Coale love and hate

Oliver Hardy

Active member
Nov 24, 2010
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I have never met Sherri Coale. We've been at a few functions together, but I never chatted her up. I have chatted with former recruits, players and athletic department officials, however.

So, here's the deal: I have a love-hate relationship with Sherri -- and the OUWBB program -- at this point.

Watching Sherri Saturday night as she bit her lip, cast her eyes down and shook her head in frustration -- and in shame, in my opinion -- over our performance, I felt so sorry for coach and felt like we fans had somehow contributed to this season and this mess. I wanted to have some answers to offer Sherri.

Saturday night was one of those nights I loved Sherri Coale -- and there have been many.

I find her to be an example of what you see is what you get, while at the same time being an enigma. I am proud to have her as our coach.

As a role model coach, Sherri seems to be the entire package. Hard-nosed, but lady-like, sincere, a mentor and leader, a mother-confessor and a task master. She is perfect for OU, or any program really. From a distance she is an outstanding human being and from talking to people who interact with her, she is truly wonderful. Great coach. Highly motivated to bring the best product to the floor. Seeks to turn out better, more complete, individuals than basketball players.

In short, Sherri is the entire package, and athletic director's dream and a fan base's best girl.

Saturday night, I also hated Sherri Coale. I blamed her for the lousy focus, poor play, bad decisions, lack of intensity. We are 22-9, but the reality is this is an average team barely. If it's a big game, 9 times out of 10 we get kicked.

I wanted Sherri chewing out her players, stomping her foot, lecturing, benching people (which she finally did). I thought, how can such a great coach and person turn this kind of mess out.

It's easy to say it's just her or it's just the players. However, it was definitely the players Saturday night. Just an horrific performance, but that, in essence means it's Sherri's faulty too.

So Saturday night, I hated Sherri and what seems like her milk-toast staff. I was really angry at a senior/experience-laden team that turned in a performance more akin to a grade-school church league team than a history-laden D-1 basketball program.

Now, still living in my love/hate Sherri and OUWBB world, this is what, in as short a monologue as I can make it, WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE, IMO.

FTR, I don't know if Sherri or anyone would have the guts to do a couple of these thing:

1. Sherri must change herself. She must recruit hard, whether she likes it or not. She must play the AAU game up to the point that she just can't live with herself any longer -- until that system of corruption is reformed. She has to recommit herself to a herculean effort. I believe she began that effort two seasons ago and we will see this improve next year and the year after, as we have this year. She has to leave her comfort zone -- the zone that says I'm golden, I've been her 20 years and I'm gonna slide now. Every veteran, tenured coach falls into that trap. It's impossible to avoid in any profession after 20 years.

2. Sherri must change the type of of player she is recruiting hard and is willing to accept. You need players with an edge. Players like Buddy Hield, in the gym when they are awake, players who live and die basketball. Sherri's number one job is to recruit, build and present a championship team. It's to do nothing else first. Building solid citizens comes 2nd. It has too. You want fire and desire, talent and determination. Most of our players have no fire and little desire that manifests itself on the court. Their a bunch of middle-class, no-trouble kids. Twenty years ago I would have said they are a bunch of middle-class snotty white girls, but race has nothing to do with this.

Doing this means Sherri might have to deal with kids who have personal problems, tough home lives or who operate on the edge, kids who will challenge her and her rules. Those are the best players. Well, that's just life and why she gets $1.2 million a year. If she won't recruit, then go do something else. While Bible study and turning out fine young women is laudable, that's not the goal. Winning championships and building women are not mutually exclusive, one has to be put before the other, however. Frankly, I'm worn out with the battle over which comes first. Sherri, without a doubt, has a type of player she is willing to get -- a strong family, goody-two shoes, middle class American girl. That hasn't always been the case and there are plenty of girls Sherri took a chance on, kids like Amanda Thompson and other. We were best when we had that kind of kid. Hell, I think D-Rob was that kind of person. We need that kind of kid again.

3. She's got to shake up her staff. Chad has to go, frankly her best friend has to go. Only keep Acosta if and only if, she's going to bring in some great players right away. A clean house, frankly, would be the best thing for this program.

