"We talking about Practice"


New member
Nov 8, 2008
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Not a game, we taking practice. And at that, practice in October.

That's why I haven't felt the need to rush home after every practice and give a detailed report complete with what color socks Amath M'Baye is wearing, that Buddy Hield wears cool looking low top silver shoes or which players are wearing the foam shin guards that I have no clue what purpose they serve on the basketball court.

From an outside looking in, there's a finite amount of information you can correctly glean from each practice. There's no way I can know what the specific goals are that Lon Kruger set for a certain drill, the team or individual players for each practice.

When you add in that most practices are similar with only small changes, they aren't built for breaking news or even in depth news. To be frankly honest, much of the practice is “boring” to an outsider (this is coming from someone who loves basketball). There's only so much that can be seen or learned from the conditioning, warm ups or even a defensive shell drill day after day. I would describe what can be learned from practices as more of a slow gradually burn.

Players are going to be up and down, because they're humans.

Some are going to play in practice exactly like they do in games, while others will rise and shine when the lights turn on.

Those reasons and others makes the already inexact science of evaluating talent, individual and team, that much harder when watching practice.

Another reason I'm hesitant to make any guesses is I think the coaching side of it hasn't fully been implemented. From an outside perspective it looks like OU is focusing on fundamentals and not a lot of emphasis has yet been placed on the X's and O's, attacking a certain team's weakness, or covering up one of OU's weak points.

From what I watched last year and talking to some people, Kruger is one of the elite X's and O's coaches in the Big 12. He knows the game exceptionally well and notices the little things that make his adjustments so successful. Look at how OU swept KSU last year, or hung with Mizzou. I bet a lot of that was on Kruger on knowing how to attack a team's weakness while doing his best to cover his own. The “Kruger Factor” has yet to be implemented onto this team.

Along those lines, I'd hazard a guess that Kruger is still toying with his roster, still mixing up that formula to find the best product. If you want a pop culture comparison, it's like Breaking Bad. Practices in October and even November are like Walter White in the RV, but once things get rolling it will look more like Walter in the Super Lab.

Because of those factors, I'm doing my best to do one of the most difficult things in today's “we want everything five seconds ago” internet culture.

Not to overreact.

I'm not sure where to begin with this. I'm just going to slap down some observations and hope when I'm done there's some rhyme and reason (hopefully at least some reason).

- I guess I should lead off with what could be the current elephant in this message board.

Steven Pledger.

I'm a believer in his offensive talent and I expect him to be the leading scorer again, while being even more efficient in his scoring. If OU doesn't reach it's ceiling I don't think any of Pledger's defensive limitations will be the culprit. He's an offensive weapon on a team that lacks other proven consistent scorers. If he produces like he has and should continue to on offense, it's crazy to think anyone could take his minutes yet alone starting spot.

- Something about Tyler Neal seems different and in a good way. He looks more comfortable, composed, maybe sure of himself, I don't know as I can't put a finger exactly on it. I guess the cliché would be to say the light is coming on him. Neal's doing a better job of being a big and his three seems about the same. His handles seem improved as well.

- Similar to Neal, Cameron Clark also looks more refined. He's added some good weight, looks more comfortable handling the ball. I'd guess Cameron Clark will play similar to how he ended the season.

- Osby and Fitzgerald have been two steady and solid players most practices. Which is somewhat boring to write so I don't have anything that particular or ground breaking to report. Both are vocal on defense, they play hard, are efficient around the hoop, etc. Roe and Fitz come across as two constants on this team.

- Maybe I overrate the jump from high school to D 1, but I view it as a difficult one. I've watched a lot of high school and AAU basketball over the past year and the collegiate game is just so much bigger, faster, and cerebral than your average high school contest. It takes a special talent to let alone be a Low D-1 player, and when you talk about any player at a high major schools, that's exceptional talent.

Because of those factors, I don't think it will be a cakewalk for the freshman and it seems unlikely for them to steal a veteran’s spot in the starting line up.

With that disclaimer, or perhaps rant here's my take on the freshman backcourt.

- Buddy Hield – He plays bigger than his listed height due to his athleticism, length and a good motor. He has an impressive scorer's DNA as you can tell that's his first thought when he's on the court is to "get buckets".

- Issiah Cousins – Of the freshman, I probably have the worst feel for his game. I can only say “generic” things like he comes across as a smooth ballhandler with good ballhandler. His shooting looks ok. He also likes to throw oops, which makes me think he has good vision with a bit of flair to his game.

- Jelon Hornbeak – I've said it before, I like him the most of the freshman. He seems to “get it” in all aspects in the game, and its hard to find any holes in his game. Good shooter, good ball handler, smart decision maker, good athlete and comes across as a smart defender. To borrow a soccer term, I think his “form” will be the most consistent of the freshman.

- Last but not least, Amath M'Baye. I stand by my opinions on him. First of all, he's a special talent and I don't think that can be stressed enough. His jumper hasn't been falling so far in practice, this time last year he was the best shooter outside of Pledger in my eyes. Maybe that will come around and even if it doesn't, OU is adding a 6 foot 9, top tier Big 12 athlete that plays will a motor that's "Blake Griffin like".

I thought it this time last year and I still believe it, he's a NBA talent.
This is what a practice report, update, recap, whatever should look and sound like. No absolutes. Nothing written in stone. Allowing room for change and flexible for variables. Knowledgeable with educated opinions. Few assumptions and no conclusions. Thanks, Sam. Good info as always.
Practices in October and even November are like Walter White in the RV, but once things get rolling it will look more like Walter in the Super Lab.
Good observations and good practice report. Always good to hear from guys who get a chance to see everything up close.

