Watch Oregon


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Mar 17, 2013
Reaction score
If you get a chance, watch the way Oregon plays. Not only are they really good, but this is sort of what I expect us to look like next year. This is our peak next year, but we'll play very much the same style.

They've got 2 bigs, Bell and Boucher, who look a lot like ours. They're defense-first guys who block a lot of shots but aren't really low post scorers. They score on offensive rebounds, alley-oops, and occasional 1-on-1 moves. They're both very good, better than our bigs, but I could see Lattin & McNeace improving to the point where they're similar.

Dillon Brooks plays the 4. He's awesome and sort of an Odomes/Doolittle hybrid. He's more of a traditional 3 than Doolittle, though he plays the 4, but shoots it from 3 much better than Odomes. Their other offensive star is Tyler Dorsey. He's McGusty. Then they've got Pritchard (like Trae Young only Young's more of a scorer) and Ennis (more like James when James shoots it well).

They spread the floor really well and play mostly dribble-drive like we do, giving their players lots of freedom to do what they do. When we get better offensively, this is what we'll look like, IMO. They do 3 things on offense better than we do. First, they dish it off to 3 pt shooters off the drive better than we do. We don't do this well at all but that should improve. Second, as I said, Bell in particular can get a pass at the FT line and drive his man 1-on-1 to the hoop. I've never seen Lattin do this and would love to see him develop this move.

Finally, they finish at the rim much better than we do. As we get better at dishing off to 3 point shooters, it will help open up the inside for us to score at the rim. We are 296th in the country at getting our shots blocked. Very few teams get more shots blocked than we do. We must get better at getting fouled and scoring off the dribble. We are, IMO, very good at getting by our man and getting into the lane, but not good at all at finishing. Odomes could help a lot by improving his outside shooting.

Oregon is a fantastic offensive team and lots of fun to watch. When we're playing well next year and the following year, hopefully it's what we'll look like.
Remember when CJ had 30+ against them? Hope he gets it back next year.

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I would be shocked if the 2017-8 version of OU is anywhere near this year's Oregon team. I would hope that the 2018-9 version could come close.....but I would need to see the dramatic improvement needed before I believe it.