PLum misses, Shaya reb
GABBI misses, Plum reb
Plum hits and is fouled, hits FT
Edwards misses,
Plum scores
Shaya hits a three, tied at 50 8:50
Ruiz misses, Vivi reb, Stripped by Ashley, Vivi fouls Plum
Plum shoots two from the line, hits first, second 50-52
Kay Kay hits to tie, has nine, all in the second half
Plum beats Gabbi for a layup 52-54
Peyton misses from hree, Shaya reb
Plum scores on fast b reak 52-56
Gabbi misses, Walton reb 6:38
Plum drives past Gabbi 52-58
Edwards shot blocked, gets it back, Kay Kay's shot blocked out of bounds
Wash time out