Blake Griffin tricks article


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Feb 11, 2009
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While I don't think the article is completly fare to Blake as he is one of many people in the league, include at times Ibaka and Adams that do these things. It is interesting how Blake does get away with some of this even though the refs surly know he is involved.

I put alot on the refs in theses situations. On the Blake leg grab of Ibaka, it was only after Blake responded to the official did the official give a technical. Was it deserving, probably, but don't wait to call it after a player complains. I can say the same thing on the pump fake from Chris Paul where adams came down on him. The technical was not called until Paul starting talking to the ref.
He called the Tech when Ibaka pulled his foot out. IT split Blake's legs, then the T.
I don't think it should have been a T, but it wasn't a late call.

The call on Paul was after the play. I am not sure it should be a tech, but they don't want contact after a whistle. They blow their whistle then take it out to make the verbal call. Sometimes they have to put it back in.

I thought this story was weak by Darnell. Blake does his things, so do a lot of other people. If they think he is the only one who grabs and hooks on a rebound, they don't watch closely.

He gets away with a lot of that, however he doesn't take shots below the belt or elbows to the face like Ibaka does. Adams is doing what they want. Trying to start something with Blake hoping he will do what Randolph from the Grizz did.

The NBA has become a league of actors. Just look at the illegal screen calls and no calls last game. Run into the outside leg and fall down. If all of those were illegal screens on the Clippers in Game 2, then Perkins should foul out in 6 offensive possessions, even Adams does the Mexican Hat dance when he screens.

Every team does things like this, most inside players push, shove, hook and grab. It is part of the game. I wish you could still hard foul without a review and acting like it was a flagrant foul.

Did they take Ibaka's Tech away? I don't think it should have been called.
He called the Tech when Ibaka pulled his foot out. IT split Blake's legs, then the T.
I don't think it should have been a T, but it wasn't a late call.

The call on Paul was after the play. I am not sure it should be a tech, but they don't want contact after a whistle. They blow their whistle then take it out to make the verbal call. Sometimes they have to put it back in.

I thought this story was weak by Darnell. Blake does his things, so do a lot of other people. If they think he is the only one who grabs and hooks on a rebound, they don't watch closely.

He gets away with a lot of that, however he doesn't take shots below the belt or elbows to the face like Ibaka does. Adams is doing what they want. Trying to start something with Blake hoping he will do what Randolph from the Grizz did.

The NBA has become a league of actors. Just look at the illegal screen calls and no calls last game. Run into the outside leg and fall down. If all of those were illegal screens on the Clippers in Game 2, then Perkins should foul out in 6 offensive possessions, even Adams does the Mexican Hat dance when he screens.

Every team does things like this, most inside players push, shove, hook and grab. It is part of the game. I wish you could still hard foul without a review and acting like it was a flagrant foul.

Did they take Ibaka's Tech away? I don't think it should have been called.

yes every player does hook and grab that plays inside. I think the issue and some would say Adams has gotten away with it to, is that Blake tends to get away scott free. Not sure how you punish or work on some of this, but there was not reason for Blake to hold Ibakas leg like he did, it was after the play and was done to draw a reaction only. Part of that is on Blake. Also earlier this year, Blake has Ibaka arm and starts spinning around. Ibaka pulls his arm out hard and he gets a technical and Matt Barnes comes in and gets a Technical and Blake dosn't. There are alot of people that do these kind of things Blake and Adams do, but they also get called on it sometimes and the article was just talking about at least against the Thunder Blake does not seem to get called on them by the refs.

And according to the rules, Blake using his legs to hold Ibaka could be called a tripping foul and since it was on a dead ball situation it would have been a Technical just like Adams T against Paul was called contact after the play. Not sure I want the Blake thing called like that but that is what happened.
No mention of ibaka's nut shot from last year = shady journalism

Ibaka deffintly has his issues. But there is also a video out there that shows Blake shoving a player into the Goal post (whatever they call it in the NBA) so they both have done stupid things.

