What Blake Griffin is doing is ridiculous


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Nov 8, 2008
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I’ve never been a big NBA fan, sure I’d watch the playoffs and during Najera’s tenure in Dallas I would find myself watching a healthy amount of Mavericks games. Even the Thunder moving into my backyard didn’t do it for me but this fall and now winter I find myself huddled around my computer watching Blake Griffin. Maybe it’s a combination of the Sooner basketball experiencing a down swing and free time but Blake Griffin’s NBA games have me excited.

It’s not just the highlight dunks that are making the rounds of youtube and ESPN that have me excited to watch his games. Sure I love that stuff as it causes me to leap off my couch but it’s when he shows flashes of what his offensive skill set could be that gets the wheels turning in my head. It’s the three he hit tonight as the shot clock winded down, or the fade away over Kirlenko as the shot clock expired in Utah a month ago and even when he grabs a defensive board and takes off down the court to find a teammate for a three. It causes the “what if” questions to start for his career, when that stuff starts happening question, oh boy.

Another amazing thing to watch about Blake games to me is how various people in the NBA are receiving him. He almost always goes off for 10 points or so in the 1st, and you can see the coaches and players start changing their schemes to account for the” rook”. Even then he still finds his way to 22+ and 12+ more often than not. Amare’s nod is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to “game recognizing game” for Blake. The look on Gortat’s face and his body language on Sunday when Blake spun by him and threw down the oop are hilarious for me.

Or how the announcing teams call his game, he already has the Clippers group fully behind him. I think Blake could run over some little girl in the crowd and they would blame the little girl. Heck, their play by play guy who’s been doing their games forever already calls Blake one of the best 5 Clippers ever. I know in some why that’s faint praise consider the Clippers franchise but still it makes you think. Or the opposing announcers who are biased for their own teams pausing and going “oh my god, this kid is scary” when he does something.

I admit I’m a homer and biased when it comes to Blake Griffin but I honestly feel like what he’s doing right now with about half of his points a night coming off just being a freak athlete is the makings of something special. If he’s averaging 22 and 12 a night as rookie whose offensive skills are still raw, what will he be doing in a few years? When he’s hitting 70% and up from the line? Forcing people to close out and honor his 16 footers? Has more than just a running hook type floater for a post move? Or when he figures out defense? (That’s his biggest knock at the time, I find myself urging him to hustle more or get smarter on the defensive end) Is he the type who could average 30 and 13?

The sky really seems to be the limit for Blake. He works his tail off and you know with the natural ability he’s been blessed with and the mindset that he has it’s a special combination. Even in my wildest dreams I figured him for 18 and 10 as a Rookie would be a good start. I know the season isn’t even half way over yet so his numbers could drop as he hits the “rookie wall” but even then what he’s done over 32 games has been special in my eyes. Seeing him doing this stuff on the highest stage at only 21, where he already plays like he’s bigger and stronger than these grown me and the best in the world is mind-blowing.

His game on Wednesday is on NBATV at 9:30 Oklahoma time. If you get the chance watch it and appreciate Blake for more than just the highlight dunks. Because if you enjoy basketball then you should enjoy the way he approaches the game.

Just felt like I had to share my thoughts on Blake with somebody and that fact that for me just watching the Dunks highlights doesn't do what he's doing justice.
I’ve never been a big NBA fan, sure I’d watch the playoffs and during Najera’s tenure in Dallas I would find myself watching a healthy amount of Mavericks games. Even the Thunder moving into my backyard didn’t do it for me but this fall and now winter I find myself huddled around my computer watching Blake Griffin. Maybe it’s a combination of the Sooner basketball experiencing a down swing and free time but Blake Griffin’s NBA games have me excited.

It’s not just the highlight dunks that are making the rounds of youtube and ESPN that have me excited to watch his games. Sure I love that stuff as it causes me to leap off my couch but it’s when he shows flashes of what his offensive skill set could be that gets the wheels turning in my head. It’s the three he hit tonight as the shot clock winded down, or the fade away over Kirlenko as the shot clock expired in Utah a month ago and even when he grabs a defensive board and takes off down the court to find a teammate for a three. It causes the “what if” questions to start for his career, when that stuff starts happening question, oh boy.

