Who just became a fan of the Clippers?

They need to clean house and get rid of the junk in there. Dump B Diddy, Dump Randolph, Dump Kaman.

As long as those 2 cancers randolph and b diddy are in there its trouble. Gordon is a legit NBA star, if you paired him up with Blake theyd have something.

Well said.
They need to clean house and get rid of the junk in there. Dump B Diddy, Dump Randolph, Dump Kaman.

As long as those 2 cancers randolph and b diddy are in there its trouble. Gordon is a legit NBA star, if you paired him up with Blake theyd have something.

Yes...just dump them. It's that easy to get rid of players in the NBA...

Or even better, trade them. I'm sure there are plenty of teams clamoring to get these guys and their contracts.