4. Joe C. has to throw down the gauntlet. He has to say to Sherri, we are losing money big time again. We aren't winning championships, hell, we barely compete in big games. Not acceptable. Change or retire and for goodness sake, don't make me fire you. If you want to move to teaching and motivating in a different place in this university, fine, you are family who is to be honored. But it is no longer acceptable.

5. Sherri needs to somehow increase defensive intensity and go to more man, although our defense was probably the best it's been in years this year.

6. The new offense needs to be scrapped. It's not any better than the last one.

There it is. Why I love/hate Sherri Coale. I want her to bring back the glory she gave this program. I want her to change, something this old man knows isn't easy to do. However, I'm pretty sure pride and $1.1 million per year would make me change, especially if it came down to possibly losing the gravy train.

As for the players, let me say, I'm glad these seniors are graduating. They simply aren't very good. Not one of them is as big a disappointment as Peyton Little has been. There's a reason she couldn't get on the floor at A&M and we've seen it the last two years.

Frankly, (and this is where I give some of you a heart attack), I wish Maddie would not come back. She isn't a leader, she isn't that great and she disappears when it counts more. No clearer picture of what Maddie is and isn't exists than the first play of the WVU game and the subsequent foul. She's isn't going to lead us to any level of greatness or competitiveness, so it's time to move on. We need the scholarship for a better player. Now, it also doesn't bother me if she stays another year -- but, and this is a big but -- she should be coming off the bench. She is not the starting player type,

Mulkey, this girl is one year away from being a bust or big-time. If she is anywhere but the gym, the film and weight room over the next six months, then she's going to turn into another famous Sherri bust. She simply must develop the drive and determination to be great. I have no idea what she will do.

Vivi just needs to become better aware of what to do when she is double and triple-teamed.

Gabbi, just be consistent and shooting. You can be great. Just be consistent.

I have hopes for this team, Sherri and the program over the next two years. I give Sherri two years. If she hasn't changed herself and this team by then, then I'm moving over to soccer and softball. In fact, I'm already moving to softball as a balm for our WBB performance the last couple of years.

Light me up or whatever. I am depressed and confused about this squad and Sherri and I so want them to be truly competitive again and they just aren't.
Good post.

I think we're in the top 20-30 right now....but that is miles from where we were six or seven years ago. I imagine the administration will have to make some tough choices when it comes to money spent and dollars brought in.

I'm a little higher on Manning than you. She seems like the best basketball "player" on the team.
I have never met Sherri Coale. We've been at a few functions together, but I never chatted her up. I have chatted with former recruits, players and athletic department officials, however.

So, here's the deal: I have a love-hate relationship with Sherri -- and the OUWBB program -- at this point.

Watching Sherri Saturday night as she bit her lip, cast her eyes down and shook her head in frustration -- and in shame, in my opinion -- over our performance, I felt so sorry for coach and felt like we fans had somehow contributed to this season and this mess. I wanted to have some answers to offer Sherri.

Saturday night was one of those nights I loved Sherri Coale -- and there have been many.

I find her to be an example of what you see is what you get, while at the same time being an enigma. I am proud to have her as our coach.

As a role model coach, Sherri seems to be the entire package. Hard-nosed, but lady-like, sincere, a mentor and leader, a mother-confessor and a task master. She is perfect for OU, or any program really. From a distance she is an outstanding human being and from talking to people who interact with her, she is truly wonderful. Great coach. Highly motivated to bring the best product to the floor. Seeks to turn out better, more complete, individuals than basketball players.

In short, Sherri is the entire package, and athletic director's dream and a fan base's best girl.

Saturday night, I also hated Sherri Coale. I blamed her for the lousy focus, poor play, bad decisions, lack of intensity. We are 22-9, but the reality is this is an average team barely. If it's a big game, 9 times out of 10 we get kicked.

I wanted Sherri chewing out her players, stomping her foot, lecturing, benching people (which she finally did). I thought, how can such a great coach and person turn this kind of mess out.

It's easy to say it's just her or it's just the players. However, it was definitely the players Saturday night. Just an horrific performance, but that, in essence means it's Sherri's faulty too.

