I'm sick of OU football the way we are playing it right now. The instant we lost Broyles, we needed to slow things down and we had two weeks to prepare for the remainder of the season. I thought that starting with Baylor, the "smart" play would have been to become more of a physical running team with Millard blocking for Finch, Clay and Williams and then getting Hannah and Stills the ball off of play-action. You saw ONE series of that last night and we went 50 yards pretty quickly. NO defense could recover from 5 turnovers in any event, but going into oSu and trying to out gun them [pun intended] was the height of arrogance and that is exactly what it appeared we thought we were going to do.
The above said, I've got to give it up to Gundy and the staff that he has put together. He has gone from a joke with getting into fights with a limo driver and the "I'm a man, I'm 40" to IMHO a Top 20 coach in the county. Now he was getting "style points" on OU, a team he had never beaten. I respect the way he runs his program and am glad that he has turned the corner. Keep in mind that this is his third offensive coordinator in three years, and they still are excellent...now they are getting a defense that is competitive.
Bottom line: I hope Jones comes back BUT I also hope we see more Blake Bell [sort of like how Meyer handled Florida with Tebow and the kid whose name I can't remember] and play a more physical and deliberate style of football. We have plenty of talent on both sides of the ball to beat up most of the B12, I'd like to have more of a bully mindset on both sides of the ball.
End of rant.