Another amazing thing to watch about Blake games to me is how various people in the NBA are receiving him. He almost always goes off for 10 points or so in the 1st, and you can see the coaches and players start changing their schemes to account for the” rook”. Even then he still finds his way to 22+ and 12+ more often than not. Amare’s nod is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to “game recognizing game” for Blake. The look on Gortat’s face and his body language on Sunday when Blake spun by him and threw down the oop are hilarious for me.

Or how the announcing teams call his game, he already has the Clippers group fully behind him. I think Blake could run over some little girl in the crowd and they would blame the little girl. Heck, their play by play guy who’s been doing their games forever already calls Blake one of the best 5 Clippers ever. I know in some why that’s faint praise consider the Clippers franchise but still it makes you think. Or the opposing announcers who are biased for their own teams pausing and going “oh my god, this kid is scary” when he does something.

I admit I’m a homer and biased when it comes to Blake Griffin but I honestly feel like what he’s doing right now with about half of his points a night coming off just being a freak athlete is the makings of something special. If he’s averaging 22 and 12 a night as rookie whose offensive skills are still raw, what will he be doing in a few years? When he’s hitting 70% and up from the line? Forcing people to close out and honor his 16 footers? Has more than just a running hook type floater for a post move? Or when he figures out defense? (That’s his biggest knock at the time, I find myself urging him to hustle more or get smarter on the defensive end) Is he the type who could average 30 and 13?

The sky really seems to be the limit for Blake. He works his tail off and you know with the natural ability he’s been blessed with and the mindset that he has it’s a special combination. Even in my wildest dreams I figured him for 18 and 10 as a Rookie would be a good start. I know the season isn’t even half way over yet so his numbers could drop as he hits the “rookie wall” but even then what he’s done over 32 games has been special in my eyes. Seeing him doing this stuff on the highest stage at only 21, where he already plays like he’s bigger and stronger than these grown me and the best in the world is mind-blowing.

His game on Wednesday is on NBATV at 9:30 Oklahoma time. If you get the chance watch it and appreciate Blake for more than just the highlight dunks. Because if you enjoy basketball then you should enjoy the way he approaches the game.

Just felt like I had to share my thoughts on Blake with somebody and that fact that for me just watching the Dunks highlights doesn't do what he's doing justice.


Or his numbers could get better which would be outrageous
I can't believe it either, I thought at best he would finish in the 16-10 range. However what is becoming very clear is that when you have someone with the talent, drive and work ethic that Blake has nothing is impossible, that's for sure. For most, having the whole year off because of the injury would have simply delayed the inevitable growing up period that accompanies beginning an NBA career. For Blake it was further transforming his body and game to get to the place where he feels he belongs.

The first thing I noticed this year when I saw Blake was that he looked leaner and quicker then he ever did at OU. He was already an incredible jumper, now he's getting his chin to the rim on dunks.

Lastly Blake had the confidence that he knew he could compete and dominate at this level, he has no fear in his game. I'm sure people remember the game he had against American his Soph year where he showed it all: posterizing dunks, leading fast breaks, even shooting a 3 pointer. Plenty of guys in college are able to do things not within their game against lesser players. Blake however has brought that same confidence and ability against NBA players, I mean he's hit 3 3 pointers in his last 5 games.

People are already saying he is the #1 PF in the league, can you believe that ? I can't but my Sooner pride is beaming every night the Clips are on. (oh yeah Blake I forgive you for making me waste $200 last year on the NBA league pass).
Like the youngsters say, ALREADY!!!! He is COLD wit it!!!!!!:woot:woot
Capel always said he would be better in the NBA because there is such good spacing and he wouldn't face as many double and triple teams.

That second part may not last long until he gets some help.
Two scary things are that he's still learning, and that he's getting double teamed. He has yet developed all the skills he needs at this level. Also, if I'm a free agent and I like to score, who better to play with than a guy who is unselfish and gets double teamed every play. The biggest turn around for the Clip have been that Davis and Gordon have bought in or have been made to go to blake as much as possible. But their numbers haven't suffered, they've maintained or gotten better.
I’ve never been a big NBA fan, sure I’d watch the playoffs and during Najera’s tenure in Dallas I would find myself watching a healthy amount of Mavericks games. Even the Thunder moving into my backyard didn’t do it for me but this fall and now winter I find myself huddled around my computer watching Blake Griffin. Maybe it’s a combination of the Sooner basketball experiencing a down swing and free time but Blake Griffin’s NBA games have me excited.