So Saturday night, I hated Sherri and what seems like her milk-toast staff. I was really angry at a senior/experience-laden team that turned in a performance more akin to a grade-school church league team than a history-laden D-1 basketball program.

Now, still living in my love/hate Sherri and OUWBB world, this is what, in as short a monologue as I can make it, WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE, IMO.

FTR, I don't know if Sherri or anyone would have the guts to do a couple of these thing:

1. Sherri must change herself. She must recruit hard, whether she likes it or not. She must play the AAU game up to the point that she just can't live with herself any longer -- until that system of corruption is reformed. She has to recommit herself to a herculean effort. I believe she began that effort two seasons ago and we will see this improve next year and the year after, as we have this year. She has to leave her comfort zone -- the zone that says I'm golden, I've been her 20 years and I'm gonna slide now. Every veteran, tenured coach falls into that trap. It's impossible to avoid in any profession after 20 years.

2. Sherri must change the type of of player she is recruiting hard and is willing to accept. You need players with an edge. Players like Buddy Hield, in the gym when they are awake, players who live and die basketball. Sherri's number one job is to recruit, build and present a championship team. It's to do nothing else first. Building solid citizens comes 2nd. It has too. You want fire and desire, talent and determination. Most of our players have no fire and little desire that manifests itself on the court. Their a bunch of middle-class, no-trouble kids. Twenty years ago I would have said they are a bunch of middle-class snotty white girls, but race has nothing to do with this.

Doing this means Sherri might have to deal with kids who have personal problems, tough home lives or who operate on the edge, kids who will challenge her and her rules. Those are the best players. Well, that's just life and why she gets $1.2 million a year. If she won't recruit, then go do something else. While Bible study and turning out fine young women is laudable, that's not the goal. Winning championships and building women are not mutually exclusive, one has to be put before the other, however. Frankly, I'm worn out with the battle over which comes first. Sherri, without a doubt, has a type of player she is willing to get -- a strong family, goody-two shoes, middle class American girl. That hasn't always been the case and there are plenty of girls Sherri took a chance on, kids like Amanda Thompson and other. We were best when we had that kind of kid. Hell, I think D-Rob was that kind of person. We need that kind of kid again.

3. She's got to shake up her staff. Chad has to go, frankly her best friend has to go. Only keep Acosta if and only if, she's going to bring in some great players right away. A clean house, frankly, would be the best thing for this program.

4. Joe C. has to throw down the gauntlet. He has to say to Sherri, we are losing money big time again. We aren't winning championships, hell, we barely compete in big games. Not acceptable. Change or retire and for goodness sake, don't make me fire you. If you want to move to teaching and motivating in a different place in this university, fine, you are family who is to be honored. But it is no longer acceptable.

5. Sherri needs to somehow increase defensive intensity and go to more man, although our defense was probably the best it's been in years this year.

6. The new offense needs to be scrapped. It's not any better than the last one.

There it is. Why I love/hate Sherri Coale. I want her to bring back the glory she gave this program. I want her to change, something this old man knows isn't easy to do. However, I'm pretty sure pride and $1.1 million per year would make me change, especially if it came down to possibly losing the gravy train.

As for the players, let me say, I'm glad these seniors are graduating. They simply aren't very good. Not one of them is as big a disappointment as Peyton Little has been. There's a reason she couldn't get on the floor at A&M and we've seen it the last two years.

Frankly, (and this is where I give some of you a heart attack), I wish Maddie would not come back. She isn't a leader, she isn't that great and she disappears when it counts more. No clearer picture of what Maddie is and isn't exists than the first play of the WVU game and the subsequent foul. She's isn't going to lead us to any level of greatness or competitiveness, so it's time to move on. We need the scholarship for a better player. Now, it also doesn't bother me if she stays another year -- but, and this is a big but -- she should be coming off the bench. She is not the starting player type,

Mulkey, this girl is one year away from being a bust or big-time. If she is anywhere but the gym, the film and weight room over the next six months, then she's going to turn into another famous Sherri bust. She simply must develop the drive and determination to be great. I have no idea what she will do.

