4 guard lineups in the Big 12?


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Nov 14, 2008
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How many teams do you guys think will feature a 4-guard lineup most of the time this year? Last year Baylor and OSU were the two that came to mind. I know Nebraska has at times. But how many will this year?

I am wondering because if OSU/Baylor do again that gives us 4 games right there where guys like Cade Davis, Stephen Pledger and Ray Willis will be able to play alongside TMG/WW/Crock quite a bit if Capel wants them to.
Just to clarify, I dont just mean 4 guards, I mean 4 guards/wings with only one post player on the court.
I think for teams to run the 4 guard lineup, at least one of the guards has to be a sort of hybrid 4 man. That can rebound effectively, and at least not get abused on the block by his man. i.e. Obi Muonelo.

Seems like as long as Crocker's arm seems (maybe it's the sleeves creating an illusion) he could be able to do it.

Reading your post more carefully, I see you mean matching up with other teams that have 4 guard lineups. Nevermind then!
I think for teams to run the 4 guard lineup, at least one of the guards has to be a sort of hybrid 4 man. That can rebound effectively, and at least not get abused on the block by his man. i.e. Obi Muonelo.

Seems like as long as Crocker's arm seems (maybe it's the sleeves creating an illusion) he could be able to do it.

Reading your post more carefully, I see you mean matching up with other teams that have 4 guard lineups. Nevermind then!

Well Hohum, when OSU went on their run, they had no guy who was a Hybrid 4 because Anderson played the 4. As OSU used Anderson to spread the floor and give eaton drive lanes, OU will probably do the same with Crocker and Warren. Those guys have to wear their hard hats and Crock and WW better hit the boards. Defensively I think they can guard most of the big12 teams with the exception of Kansas and UT with a four guard lineup.
Well Hohum, when OSU went on their run, they had no guy who was a Hybrid 4 because Anderson played the 4. As OSU used Anderson to spread the floor and give eaton drive lanes, OU will probably do the same with Crocker and Warren. Those guys have to wear their hard hats and Crock and WW better hit the boards. Defensively I think they can guard most of the big12 teams with the exception of Kansas and UT with a four guard lineup.

Anderson was grabbing 6 or 7 rebounds a game. And had the ability to at least apply token defense on opposing 4's, because of his long arms and athleticism.

I didn't meant Anderson was playing on the block on offense, or that the OU guard would to have to either. You play a four guard lineup for the offensive advantage, and hope it outweighs any defensive deficiency.
If you have a solid center and PF combo why would you play down to OSU or Baylor? It seems to me you exploit those teams for not having adequate personal rather than play a style that suits them.

I am no expert at basketball but that seems much more logical to me than your idea of going small.
If you have a solid center and PF combo why would you play down to OSU or Baylor? It seems to me you exploit those teams for not having adequate personal rather than play a style that suits them.

I am no expert at basketball but that seems much more logical to me than your idea of going small.

I think OU has the versatylity to exploit small teams and big/slow teams. The 4 guard lineup is probably a way to get more perimeter shooting and scoring on the court. Also used to spread the court for WW and let him dibble and dabble as he does.
The thing I like the most about a 4-guard lineup with this team is that it could give Tiny a ton of room to operate as well as putting possibly our 5 best players on the floor.

TMG and WW could play up top. Crocker and Cade could be in the corners and Tiny could have the entire lane to himself. I know thats not how our offense is typically run but it could work.
I think OU has the versatylity to exploit small teams and big/slow teams. The 4 guard lineup is probably a way to get more perimeter shooting and scoring on the court. Also used to spread the court for WW and let him dibble and dabble as he does.

I am not saying it isn't, I am just saying why play it against OSU or Baylor? That is what those guys want to do. Don't help them, punish them.
DenverSooner is right. Texas A&M inexplicably matched Baylor's four guard lineup 2 years ago in College Station when they were absolutely abusing Baylor down low with Elonu, Jones and Davis. Baylor had better guards and beat the Aggies because Ags didn't play to their strengths.

Baylor won't play four guards this year. In fact, you won't see three guards often. Anthony Jones (6'10"), Quincy Acy (6'7") and Ekpe Udoh (6'10") will log heavy minutes on the court at the same time.
I think for OU, the main question is what their bigs are able to give them. If Wright and Allen aren't able to rebound and defend the paint, then they don't give you enough offensively to justify putting the other guys on the bench. And by defend the paint, I don't mean post defense...I mean protecting the rim and being a physical deterrent in the paint.

