Cheap Shot on Blake.

Ibaka Fined but not suspended. They make it a level II though. Not sure why he was not suspended with the increase to level II.
I dont think OKC is a group of thugs at all.

They HAVE been whining a lot more this season. I'd sure like to see that go away. But I'd never go so far as to call them thugs.

As a matter of fact - my nephew got a picture of himself with Perkins at the 7-11 a few weeks ago and Perk was SMILING!
I dont think OKC is a group of thugs at all.

They HAVE been whining a lot more this season. I'd sure like to see that go away. But I'd never go so far as to call them thugs.

As a matter of fact - my nephew got a picture of himself with Perkins at the 7-11 a few weeks ago and Perk was SMILING!

Perkins smiled??? Gotta be kidding me! I didn't think that was possible. :)

Blake's comments on Ibaka not being suspended, I agree with his stance. I think it will take him punching someone for this to stop but that's just me.
I think it will take him punching someone for this to stop but that's just me.

I think it would be righteous for Blake to just lay someone the F out. As big as that kid is I bet he could knock them back 10 feet with one punch.

I wonder what Tommy has told him to do?
I wonder if Sooner would Bounce if dropped on his nuts. :ez-laugh:
Serge should have been ejected on the spot, dirty play. Really curious why he is playing tonight, but lets be honest, it isn't that difficult to figure out. I say this as a Thunder fan btw.

As for BG, he plays very physical underneath...especially on rebounds. He gets a way with a lot of contact, but that is not his fault. Bottom line, if it is illegal then a ref needs to put a whistle on it. His two monster dunks last year on Pau Gasol in the same game were illegal plays...but its exciting to watch so it gets a pass.
To hear some of you guys talk, I would expect that Ibaka did this to Blake

Both teams were going after each other the whole game and the refs were letting both sides play. Ibaka lost his cool when Blake grabbed his jersey and pulled so hard that back #9 was in the front.Serge went to knock his arm loose and ended up hitting him in the groin/inner thigh area. No different than Longar hitting the Tech player in the nose. Longar wasn't trying to hit the Tech player (unless you ask Bobby Knight) but it was an unfortunate consequence of Longar's actions. Did you all consider Longar a thug because of this?
that excuse doesnt even come close to describing what happened. Serge hit him in the groin. intentionally. period.

all of this other "explanation" crap is just that - crap. I swear some people ...
that excuse doesnt even come close to describing what happened. Serge hit him in the groin. intentionally. period.

all of this other "explanation" crap is just that - crap. I swear some people ...

I don't get it! How anyone can explain this action away is beyond me. The only argument I can somewhat see is that Ibaka was trying to punch him in the gut and not the groin but even that's a stretch.
I don't get it! How anyone can explain this action away is beyond me. The only argument I can somewhat see is that Ibaka was trying to punch him in the gut and not the groin but even that's a stretch.

Huh? So hitting his arm is totally out the question but going for his gut is? :facepalm
Huh? So hitting his arm is totally out the question but going for his gut is? :facepalm

I'm growing tired of this argument but I'll add one more point. You don't "punch" someone’s arms out of the way you either make a chopping motions or rake across their arms to move them away. He purposely cocked his arm back and punched him. Now if that was supposed to be in his gut or his nuts that can be debated. Of course this is just my opinion.
that excuse doesnt even come close to describing what happened. Serge hit him in the groin. intentionally. period.

all of this other "explanation" crap is just that - crap. I swear some people ...

I think it was intentional but I'm not 100% positive. There is a chance he was going to knock his arm away
What this replay. i think it was intentional.

I do doubt if he actually hit his junk though