Vivi just needs to become better aware of what to do when she is double and triple-teamed.

Gabbi, just be consistent and shooting. You can be great. Just be consistent.

I have hopes for this team, Sherri and the program over the next two years. I give Sherri two years. If she hasn't changed herself and this team by then, then I'm moving over to soccer and softball. In fact, I'm already moving to softball as a balm for our WBB performance the last couple of years.

Light me up or whatever. I am depressed and confused about this squad and Sherri and I so want them to be truly competitive again and they just aren't.

Some of what you said is spot on. Other parts are simply not fair. The comment below, I take enormous exception to.

"Doing this means Sherri might have to deal with kids who have personal problems, tough home lives or who operate on the edge, kids who will challenge her and her rules. Those are the best players. Well, that's just life and why she gets $1.2 million a year. If she won't recruit, then go do something else. While Bible study and turning out fine young women is laudable, that's not the goal."

Do you think Dungee's personal story was one of great fortune? We've had two recruits in the last few years have their house burned down. Does that qualify as a tough home life?

How about Vivi? You think recruiting a kid from a foreign country was going out on a limb?

I think you have some other really good points. I truly do. However, I would be careful throwing out comments like this. Nobody on this board really knows what those players have gone through in their lives or how difficult of a home life they've had. To pretend like Sherri Coale only recruits players who come from stable income homes and have attended church every Sunday for the last 20 years is probably not even close to reality. They all have their own story and have all had to overcome all sorts of obstacles.
Some of what you said is spot on. Other parts are simply not fair. The comment below, I take enormous exception to.

"Doing this means Sherri might have to deal with kids who have personal problems, tough home lives or who operate on the edge, kids who will challenge her and her rules. Those are the best players. Well, that's just life and why she gets $1.2 million a year. If she won't recruit, then go do something else. While Bible study and turning out fine young women is laudable, that's not the goal."

Do you think Dungee's personal story was one of great fortune? We've had two recruits in the last few years have their house burned down. Does that qualify as a tough home life?

How about Vivi? You think recruiting a kid from a foreign country was going out on a limb?

I think you have some other really good points. I truly do. However, I would be careful throwing out comments like this. Nobody on this board really knows what those players have gone through in their lives or how difficult of a home life they've had. To pretend like Sherri Coale only recruits players who come from stable income homes and have attended church every Sunday for the last 20 years is probably not even close to reality. They all have their own story and have all had to overcome all sorts of obstacles.

Thank you!
I have never met Sherri Coale. We've been at a few functions together, but I never chatted her up. I have chatted with former recruits, players and athletic department officials, however.

So, here's the deal: I have a love-hate relationship with Sherri -- and the OUWBB program -- at this point.

Watching Sherri Saturday night as she bit her lip, cast her eyes down and shook her head in frustration -- and in shame, in my opinion -- over our performance, I felt so sorry for coach and felt like we fans had somehow contributed to this season and this mess. I wanted to have some answers to offer Sherri.

Saturday night was one of those nights I loved Sherri Coale -- and there have been many.

I find her to be an example of what you see is what you get, while at the same time being an enigma. I am proud to have her as our coach.

As a role model coach, Sherri seems to be the entire package. Hard-nosed, but lady-like, sincere, a mentor and leader, a mother-confessor and a task master. She is perfect for OU, or any program really. From a distance she is an outstanding human being and from talking to people who interact with her, she is truly wonderful. Great coach. Highly motivated to bring the best product to the floor. Seeks to turn out better, more complete, individuals than basketball players.

In short, Sherri is the entire package, and athletic director's dream and a fan base's best girl.

Saturday night, I also hated Sherri Coale. I blamed her for the lousy focus, poor play, bad decisions, lack of intensity. We are 22-9, but the reality is this is an average team barely. If it's a big game, 9 times out of 10 we get kicked.

I wanted Sherri chewing out her players, stomping her foot, lecturing, benching people (which she finally did). I thought, how can such a great coach and person turn this kind of mess out.

It's easy to say it's just her or it's just the players. However, it was definitely the players Saturday night. Just an horrific performance, but that, in essence means it's Sherri's faulty too.