Blake is my favorite NBA player to watch(favorite team is the Thunder) , but he does do some stuff that makes me turn my head.
I attended a talk that the head of officials of the WNBA gave last year. I asked to the main difference between the professional game and the college game. She said while the pro players are obviously more talented, the big difference for an official was that the the pro players are much better at disguising the things they do to get around the rules, such as holding jerseys etc. Although she was talking about the women's game, I suspect the same thing applies to the men's game.
Another Thunder article from someone who didn't know the NBA existed until 4 years ago and has no idea how it works.
Another Thunder article from someone who didn't know the NBA existed until 4 years ago and has no idea how it works.

Exactly. This is some clown sports journalism. Any Thunder fan that criticizes Blake for his "tricks" but loves Adams is laughable. If you measure the minutes played versus career incidents Adams would be far worse for his "tricks."

Not to mention Blake is consistently the reciprocal of a bunch of dirty moves all season long. Also, like others have mentioned, the nut shot on Blake by Ibaka is a dirtier move than anything Blake has done, but Thunder fans choose to ignore it.
yes every player does hook and grab that plays inside. I think the issue and some would say Adams has gotten away with it to, is that Blake tends to get away scott free. Not sure how you punish or work on some of this, but there was not reason for Blake to hold Ibakas leg like he did, it was after the play and was done to draw a reaction only. Part of that is on Blake. Also earlier this year, Blake has Ibaka arm and starts spinning around. Ibaka pulls his arm out hard and he gets a technical and Matt Barnes comes in and gets a Technical and Blake dosn't. There are alot of people that do these kind of things Blake and Adams do, but they also get called on it sometimes and the article was just talking about at least against the Thunder Blake does not seem to get called on them by the refs.

And according to the rules, Blake using his legs to hold Ibaka could be called a tripping foul and since it was on a dead ball situation it would have been a Technical just like Adams T against Paul was called contact after the play. Not sure I want the Blake thing called like that but that is what happened.

I agree Blake does things. Just watch in the post, they all hook.

Ibaka hooks a lot too. I think Blake should have been called for holding his leg, not arguing that. But acting like it is a huge deal is laughable.

I agree he does things, however the stuff in this article deserved an entire article and making speculations he is turning it into a slugfest? That is what I thought was dumb.

Blake is a coaches kid, he knows tricks to get things in his favor. He chooses to do them rather than elbow and punch. That is one thing I don't think I have ever seen him do and he could really do some damage with an elbow with his strength. That is something Ibaka does a LOT.

None of the guys are innocent.

As a Blake and Clippers fan, I hope he goes off the rest of the series. Blakes hasn't played well yet, they need him to, to win the series.
Another Thunder article from someone who didn't know the NBA existed until 4 years ago and has no idea how it works.

I think some of it comes from the TV coverage. There are alot more cameras in the areans now then there used to be so you catch things that a few years back you may not have.

I remeber growing up watching MJ and you would only catch the end of a confritation because they did not have a camera on it at the time. Today their is a camera covering all the court all the time.

I know its mind games people like to play with the antics and flops, but I really think they have gone overboard. Both Paul and Westbrock basically fall down on almost every 3 pointer.
I agree Blake does things. Just watch in the post, they all hook.

Ibaka hooks a lot too. I think Blake should have been called for holding his leg, not arguing that. But acting like it is a huge deal is laughable.

I agree he does things, however the stuff in this article deserved an entire article and making speculations he is turning it into a slugfest? That is what I thought was dumb.

Blake is a coaches kid, he knows tricks to get things in his favor. He chooses to do them rather than elbow and punch. That is one thing I don't think I have ever seen him do and he could really do some damage with an elbow with his strength. That is something Ibaka does a LOT.

None of the guys are innocent.

As a Blake and Clippers fan, I hope he goes off the rest of the series. Blakes hasn't played well yet, they need him to, to win the series.

