Cheap Shot on Blake.

If it was an obvious cheap shot, why was he not kicked out?

The refs either didn't think it was intentional or they knew it was intentional but didn't kick him out because the the crap that blake does all game.

you decide

On a lighter note, I hear Serge is looking for a publicist, if you're interested. :ez-laugh:
Blake gives as good as he gets. You can take liberties with the rules without cheap shots. Ask Perkins. Blake did not deservce the swat to the nads, but a good knock down to the floor would have been sufficient.
Blake gives as good as he gets. You can take liberties with the rules without cheap shots. Ask Perkins. Blake did not deservce the swat to the nads, but a good knock down to the floor would have been sufficient.

Like I said, the opposing player should be physical to BG, and that is OK, but hitting in the nads is not OK.
If it was an obvious cheap shot, why was he not kicked out?

The refs either didn't think it was intentional or they knew it was intentional but didn't kick him out because the the crap that blake does all game.

you decide

You sound like my son. :facepalm

Everytime he gets in trouble the excuse is "all my friends do it" or "everybody else is doing it". He thinks if everybody else does it, then that makes it OK.

So, because a ref didn't think it was intentional then by all means that means it wasn't.

Just like Stanberry's INT vs Texas. The official didn't think it was an INT, so he ruled it out of bounds, but it clearly was an interception. Or like the Oregon football game or the foul on Pledger vs Texas.
You sound like my son. :facepalm

Everytime he gets in trouble the excuse is "all my friends do it" or "everybody else is doing it". He thinks if everybody else does it, then that makes it OK.

So, because a ref didn't think it was intentional then by all means that means it wasn't.

Just like Stanberry's INT vs Texas. The official didn't think it was an INT, so he ruled it out of bounds, but it clearly was an interception. Or like the Oregon football game or the foul on Pledger vs Texas.

Multiple officials with multiple replays.

If you think my defense is "everybody is doing it" you need to reread the thread or go back to school
blake was fouling serge (clearly holding/pulling his jersey) and serge tried to rip away .. he was looking at the rim it was a F1 and it is unlikely that he gets suspended

Unless I am blind, Serge is holding Blake's wrist, let's go, and hits Blake in the twig and berries.

No matter how physical someone is (whether within or outside of the rules) there is no excuse or justification for hitting below the belt or elbowing someone to the face. Period.
No matter how physical someone is (whether within or outside of the rules) there is no excuse or justification for purposely hitting below the belt or elbowing someone to the face. Period.

I think he did it on purpose.

My whole point is that if he did it on purpose and if it is obvious like others say, tgen why wasn't it a flagrant 2?
USC was physical, but Morgan State was a bodyslam.

Lots of games that year where the other team got really physical with Blake. That Moses dude at OSU cheapshotted him in 2 separate games.

Remember when he got concussed against Tejas? Dude was jackhammering him in the back of the head all night.
I just saw this play and you've got to be kidding me. They should have tossed him right there.
I generally like Serge and root for the Thunder, but OKC got away with that one and they shouldnt have.

HOW could it be anything but intentional? It's not like the body movement he was making served any purpose other than to punch Blake in the nuts. Damn straight it was intentional and he deserves to be suspended.

Personally, I am sick people saying that players such as Blake and (in the past) Shaq "deserve" what they are getting. Those 2 are/were so physically dominating that it seems like they are throwing the opposition around. Sure - sometimes they are. But overall thats not the case. Their opponents try to get physical with them and that means beating the crap out of them. Daily. Shaq always had bruises - same as Blake does now and it's NOT because he's "getting away with stuff himself".
Multiple officials with multiple replays.

If you think my defense is "everybody is doing it" you need to reread the thread or go back to school

Reading comprehension a struggle for you, huh?

No, I said your defense of "the refs didn't think it was intentional" doesn't make it ok.

I just watched it a few times on youtube. Serge is on the side of Blake leaned up against him and I can't read Ibaka's mind but I'm thinking he was trying to knock his arm down and just as he swiped down Blake moved his arm and Serge's hand was unimpeded to Blake's package. I could totally be wrong but he would have to have incredible aim from that angle and not even looking to hit Blake right square in the package like that. I don't think Serge is known as a dirty player so I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on this one.
Well, there you go mods. Next time bounce gets out of hand, nut crack him and he'll thank you for it because he deserved it. :ez-laugh:
I have a 3 second video of a cheap shot by Ibaka in one of the earlier games. I just don't know how to upload it here.