In fact, I think that is a huge key for the upcoming season. If those two guys can't contribute to making the interior of the defense physical and intimidating, then they aren't really going to give us anything else. Playing with four wing players along with Tiny could really be the best way to go.
I am not saying it isn't, I am just saying why play it against OSU or Baylor? That is what those guys want to do. Don't help them, punish them.

I agree with you. But at the same time, when OSU came to Norman, we had a hell of a time matching Taylor and Juan up with Anderson. We ultimately used Crock on Anderson and the 4 on Harris some. Defensively, we don't want to put a Fitzgerald on Anderson or Muenelo. Those guys are going to have a tough enough time dealing with a very active Moses. Now with Baylor, it would be a little bit easier because they're guards just park outside the line and can't put it on the floor.
One thing that is interesting is that our 1 in and 4 out lineup would be a little taller than most of the other teams being discussed. Crocker is 6'5-6, Davis is 6'5-6, Willis is 6'6-7, and Warren and Pledger are 6'3-4 but over 210 pounds. So, unlike some coaches in the league, Jeff can mix and match without getting really short or undersized. Particularly, where he plays TMG at the point.

As I have stated before, I may be wrong, but I think Tiny is going to be nothing short of a superstar by years end. So its my opinion, that Tiny, crock and Willie will be the core of the team. If TMG is as good as some think (I dont' have an opinion as I haven't seen him enough), then there is your fourth player. Otherwise, I think Jeff just mixes and matches going post or wing depending upon the opponent and its lineup.

Not having seen TMG much, I have been predicting Willie at the point, Crock and Davis at the wing and Tiny and Orlando start,with Ryan rotating in for Tiny and Orlando. If everyone on here is right and TMG is awesome, the Davis probably goes to the bench.

We will know more after some open practices, scrimmages and the like. Should be fun to watch.
I am not saying it isn't, I am just saying why play it against OSU or Baylor? That is what those guys want to do. Don't help them, punish them.

Punish them with what? We dont have a single proven post player. If this was last year then pounding it inside to the Griffins is a great idea. Heck, Capel even with big with a Griffin, Griffin, Patillo lineup against Baylor both games and it worked beautifully. But that was last years team. My point is that playing teams with 4 guard lineups may give us the opportunity to put our 5 best players on the floor since we have seen nothing from Fitz, Orlando or Wright to suggest they would punish guys like James Anderson enough to make up for the fact that they wouldnt be able to keep up with him on the perimeter and getting up and down the court.
I agree with you. But at the same time, when OSU came to Norman, we had a hell of a time matching Taylor and Juan up with Anderson. We ultimately used Crock on Anderson and the 4 on Harris some. Defensively, we don't want to put a Fitzgerald on Anderson or Muenelo. Those guys are going to have a tough enough time dealing with a very active Moses. Now with Baylor, it would be a little bit easier because they're guards just park outside the line and can't put it on the floor.
With the make up of the team this on the defensive end when using the 2 bigs vs OSU, we would pretty much have to go zone. The lack of an athletic big man this year is hurtful vs them. If Juan had just been able to make the grade . . .
It's too bad Juan couldnt do his job. This team would be so much more versitile with him. He would have given us something besides a bunch of guards and low post players. He was a true small-forward.
It's too bad Juan couldnt do his job. This team would be so much more versitile with him. He would have given us something besides a bunch of guards and low post players. He was a true small-forward.

Exactly. OU could have went extra athletic with him at the five for short periods of time.
Punish them with what? We dont have a single proven post player. If this was last year then pounding it inside to the Griffins is a great idea. Heck, Capel even with big with a Griffin, Griffin, Patillo lineup against Baylor both games and it worked beautifully. But that was last years team. My point is that playing teams with 4 guard lineups may give us the opportunity to put our 5 best players on the floor since we have seen nothing from Fitz, Orlando or Wright to suggest they would punish guys like James Anderson enough to make up for the fact that they wouldnt be able to keep up with him on the perimeter and getting up and down the court.

Tiny Gallon, Ryan Wright, Orlondo Allen and Fitzgerald. If no one guy stands out play them all a lot in an extremely physical game causeing OSU to get their one or two bigs in foul trouble. The OSU players are already going to be at a height dissadvantage, if they are saddled with fouls and can't take chance even a post with limited skills should be able to score on them. Furthermore, you hurt them on the boards.

I freely admit I am not a great basketball mind. I never played organized basketballl. However, if I were the decision maker putting 4 guards on the court against OSU would be the last thing I did.