WW Handeling the Ball


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Feb 21, 2009
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Is it concerning to anyone the amount of shots WW took against UBC? Is it a trust issue with the new players?
Is it concerning to anyone the amount of shots WW took against UBC? Is it a trust issue with the new players?

Abd had an interesting thread on WW being a volume shooter. I am really not worried about it for two reasons.

1. Willie had 5 assists and 0 turnovers in the game.
2. He hit the 50% marker from the field.

If he continues to gather assists, and shoots a high %, then I wouldn't care if he took 30 shots per game! haha
Also, he knocked down 5-6 from the line. Another reason why I want him to get a lot of shots and drives.
I think another factor is just Willie asserting himself (in his own mind) as leader of the team. Willie either knows or will find out that as great as he his not every team is going to let him drive to the basket all game. He will involve teammates as the year moves along both as a measure of comfort with his teammates, reality of defenses and once he knows playing well as a team rests on him.
I think another factor is just Willie asserting himself (in his own mind) as leader of the team. Willie either knows or will find out that as great as he his not every team is going to let him drive to the basket all game. He will involve teammates as the year moves along both as a measure of comfort with his teammates, reality of defenses and once he knows playing well as a team rests on him.

Another good point. I would much rather him be too aggressive/assertive now against these cupcakes, and then adjust it back as teams try to shut him down, then the other way around. We need him to be a leader and to play with no fear out there.
Yes, good point playing without fear. I like that too. Willie can do it all and that no doubt will include figuring out what the team needs from him game by game.
At this point WW is the only proven scorer. He can't take enough shots if he's hitting at a high clip like he did. IMO, WW is the best pure scorer in the country. Why would you not want him taking a lot of shots. I'd be fine with 25 shots a game.
exactly what Cheno said...plus when was the last time OU's best player was a true shooting guard? Hollis Price on a loaded team? People need to concern themselves with sometime besides Willie's shooting because it will win us a lot more games than it will cost us, and not by a close margin.
exactly what Cheno said...plus when was the last time OU's best player was a true shooting guard? Hollis Price on a loaded team? People need to concern themselves with sometime besides Willie's shooting because it will win us a lot more games than it will cost us, and not by a close margin.

Yep. Think Steph Curry at Davidson. I'd be ecstatic with a look like that for WW.
Don't you think that driving to the basket is a bigger part of WW as a scorer than his outside shooting? In that respect, the comparison to Curry is not valid. WW is a terrific player, but to me, he is not a truly great outside shooter.
Don't you think that driving to the basket is a bigger part of WW as a scorer than his outside shooting? In that respect, the comparison to Curry is not valid. WW is a terrific player, but to me, he is not a truly great outside shooter.

Absolutely. They are not the same player. But the score when they shoot the ball at the basket in their own style. I think that's the comparison Chenohawk is making.
"There would be times in practice where I would literally be screaming at Willie," OU coach Jeff Capel said. "You know: 'I didn't bring you here to defer. I brought you here to be a difference maker.' And I thought he was that last year."
- Capel.
Don't you think that driving to the basket is a bigger part of WW as a scorer than his outside shooting? In that respect, the comparison to Curry is not valid. WW is a terrific player, but to me, he is not a truly great outside shooter.

Yes, I realize that. I meant looking to score and the team looking for him to create offense most trips down the floor.
Don't you think that driving to the basket is a bigger part of WW as a scorer than his outside shooting? In that respect, the comparison to Curry is not valid. WW is a terrific player, but to me, he is not a truly great outside shooter.

Yeah. Not even close to being the same type of player. Also, Steph Curry WAS Davidson. Willie Warren has several other really good players around him.
Here's the thing with Willie Warren. He's a guy that can create his own shot on anyone. He's a guy that has unlimited range.. He's a guy that can get to the cup on anyone. He's a guy that forces defenders to send him to the line. Basically the guy cannot be checked one on one.

So this is where WW is going to see why these coaches make millions of dollars. Coaches are going to take the ball out of his hands. He's going to see physical play. He's going to see the defense shifted his way. He'll see double teams, junk defenses, he's going to see maybe a waterbug guard one possession and a long armed swing man the next possession. He'll have to figure out a way of how to takeover at points, defer at points, and be a decoy at points. I just want him to take over the last part of the game.
Is it concerning to anyone the amount of shots WW took against UBC? Is it a trust issue with the new players?

It's called an exhibition game to practice for real game time scenarios!

Stroke all day brah!
Don't you think that driving to the basket is a bigger part of WW as a scorer than his outside shooting? In that respect, the comparison to Curry is not valid. WW is a terrific player, but to me, he is not a truly great outside shooter.

what does he need to shoot percentage from 3 for you to think he is a great shooter??
I would be a lot more concerned if Willie didn't have the ball in his hands on nearly every possession. He is our best option to score as well as put pressure on defenses in a variety of ways. His 47% average from the field, better than 37% from three and 78% from the free throw line last season is proof of how versatile he can be as a scorer. He has a good feel for the game. He knows when to get his teammates involved and when the team needs points.

IMO, Willie was too passive at times last year, except in games where Blake wasn't on the floor or at crunch time when the team needed him to score. I want to see him be more assertive this season, and I have a feeling that is exactly what Coach Capel is urging him to do.
Yep. Think Steph Curry at Davidson. I'd be ecstatic with a look like that for WW.

I don't think that is a good comparison. Nearly every player OU starts next to WW is better than the player at the same position for Davidson.

I want WW being the focal point, but that doesn't mean being a ball hog and not getting his teammates involved. And I'm not accusing him of that at this time either. I think WW knows that he needs to play team ball, THEN take over games when they need him to. A little like Paul Pierce in Boston. I've seen numerous games where in the first quarter, he defers to Allen and KG, but if the game is close in the 4th, he'll go off for 20.