It’s not just the highlight dunks that are making the rounds of youtube and ESPN that have me excited to watch his games. Sure I love that stuff as it causes me to leap off my couch but it’s when he shows flashes of what his offensive skill set could be that gets the wheels turning in my head. It’s the three he hit tonight as the shot clock winded down, or the fade away over Kirlenko as the shot clock expired in Utah a month ago and even when he grabs a defensive board and takes off down the court to find a teammate for a three. It causes the “what if” questions to start for his career, when that stuff starts happening question, oh boy.

Another amazing thing to watch about Blake games to me is how various people in the NBA are receiving him. He almost always goes off for 10 points or so in the 1st, and you can see the coaches and players start changing their schemes to account for the” rook”. Even then he still finds his way to 22+ and 12+ more often than not. Amare’s nod is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to “game recognizing game” for Blake. The look on Gortat’s face and his body language on Sunday when Blake spun by him and threw down the oop are hilarious for me.

Or how the announcing teams call his game, he already has the Clippers group fully behind him. I think Blake could run over some little girl in the crowd and they would blame the little girl. Heck, their play by play guy who’s been doing their games forever already calls Blake one of the best 5 Clippers ever. I know in some why that’s faint praise consider the Clippers franchise but still it makes you think. Or the opposing announcers who are biased for their own teams pausing and going “oh my god, this kid is scary” when he does something.

I admit I’m a homer and biased when it comes to Blake Griffin but I honestly feel like what he’s doing right now with about half of his points a night coming off just being a freak athlete is the makings of something special. If he’s averaging 22 and 12 a night as rookie whose offensive skills are still raw, what will he be doing in a few years? When he’s hitting 70% and up from the line? Forcing people to close out and honor his 16 footers? Has more than just a running hook type floater for a post move? Or when he figures out defense? (That’s his biggest knock at the time, I find myself urging him to hustle more or get smarter on the defensive end) Is he the type who could average 30 and 13?

The sky really seems to be the limit for Blake. He works his tail off and you know with the natural ability he’s been blessed with and the mindset that he has it’s a special combination. Even in my wildest dreams I figured him for 18 and 10 as a Rookie would be a good start. I know the season isn’t even half way over yet so his numbers could drop as he hits the “rookie wall” but even then what he’s done over 32 games has been special in my eyes. Seeing him doing this stuff on the highest stage at only 21, where he already plays like he’s bigger and stronger than these grown me and the best in the world is mind-blowing.

His game on Wednesday is on NBATV at 9:30 Oklahoma time. If you get the chance watch it and appreciate Blake for more than just the highlight dunks. Because if you enjoy basketball then you should enjoy the way he approaches the game.

Just felt like I had to share my thoughts on Blake with somebody and that fact that for me just watching the Dunks highlights doesn't do what he's doing justice.

Are the games on NBATV free? or do you have to purchase a membership as with MLB.com?
The biggest turn around for the Clip have been that Davis and Gordon have bought in or have been made to go to blake as much as possible. But their numbers haven't suffered, they've maintained or gotten better.

so true, gordon especially. i was critical of him when davis was injured. and rightfully so imo because he was putting up points, but they weren't any better. he was trying to do everything, wouldn't dump it into the post and took bad shots while shooting a poor % from 3. in the last couple weeks, he's accepted the "robin" title and he's playing much better. and the team is finally winning, on the road. 5-5 in their last 10.

blake is raw in his back to the basket game. but i believe his face-up game that we know from his college days is very polished. he would score some buckets in college that seemed a little out of control and wild. i always thought those shot attempts would never have any success in the nba. i was wrong, and his face-up game at this level is as good as any big man's. he's blowing by defenders on the baseline.

his shot is there, and obviously it will continue to get better. but i want to see some baby hooks and quick spin moves in the post immediately after catching the ball, before the double teams arrive. and once defenders respect his low post game, a few mchale up-and-unders will have blake making them look even sillier trying to guard him.

i hope people around the league see more than just his highlights. he does so many little things that turn into big plays. he's also showing more leadership and patience at this level. the only intangible right now is his feel for the low post game. like last night, he had a defender overplaying him on the entry pass. if he senses that, all he's gotta do is turn to the hoop and flush it.

one thing is for certain, he's going to have me buying a few external hard drives over the years in order to download all his games.
Kevin Love is putting up sick numbers too. Love is nowhere near as exciting as Blake Griffin but he is putting up 20 and 15 while Blake it putting up 21 and 12. One other thing people need to realize about Blake is this is his first season. This is Kevin Love's third season.

