All Big 12 Team

Really? Maybe I am just getting caught up in the hype. I just haven't seen this much NBA talent in our league in a long time. The best part is that it seems divided among several teams and not just Kansas or Texas....
The league had what seemed to be an unusually high number of legitimate first round NBA talents that returned for another year. I can't recall off the top of my head the last time so many high quality Big 12 players returned to school. Warren, Aldrich, Brackins, and Anderson, for example, could all have easily gone to the draft, and very few people would have questioned their decisions. I think arguments could also have been made for James and Collins entering this year's draft, as I don't think either will significantly improve their NBA stock with one more year in school. The knocks on them right now (James being a tweener forward, Collins' size) aren't going to be any different a year from now.
I think Moses could average 12-15 and 10 this year, that'd snag him a place on a team, he averaged 9 and 9 in conference play last year.
I think Moses could average 12-15 and 10 this year, that'd snag him a place on a team, he averaged 9 and 9 in conference play last year.

Eaton wont be driving and dishing to him this year. In fact, nobody will.

He will also have to share with Pilgrim, where last year he was the only guy on roster capable of catching a basketball in the post.
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Eaton wont be driving and dishing to him this year. In fact, nobody will.

He will also have to share with Pilgrim, where last year he was the only guy on roster capable of catching a basketball in the post.

Moses got very few 'drive and dish' baskets. He got a lot of put backs, and creating his own opportunities with back to the basket moves.
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Anderson has picked up his play at WUG and is 3rd on the team in scoring.

Dowell can pentrate and dish. Besides when Byron did that it was usually back to the perimeter. I think you'll see a lot of dump ins to Moses and Pilgrim.
What did my post get edited for?!

Lol, I fixed the name Eaton in your quote. I put "Eating" in the original post, and his name is obviously not "Eating". I edited my post and then that word in your quote box. I didnt edit anything you said.
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Lol, I fixed the name Eaton in your quote. I put "Eating" in the original post, and his name is obviously not "Eating". I edited my post and then that word in your quote box. I didnt edit anything you said.

Oh.. Ha. I saw that, and thought it was a fat joke!
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Oh.. Ha. I saw that, and thought it was a fat joke!

Nope, I was just typing too fast and can barely think from all the clock-watching I am doing at the office today. I look something like this:

I just edited your quote box for another typo I made, lol.
I'll just start giving you a 10 minute window before I reply to anything of yours. :)
If Avery Bradley makes an All Big 12 team, Texas will be pretty good.

I hate BigTimes 3rd Team
Avery Bradley
Xavier Henry
Cory Higgins
Marshall Moses
Ekpe Udoh

Tells me that the Big 12 will be shaken up with the newbies.
and Colorado and OSU would have success
All these posts and not a single mention of the Big 12 defensive player of the year...

2009-10 will not come to a close with zero Mizzou players on the All Big 12 team. I understand the lack of names on the list right now, since it's a bit up in the air right now as to who will step into the shoes filled by Carroll, Lyons and Lawrence, but someone will. Tiller, based purely on his defensive play, will deserve consideration. If he improves as a scorer, which I expect he will, then he's a lock. Several others will have plenty of opportunities to put themselves in the conversation, as well.
All these posts and not a single mention of the Big 12 defensive player of the year...

2009-10 will not come to a close with zero Mizzou players on the All Big 12 team. I understand the lack of names on the list right now, since it's a bit up in the air right now as to who will step into the shoes filled by Carroll, Lyons and Lawrence, but someone will. Tiller, based purely on his defensive play, will deserve consideration. If he improves as a scorer, which I expect he will, then he's a lock. Several others will have plenty of opportunities to put themselves in the conversation, as well.

I agree that Tiller should be in the conversation. The preseason demise of Mizzou has been greatly exaggerated. Great coach and great system. I wouldn't want to play them in Columbia in a game that mattered...

I still think Roland at A&M is the best defensive player in the conference but Tiller is a better complete player than Roland.
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All these posts and not a single mention of the Big 12 defensive player of the year...

2009-10 will not come to a close with zero Mizzou players on the All Big 12 team. I understand the lack of names on the list right now, since it's a bit up in the air right now as to who will step into the shoes filled by Carroll, Lyons and Lawrence, but someone will. Tiller, based purely on his defensive play, will deserve consideration. If he improves as a scorer, which I expect he will, then he's a lock. Several others will have plenty of opportunities to put themselves in the conversation, as well.

Who would you put him over on my list? The only one that I could maybe see is Xavier Henry (just because he is likely to be the 3rd or 4th scoring option). Avery Bradley is going to be very, very good, and Higgins is a helluva player for Colorado.

You don't actually think that Mizzou is going to do well this year, do you? I can't see you guys finishing any higher than 6th (behind KU, UT, OU, KSU, and OSU). I really think you have a decent shot of finishing 10th (behind Baylor, ISU, and A&M). Going to be a tough league and you just lost your scoring firepower and didn't recruit at a high level....jmo.