All Big 12 North Team vs. All Big 12 South Team

Actually, you may be too young to remember this but a bunch of no-name Baylor players put the beat down on Kansas earlier this decade. Roy Williams, Kirk Heinrich and Collison. Gregory for KU was running his mouth about how much Baylor sucked prior to the game and Terry Black for Baylor asked Gregory if he still thought they sucked as Baylor took a 47-22 lead to the locker room at half on Big Monday. Baylor hung on to win by 8 and Black posterized KU guys about 5 times that game.

The fact that you totally didn't answer my question and digressed to the Roy Williams/Kenny Gregory era proves my point even further.
Again, has Baylor even won an NCAA tourney game this decade?
Have they even played in more than one NCAA tourney game this decade?
I'm asking.
Like I said win something other than an ocassional upset game. Most schools can claim an upset victory or two.
If Baylor has all this great talent and Scott Drew is this wonder coach when are they going to start doing something? Let me guess....just wait until this year right? LOL
Over 90% of the games against Kansas are upsets since Kansas has been in the top 10 almost every week of every year for this decade. Baylor's talent is strong this year (top 30) and strong going forward with a nucleus of Perry Jones, Udoh and Dunn in 2010-2011. I agree- no good excuses for not finishing in the top half of the conference. The talent the past two years was over-rated as I have stated on here many times before. Good And-1 types but not talent built for a well-balanced offense/defense. And certainly not talented down low compared to other teams in the big12.

Drew has been trying to build towards that but missing on bigs in the past (Juan Palacios, Darrell Arthur, Bryan Davis, Blake Griffin, Damion James, etc...) Rogers was a decent big but really a SF in a big body. Lomers was a highly rated recruit but bad knees and asthma have hampered his progress.

Drew is starting to land some of these taller big guys that are difference makers (Udoh, Jefferson, Sekelja, Acy). I think this will translate into better defense and more wins. We will see. And I don't even want to tell you what I am hearing about 2011... Let's just say if it pans out like I am hearing, it will be on par with Kansas, Texas and OU.

I'm guessing you feel really good about Miles and Nash at the least. That would be a great start all by itself but I know you guys are in on Ross, Quincy Miller, and Rakeem Christmas as well.

Could be a really big year for Baylor. I just wonder if Drew is more of the firestarter than finisher. What do you think?
I'm guessing you feel really good about Miles and Nash at the least. That would be a great start all by itself but I know you guys are in on Ross, Quincy Miller, and Rakeem Christmas as well.

Could be a really big year for Baylor. I just wonder if Drew is more of the firestarter than finisher. What do you think?

Ross, Madden and Christmas. I will be surprised about Christmas. But a UT "insider" who is close to the AAU scene says Christmas is 90% to Baylor.

I think Drew is a good starter and finisher as a recruiter. He has one major hurdle to overcome- putting guys in the NBA. Jerrells might make a roster somewhere (currently with the Spurs). Dunn and Udoh might stick. Perry Jones is a potential NBA star and could take away that objection for Drew in the future.
Ross, Madden and Christmas. I will be surprised about Christmas. But a UT "insider" who is close to the AAU scene says Christmas is 90% to Baylor.

I think Drew is a good starter and finisher as a recruiter. He has one major hurdle to overcome- putting guys in the NBA. Jerrells might make a roster somewhere (currently with the Spurs). Dunn and Udoh might stick. Perry Jones is a potential NBA star and could take away that objection for Drew in the future.

Oh, I have no doubts about Drew as a recruiter. I meant finisher in terms of getting the program to the next level as a coach.
Oh, I have no doubts about Drew as a recruiter. I meant finisher in terms of getting the program to the next level as a coach.

gotcha- we will find out the next two years. Drew is now the 2nd most tenured big 12 coach. He has brought the program from the ashes. He has assembled good talent. He runs a good program- as far as developing his players physically, mentally and spiritually. We will see if he can take it and keep it at a top six finish in the big12 each year.

It is not in his nature to be a hard-ass. He's the encourager/always positive type. Now John Wooden was that way as well. But Wooden had a unique ability to require accountability and discipline from his players without berating them and going postal on them in practice. Drew will need to demonstrate this ability to get and stay on an elite level.
gotcha- we will find out the next two years. Drew is now the 2nd most tenured big 12 coach. He has brought the program from the ashes. He has assembled good talent. He runs a good program- as far as developing his players physically, mentally and spiritually. We will see if he can take it and keep it at a top six finish in the big12 each year.

It is not in his nature to be a hard-ass. He's the encourager/always positive type. Now John Wooden was that way as well. But Wooden had a unique ability to require accountability and discipline from his players without berating them and going postal on them in practice. Drew will need to demonstrate this ability to get and stay on an elite level.

Yeah, we really forget where the Baylor program has come from. I really think that Baylor will have Top 4 talent in the Big 12 every year if they keep up the recruiting.
Yeah, we really forget where the Baylor program has come from. I really think that Baylor will have Top 4 talent in the Big 12 every year if they keep up the recruiting.

And yet the coaches just picked them to finish 10th in the league.
I wonder how much the coaches REALLY know about other teams at this point? They dont research other Big 12 teams yet, probably dont follow their recruiting, practice reports, etc like we do.

For Baylor, I bet they know Jerrells, Dugat, and Rogers are gone and thats why they got the #10 ranking. They probably know little to nothing about Sekelja, Crump, Udoh, etc..
And yet the coaches just picked them to finish 10th in the league.

Cheno- let's have some fun. Here is what I propose. Everyone knows that Kansas is a lock to finish first as the coaches predict. We don't have to even play the season for that one. And we also know that OU is a lock at 3 or possibly 2 if things fall right...

Baylor on the other hand will probably finish 10th or possibly worse because the coaches polls are usually dead on. So here is what I propose. I'm willing to put up to $10,000- you pick the amount- for charity. You win, I contribute to the charity of your choice. And vice-versa.

You get OU and Kansas. I will take Baylor. You get 2 points if KU and OU finish in their predicted spots. -1 point for every spot that they slide. If OU finishes 2nd, you get 3 points. If Baylor finishes 8, I would get 3 points. Baylor would have to finish higher than that for me to be a lock to win (impossible for a team coached by Drew, right?).

Since you are confident in Drew's inability to coach, it should be an easy bet for you. Baylor may finish 12th which would leave me at -2 points. You win the bet and get the opportunity to publicly humiliate me at every turn. Baylor lost Jerrells, Rogers, Dugat and Diene. Those were four contributors that are irreplaceable and on top of that the big12 conference is much tougher. What say you, Cheno?