There are a lot of really exciting young players in the NBA right now. I was just never a fan of Kobe or Lebron but I like alot of the young guys in the league today.
The Clippers are really set for the future if they stay healthy

No team can match the young talent of Griffin, Gordon, Aminu, Bledsoe & Jordan. That's a full lineup of kids that are starting to win games already.
Kevin Love is putting up sick numbers too. Love is nowhere near as exciting as Blake Griffin but he is putting up 20 and 15 while Blake it putting up 21 and 12. One other thing people need to realize about Blake is this is his first season. This is Kevin Love's third season.

There are a lot of really exciting young players in the NBA right now. I was just never a fan of Kobe or Lebron but I like alot of the young guys in the league today.

Kevin Love is probably the most boring 20/15 guy ever... He does it with jumpers, hits some 3's, and layups... Plus offensive rebounding.

Limited dunks, no dunks in traffic, barely gets off the floor, but he gets it done.
I can't believe it either, I thought at best he would finish in the 16-10 range. However what is becoming very clear is that when you have someone with the talent, drive and work ethic that Blake has nothing is impossible, that's for sure. For most, having the whole year off because of the injury would have simply delayed the inevitable growing up period that accompanies beginning an NBA career. For Blake it was further transforming his body and game to get to the place where he feels he belongs.

The first thing I noticed this year when I saw Blake was that he looked leaner and quicker then he ever did at OU. He was already an incredible jumper, now he's getting his chin to the rim on dunks.

Lastly Blake had the confidence that he knew he could compete and dominate at this level, he has no fear in his game. I'm sure people remember the game he had against American his Soph year where he showed it all: posterizing dunks, leading fast breaks, even shooting a 3 pointer. Plenty of guys in college are able to do things not within their game against lesser players. Blake however has brought that same confidence and ability against NBA players, I mean he's hit 3 3 pointers in his last 5 games.

People are already saying he is the #1 PF in the league, can you believe that ? I can't but my Sooner pride is beaming every night the Clips are on. (oh yeah Blake I forgive you for making me waste $200 last year on the NBA league pass).

im a huge nba fan..there is no question in my mind he is the best young pf in the league and most talented. i cant think of anyone ahead of him. my team is the lakers and he is so much better than paulina gasoft. the only pf i can think of thats in his league talent wise is amare and hes playing center. once blake develops a mid range j ala karl malone he will have a chance to be an mvp candidate(if he was on another team) and one of the better teams
Kevin Love is probably the most boring 20/15 guy ever... He does it with jumpers, hits some 3's, and layups... Plus offensive rebounding.

Limited dunks, no dunks in traffic, barely gets off the floor, but he gets it done.

Except for the 3s part, sounds like another Kevin we knew.
Except for the 3s part, sounds like another Kevin we knew.

Bookout actually hit a descent percentage from three point range in high school on a large enough number of shots that it wasn't a complete fluke. I can't remember the numbers but I think he was close to 40% on 50 to 100 attempts. I think that shoulder injury impacted his game a lot but we will never know.
Kevin Love is probably the most boring 20/15 guy ever... He does it with jumpers, hits some 3's, and layups... Plus offensive rebounding.

Limited dunks, no dunks in traffic, barely gets off the floor, but he gets it done.

I really like watching Love play under the boards. Amazing, amazing stuff that he does knowing how to use his body and create space.
Pretty good debate on Blake on ESPN First Take today. Bayless was (of course) trying to be a Blake hater but Chris Broussard pretty much owned him.
Pretty good debate on Blake on ESPN First Take today. Bayless was (of course) trying to be a Blake hater but Chris Broussard pretty much owned him.

What in the world is there to hate about Blake Griffin? Has he ever done anything wrong that made the headlines? It seems to me that Blake Griffin is a model player. I am not suggesting the guy is saintly but he seems to keep himself out of trouble both on and off the court. I have never heard him say really arrogant things.
Bayless was basically just trying to say that he's way overhyped. Broussard pretty much crushed every argument he tried to make.
Bayless was basically just trying to say that he's way overhyped. Broussard pretty much crushed every argument he tried to make.

Is it possible to overhype a guy that is scoring 21 points a game, getting 12 boards and making highlight real plays every night (or close to it) as a rookie?
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Is it possible to overhype a guy that is scoring 21 points a game, getting 21 boards and making highlight real plays every night (or close to it) as a rookie?

You would think the answer here is no.