I agree that nothing Blake is doing should result in a slugfest, that was probably the wrong way to go with the article. I could understand saying it may get testy, but that does not mean slugfest. And after what happened to Zach, I would think a whole lot more then then what has gone on from both sides would have to occur.
Another Thunder article from someone who didn't know the NBA existed until 4 years ago and has no idea how it works.
It is a bad article but this crap that you are spewing gets old as well. "Oh I'm a MAvs fan and OKC has only had a team for several years so that means they know nothing about the NBA or bball and I can dismiss every thunder fans opinion b/c they are thunder fans"

When will this BS stop?

Not to mention Blake is consistently the reciprocal of a bunch of dirty moves all season long.
And why do you think that is?

Also, like others have mentioned, the nut shot on Blake by Ibaka is a dirtier move than anything Blake has done, but Thunder fans choose to ignore it.

Nobody from the thunder side ignores it.
That was my thing.

This series has basically been quiet. There have been 7 technicals but mostly complaining, not altercations.

Before Blake trapped his legs, Blake had made sure Ibaka was okay after coming down and running into him on a rebound.

I think Ibaka has envy issues with Blake. Just my thought. The fans liked Blake more even though he played for an opponent.

Serge has gotten much better the last few years though.
Exactly. This is some clown sports journalism. Any Thunder fan that criticizes Blake for his "tricks" but loves Adams is laughable. If you measure the minutes played versus career incidents Adams would be far worse for his "tricks."

Not to mention Blake is consistently the reciprocal of a bunch of dirty moves all season long. Also, like others have mentioned, the nut shot on Blake by Ibaka is a dirtier move than anything Blake has done, but Thunder fans choose to ignore it.

What specificly can you say adams has done. Zach Randolph even said he was just pushing him and getting in his way when running down the court. I am not saying Adams is innocent, but I have not seen alot from Adams asside from some hard pushing, hard bumps, and deffinitly some fouling that was not called. (I did see him wipe his face on someones elbow pad, that was strange.) But that is a far cry from some actions of other players mentioned such as the nut shot.

Not to mention Blake is consistently the reciprocal of a bunch of dirty moves all season long. - Same can be said about Adams.
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It is a bad article but this crap that you are spewing gets old as well. "Oh I'm a MAvs fan and OKC has only had a team for several years so that means they know nothing about the NBA or bball and I can dismiss every thunder fans opinion b/c they are thunder fans"

When will this BS stop?

And why do you think that is?

Nobody from the thunder side ignores it.

Blake does his fair share of things and takes shots. I personally think he needs to do what Karl Malone said next year.

He gets his stuff in, however he never punches or elbows like the others who can't control their anger.
What specificly can you say adams has done. Zach Randolph even said he was just pushing him and getting in his way when running down the court. I am not saying Adams is innocent, but I have not seen alot from Adams asside from some hard pushing, hard bumps, and deffinitly some fouling that was not called. (I did see him wipe his face on someones elbow pad, that was strange.) But that is a far cry from some actions of other players mentioned such as the nut shot.

Not to mention Blake is consistently the reciprocal of a bunch of dirty moves all season long. - Same can be said about Adams.

I've seen one or two elbows above the shoulders but nothign too bad
What specificly can you say adams has done. Zach Randolph even said he was just pushing him and getting in his way when running down the court. I am not saying Adams is innocent, but I have not seen alot from Adams asside from some hard pushing, hard bumps, and deffinitly some fouling that was not called. (I did see him wipe his face on someones elbow pad, that was strange.) But that is a far cry from some actions of other players mentioned such as the nut shot.

He instigates contact when plays are off. HE did it the last game with Blake, then acted like Blake killed him with the shove.

I think he has been instructed to try and get under Blake's skin. Usually he doesn't even flinch when he is hit in the face. This time he flies over to the side???

He likes to instigates bumps and shoves when no one is looking. He hasn't taken a shot at anyone or the nut shots though. He is a lot like Perkins, just annoying and has to do these things because that is all they bring to the game.

Do what you can do and do it well. That is what he is doing. It isn't accidental as Anthony Slater from the Oklahoman has said before. He knows what he is doing too.
He is a lot like Perkins, just annoying and has to do these things because that is all they bring to the game.

that isn't all they bring obviously. Blake does the same things and obviously he brings more than that