heirs for his actions.

But yeah, he didn't become a billionaire by making dumb financial decisions which fighting that losing battle would have been. He's gonna get close to a billion $ by selling right now.
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It doesn't appear that a minority owner has any standing with the NBA. Only the NBA approved majority owner. The only way a minority owner would be allowed to keep their stake is if the new NBA approved majority owner included that as part of the deal.

Needless to say the league is not prepared to approve such an arrangement.
Donald Sterling now vowing to fight his expulsion, and is also vowing never to pay the 2.5 million fine that Adam Silver imposed. Just when you thought he couldn't get any dumber...
Why would he pay the fine if he is also being forced to sell the team? I wouldn't pay it either.
I wish he'd fight this all the way to the courts, but at the end of the day, I'm not sure it's worth the time/effort/money to do it. Especially since the court of public opinion has already ruled.
Sterling & his wife are just desperately clinging to their last hope. lol @ not paying the fine. The franchise has already been taken away from him. He will receive whatever proceeds he is owed, less the fine, less any expenses incurred in terminating his ownership.

What exactly is he going to fight in court? That a private business does not have the right to terminate a franchise owner who violated the terms of the franchise agreement he signed by damaging the business? Is he going to argue that sponsors canceling, ticket holders canceling, the workforce threatening a mutiny would not damage the business?

This is so cut & dry anybody with even the slightest understanding of economics and business law sees the writing on the wall.
I know TMZ should not be the most trusted news source in news, but since they started this mess...


If true, it is even more cut & dry
How pissed are the players going to be? The NBA Salary cap was $58.679 million this season. At $2 Billion the Clippers sold for 34 years of salary cap per team. lol Even the pathetic Bucks sold for ~10 years of salary cap.

The new luxury taxes are massively punitive and does that tax revenue go to the players? Nope, it goes to the other owners.

The players were totally hosed as the negotiations happened after the worst recession in 80 years. The new salary cap and luxury tax rules lowered the players earning potential and exploded the owners franchise values.

Seriously they should strike right after the season. Go back to the old system at a minimum.
How pissed are the players going to be? The NBA Salary cap was $58.679 million this season. At $2 Billion the Clippers sold for 34 years of salary cap per team. lol Even the pathetic Bucks sold for ~10 years of salary cap.

The new luxury taxes are massively punitive and does that tax revenue go to the players? Nope, it goes to the other owners.

The players were totally hosed as the negotiations happened after the worst recession in 80 years. The new salary cap and luxury tax rules lowered the players earning potential and exploded the owners franchise values.

Seriously they should strike right after the season. Go back to the old system at a minimum.

yeah those poor poor players. Playing basketball and making millions. so sad.

IF they don't like it they don't have to play. Or they could save their money, invest it, and buy their own team one day.
Or they can use their right to collectively bargain and receive fair compensation! Its funny how the people who babble most about capitalism know the least how it works.
Should Jonah Hill be banned from Hollywood for life?

Alec Baldwin lost his job at MSNBC for similar comments. What's your point? The marketplace decides what punishment a person receives for being an ignorant bigot.

On the bright side looks like Sterling is taking the path i advised. Selling the team with no friction and looking for redemption. He attended a predominantly black baptist church Sunday at the behest of the pastor. Good for him.
Alec Baldwin lost his job at MSNBC for similar comments. What's your point? The marketplace decides what punishment a person receives for being an ignorant bigot.

On the bright side looks like Sterling is taking the path i advised. Selling the team with no friction and looking for redemption. He attended a predominantly black baptist church Sunday at the behest of the pastor. Good for him.

It is not a good move for society to have the PC Police destroying people because people are not treated equally. Sterling said something in the privacy of his home. Hill said something on the street. Hill is let off the hook.

Why? Because Hill is a known democrat/liberal or is it because Sterling has a history of racism or is because society tolerates slurs against homosexuals but not black people? Maybe it is a bit of all three.

Look at Biden's comments from the election in 2008. Imagine if McCain had said Obama was the first clean, articulate african american? It would have been a much, much bigger story.
It's understandable. I'm sure he thought agreeing to sell would cause the league to rescind his lifetime ban and fine. Silver is holding firm. It's debatable whether this is the right decision. But does the league really want Sterling with $2 billion in his pocket allowed to show up and sit front row at any NBA game? No telling what type of scene he would create.

I could see an agreement where the fine was rescinded and he was allowed to attend games only in a suite with no lower level access.

Who knows. He doesn't have a legal leg to stand on though.