We lost at the free throw line


Nov 13, 2008
Reaction score
We missed 3 or 4 key free throws late in the game yesterday including the front end of a 1 and 1 that would have put the game out of reach.

The players all know this. We are becoming a tougher out each game. It took a lot of unordinary events for us to lose. Home cooking by the refs, A&M shooting better than usual and us missing those free throws.

We can only control the free throws and we will knock them down next time.
We missed 3 or 4 key free throws late in the game yesterday including the front end of a 1 and 1 that would have put the game out of reach.

The players all know this. We are becoming a tougher out each game. It took a lot of unordinary events for us to lose. Home cooking by the refs, A&M shooting better than usual and us missing those free throws.

We can only control the free throws and we will knock them down next time.

Oh. My. God. I actually agree with a Boca post. Somebody shoot me!
Drum Roll, although we were 16-23 which is 69.6% we missed several front ends in the second half. But in the all and all scheme of things with our D not showing up in the first half, we dug way too big of a hole to crawl out of. I think aTm shot like 68% in the first half, part of this had to do with the way the game was called, the game was called way too tight in the first half to allow us to play D the way we have been able to the previous 2 games. We must get better at Defense without fouling which we proved we could do in the second half.
I can't blame our defense in the first half Dave. We came out aggressive and were rewarded by the refs with 6 fouls in the first 3 minutes.

I will say that Ryan Wright for some reason was giving up layups with only 1 foul like he was guarding against foul trouble. That was bad strategy.
We lost for two, maybe three reasons.

1. We spoted them a 10 point halftime lead.
2. We didn't make plays down the stretch, at either end of the court. Bad shots, and left them wide open shots.
3. Our guys didn't play smart in regards to fouls.

Mostly the first two though.
We lost because of poor free-throw shooting, ill-advised 3's, not blocking out, and several shots that amounted to lay-ups we missed. Also, I was left scratching my head at the 5 second call. I really felt that the 2nd half performance by ou was good enough for the win, but it just did not happen.
Although the defense was not great in the first half, A&M did shoot the ball really well - I believe around 60%. So in my mind OU played well for the first time on the road. I do agree with the fact that this team has to shoot better free throws. They are "free" throws, they are not contested shots. This kids must shoot them better in order to get better. Overall though I was as pleased as I could be with the effort, although I hate to lose!