Bobby Knight just said...

His statement was "obviously" an opinion and Brent was asking Bobby why he thought the game was over and he responded accordingly. I would think he knows the game of basketball and I highly doubt that he thought the teams would be allowed to call it a game "just" because a foul was called. The group of people watching the game along with myself understood what he was saying for it was that obvious. You know life is fun at least for me when I don't need someone holding my hand so everything is explained in an explicit manner. Now I really could care less if you understand it or not but could you please show some respect to the other posters who knew exactly what he was saying as well.

i didn't know i was disrespecting anyone. thanks though. u don't have to be a bob knight
I have not really liked Knight as a person because of his arrogance.

But the man knows the game and I agree with most of his commentary. If he had a personality he would have been maybe the best coach ever. He just got so difficult the good players left the state of Indiana in droves.

His right about the ball fakes and pump fakes and about the impatience and ill-advised shots.

I will give him credit. He was hard on several players but he gave them credit when they made good plays, especially Warren.

I know many of you don't like him because of his attitude toward OU when he was at Tech. But I think he was very fair to OU last night.
I thought he was more than fair too.

And the fact that he kept bringing up the pump fake was becuase if guys would have utilized it on several occassions, they would have had wide open shots based on the sloppy defense being played on the perimeter.

I bet Knight goes crazy watching how piss-poor defense is now, guys are so out of position and flailing to recover. LOL.