Cheap Shot on Blake.

Perkins response in the story is mind-numbing.

Either way you don't hit a dude in the package, and if you do it on accident you apologize profusely, not wonder why a foul got called.
Cheap shot by Ibaka.
I sure hope Westbrook's whiny spoiled little child bit isn't rubbing off on the rest of the Thunder.
I generally like Serge and root for the Thunder, but OKC got away with that one and they shouldnt have.

HOW could it be anything but intentional? It's not like the body movement he was making served any purpose other than to punch Blake in the nuts. Damn straight it was intentional and he deserves to be suspended.

Personally, I am sick people saying that players such as Blake and (in the past) Shaq "deserve" what they are getting. Those 2 are/were so physically dominating that it seems like they are throwing the opposition around. Sure - sometimes they are. But overall thats not the case. Their opponents try to get physical with them and that means beating the crap out of them. Daily. Shaq always had bruises - same as Blake does now and it's NOT because he's "getting away with stuff himself".

Nobody said he deserves to get hit in the nuts.

But lol at the rest of your post. Lol"seems like throwing "
Well, there you go mods. Next time bounce gets out of hand, nut crack him and he'll thank you for it because he deserved it. :ez-laugh:

You need to go back to school with bob. Never said he deserved it
I just watched it a few times on youtube. Serge is on the side of Blake leaned up against him and I can't read Ibaka's mind but I'm thinking he was trying to knock his arm down and just as he swiped down Blake moved his arm and Serge's hand was unimpeded to Blake's package. I could totally be wrong but he would have to have incredible aim from that angle and not even looking to hit Blake right square in the package like that. I don't think Serge is known as a dirty player so I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on this one.

Dunno. If it was incidental then it was perfectly incidental. It looked like a laser guided shot to me.

If Ibaka played for the Knicks would he be getting the benefit of the doubt?
uhm, yes they did say that.

Yes, he did.

Just as bad, is his assertion that Blake is a "dirty player" but I don't recall Blake hitting the opposing players in the nuts. Blake is very physical and his motor goes 100% all the time. Most NBA players don't play 100% all the time, they take plays off even the big guys.

Like I said earlier, there is a big difference in physical play and dirty play. BG from what I've seen has never crossed the line, while most all others cross it when they are playing him.

I'd love to see the OKC fans boo Serge at the next home game, but I doubt it happens. Too many Thunder fans are not OU basketball fans, so they probably don't know BG even played at OU or that he's a local kid. Had that been Sam Bradford, then Ibaka would be on the next plane out of OKC...
Yes, he did.

Just as bad, is his assertion that Blake is a "dirty player" but I don't recall Blake hitting the opposing players in the nuts. Blake is very physical and his motor goes 100% all the time. Most NBA players don't play 100% all the time, they take plays off even the big guys.

Like I said earlier, there is a big difference in physical play and dirty play. BG from what I've seen has never crossed the line, while most all others cross it when they are playing him.

I'd love to see the OKC fans boo Serge at the next home game, but I doubt it happens. Too many Thunder fans are not OU basketball fans, so they probably don't know BG even played at OU or that he's a local kid. Had that been Sam Bradford, then Ibaka would be on the next plane out of OKC...

give me a break
Thugs and whiners? Do those words even go together?

Kevin Durant is a thug? Russell Westbrook is a thug? Kendrick Perkins (considered one of the nicest guys in the league) is a thug (he plays hard but off the court he is a gentle giant).

I don't get this statement. I don't think any of the the Thunder Players have gang backgrounds, criminal records or anything that would merit calling them thugs. Tony Allen is a thug, Latrell Spreewell was a thug. There have been many in the NBA but most are not.
It was a cheap shot and Ibaka should have been tossed.

Things happen in the heat of the moment, Serge just lost his cool. He and BG were going at it all night, give and take.

But Serge crossed the line big time.

He should be suspended one game.

I'm as big a Thunder fan as anyone but to say he didn't do it on purpose is total denial, imo.
Yes, he did.

Just as bad, is his assertion that Blake is a "dirty player" but I don't recall Blake hitting the opposing players in the nuts. Blake is very physical and his motor goes 100% all the time. Most NBA players don't play 100% all the time, they take plays off even the big guys.

Like I said earlier, there is a big difference in physical play and dirty play. BG from what I've seen has never crossed the line, while most all others cross it when they are playing him.

I'd love to see the OKC fans boo Serge at the next home game, but I doubt it happens. Too many Thunder fans are not OU basketball fans, so they probably don't know BG even played at OU or that he's a local kid. Had that been Sam Bradford, then Ibaka would be on the next plane out of OKC...

damn you clownin son
I was making fun of you. Of course he did it on purpose. The Thunder are a bunch of thugs and whiners. Of course most of the NBA is.

whiners sure. Thugs? No. Perkins is the only one that should be considered a thug
Yes, he did.

Just as bad, is his assertion that Blake is a "dirty player" but I don't recall Blake hitting the opposing players in the nuts. Blake is very physical and his motor goes 100% all the time. Most NBA players don't play 100% all the time, they take plays off even the big guys.

Like I said earlier, there is a big difference in physical play and dirty play. BG from what I've seen has never crossed the line, while most all others cross it when they are playing him.

I'd love to see the OKC fans boo Serge at the next home game, but I doubt it happens. Too many Thunder fans are not OU basketball fans, so they probably don't know BG even played at OU or that he's a local kid. Had that been Sam Bradford, then Ibaka would be on the next plane out of OKC...

Ibaka should have been tossed. I am a thunder fan, but Blake is my favorite player to watch due to his OU ties. But Blake has a habit of shoving opposing players after his team has made a basket acting like he was working for the reboud. He shoved Perkins in the back of the head. Looked pretty bad, but was it intentional? Perkins could have had a neck injury from it. Does that mean Blake is a dirty player? I say no, but if you are going to push the rules, you will make some people mad.