Thanks Sam.
lol are people really about the jump off of a building because of stuff that is happening (or not happening) in October practices? lololol

This is why it is a great thing that OU football practices are closed.
- Maybe I overrate the jump from high school to D 1, but I view it as a difficult one. I've watched a lot of high school and AAU basketball over the past year and the collegiate game is just so much bigger, faster, and cerebral than your average high school contest. It takes a special talent to let alone be a Low D-1 player, and when you talk about any player at a high major schools, that's exceptional talent.

No you're not, how many high impact freshman are there every year? How many names really stick out? It's not just the transition and pace of play, a freshman also has to be in the right situation from a personnel and schematic stand point.
Outstanding report, Sam! :clap

I totally agree with everything you said. At the same time, I don't see anything wrong with someone taking a somewhat different approach to an early season practice report. Where would fans boards be if everyone saw things the same way?

I, for one, have appreciated the time Gary spends in breaking the practices down for those who may not be in a position to be there or watch them online. I don't always agree with what he says, but he's also right about a lot of things he says in his critque. Honest discussions, and, yes, even controversy are often the driving force in keeping fan boards like this from boring people to tears, especially in the off season.
Thanks for taking the time, Sam.


I agree. I welcome any and all practice reports. Who cares is somebody makes predictions and adds their opinions to them? ABD has been doing that since the internet was invented by Al Gore. :dance005:

The key is just to realize that they are in fact just a person's opinions. I used to try and get some practice reports on here for folks during the Capel years. I would always try to merge 3-5 sources in order to try and make them more objective...it would be humerous because one person would say that Willie Warren is showing leadership qualities and another would say that he was being lazy and not communicating with the young guys. haha
For the record, since I'm in the middle of a lot of it, I don't want Gary to stop posting the reports either. He has every right to post them, and there is a lot of good info in there.

I'll just say that if people are going to mix their opinions/predictions in with the actual facts of a practice report, that is going to generate responses most of the time. And some of those responses will be to say that they disagree with whatever opinion was voiced. I can't speak for everybody, but I don't voice my opinions that disagree with Gary to get at him, or to degrade him. I do it b/c I truly disagree, and I like the discussion. But I don't want anybody to not post what they want to post about the practices.
For the record, since I'm in the middle of a lot of it, I don't want Gary to stop posting the reports either. He has every right to post them, and there is a lot of good info in there.

I'll just say that if people are going to mix their opinions/predictions in with the actual facts of a practice report, that is going to generate responses most of the time. And some of those responses will be to say that they disagree with whatever opinion was voiced. I can't speak for everybody, but I don't voice my opinions that disagree with Gary to get at him, or to degrade him. I do it b/c I truly disagree, and I like the discussion. But I don't want anybody to not post what they want to post about the practices.

Agreed and same here. I think some facts and opinions/prejudices got mixed up together. I look forward to Gary posting more. I just want to see some perspective relative to where we are in the season. It's early. Never anything personal.
For the record, since I'm in the middle of a lot of it, I don't want Gary to stop posting the reports either. He has every right to post them, and there is a lot of good info in there.

I'll just say that if people are going to mix their opinions/predictions in with the actual facts of a practice report, that is going to generate responses most of the time. And some of those responses will be to say that they disagree with whatever opinion was voiced. I can't speak for everybody, but I don't voice my opinions that disagree with Gary to get at him, or to degrade him. I do it b/c I truly disagree, and I like the discussion. But I don't want anybody to not post what they want to post about the practices.

As well they should. A difference of opinion is what makes fan boards like this interesting, and fun. I wouldn't bother to come here if everyone expressed the same thoughts, kinda of a cookie cutter response to every topic of discussion. Neither would you. I know you too well. You would lose interest in a hurry if that was the case. ;)

We should all keep in mind, however, that an opinion is just that, nothing more. It's way too early to put a stamp of approval, or disapproval, on a series of practice reports. Still, I value the opinion of Gary, or anyone, who cares enough to be there nearly every day, and then report on what he/she saw. I try to sift through what his reports, nod my head in approval on the things I agree with, and discount the rest until I can form an opinion of my own.
For the record, since I'm in the middle of a lot of it, I don't want Gary to stop posting the reports either. He has every right to post them, and there is a lot of good info in there.

I'll just say that if people are going to mix their opinions/predictions in with the actual facts of a practice report, that is going to generate responses most of the time. And some of those responses will be to say that they disagree with whatever opinion was voiced. I can't speak for everybody, but I don't voice my opinions that disagree with Gary to get at him, or to degrade him. I do it b/c I truly disagree, and I like the discussion. But I don't want anybody to not post what they want to post about the practices.

Not sure if there really are "facts" in a practice report. 10 different people could watch a practice, and all 10 come away with varying opinions of what they saw. I, for one, would welcome everyone who watches a practice, to report what they saw and felt during the practice. I just think its really awesome that watching practice is even available to us! Thanks to everyone who posts here, and big thanks to Gary, as I really enjoy reading his practice breakdowns! I realize they are only his opinions, but it beats the heck out of just waiting for the 1st game to try to put together realistic expectations.
I wouldn't bother to come here if everyone expressed the same thoughts, kinda of a cookie cutter response to every topic of discussion. Neither would you. I know you too well. You would lose interest in a hurry if that was the case. ;)

A few years back, if everybody had come to this board and proclaimed the greatness that was Kelvin Sampson, I'd have stuck around. ;)

Not sure if there really are "facts" in a practice report. 10 different people could watch a practice, and all 10 come away with varying opinions of what they saw.

True. But things like "they worked on this", or "these guys were the red jerseys today". That stuff is pretty factual. They worked on rebounding. They worked on defense. No offense yet. LK was mad and chewing some butt. That stuff is pretty factual.