So Saturday night, I hated Sherri and what seems like her milk-toast staff. I was really angry at a senior/experience-laden team that turned in a performance more akin to a grade-school church league team than a history-laden D-1 basketball program.

Now, still living in my love/hate Sherri and OUWBB world, this is what, in as short a monologue as I can make it, WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE, IMO.

FTR, I don't know if Sherri or anyone would have the guts to do a couple of these thing:

1. Sherri must change herself. She must recruit hard, whether she likes it or not. She must play the AAU game up to the point that she just can't live with herself any longer -- until that system of corruption is reformed. She has to recommit herself to a herculean effort. I believe she began that effort two seasons ago and we will see this improve next year and the year after, as we have this year. She has to leave her comfort zone -- the zone that says I'm golden, I've been her 20 years and I'm gonna slide now. Every veteran, tenured coach falls into that trap. It's impossible to avoid in any profession after 20 years.

2. Sherri must change the type of of player she is recruiting hard and is willing to accept. You need players with an edge. Players like Buddy Hield, in the gym when they are awake, players who live and die basketball. Sherri's number one job is to recruit, build and present a championship team. It's to do nothing else first. Building solid citizens comes 2nd. It has too. You want fire and desire, talent and determination. Most of our players have no fire and little desire that manifests itself on the court. Their a bunch of middle-class, no-trouble kids. Twenty years ago I would have said they are a bunch of middle-class snotty white girls, but race has nothing to do with this.

Doing this means Sherri might have to deal with kids who have personal problems, tough home lives or who operate on the edge, kids who will challenge her and her rules. Those are the best players. Well, that's just life and why she gets $1.2 million a year. If she won't recruit, then go do something else. While Bible study and turning out fine young women is laudable, that's not the goal. Winning championships and building women are not mutually exclusive, one has to be put before the other, however. Frankly, I'm worn out with the battle over which comes first. Sherri, without a doubt, has a type of player she is willing to get -- a strong family, goody-two shoes, middle class American girl. That hasn't always been the case and there are plenty of girls Sherri took a chance on, kids like Amanda Thompson and other. We were best when we had that kind of kid. Hell, I think D-Rob was that kind of person. We need that kind of kid again.

3. She's got to shake up her staff. Chad has to go, frankly her best friend has to go. Only keep Acosta if and only if, she's going to bring in some great players right away. A clean house, frankly, would be the best thing for this program.

4. Joe C. has to throw down the gauntlet. He has to say to Sherri, we are losing money big time again. We aren't winning championships, hell, we barely compete in big games. Not acceptable. Change or retire and for goodness sake, don't make me fire you. If you want to move to teaching and motivating in a different place in this university, fine, you are family who is to be honored. But it is no longer acceptable.

5. Sherri needs to somehow increase defensive intensity and go to more man, although our defense was probably the best it's been in years this year.

6. The new offense needs to be scrapped. It's not any better than the last one.

There it is. Why I love/hate Sherri Coale. I want her to bring back the glory she gave this program. I want her to change, something this old man knows isn't easy to do. However, I'm pretty sure pride and $1.1 million per year would make me change, especially if it came down to possibly losing the gravy train.

As for the players, let me say, I'm glad these seniors are graduating. They simply aren't very good. Not one of them is as big a disappointment as Peyton Little has been. There's a reason she couldn't get on the floor at A&M and we've seen it the last two years.

Frankly, (and this is where I give some of you a heart attack), I wish Maddie would not come back. She isn't a leader, she isn't that great and she disappears when it counts more. No clearer picture of what Maddie is and isn't exists than the first play of the WVU game and the subsequent foul. She's isn't going to lead us to any level of greatness or competitiveness, so it's time to move on. We need the scholarship for a better player. Now, it also doesn't bother me if she stays another year -- but, and this is a big but -- she should be coming off the bench. She is not the starting player type,

Mulkey, this girl is one year away from being a bust or big-time. If she is anywhere but the gym, the film and weight room over the next six months, then she's going to turn into another famous Sherri bust. She simply must develop the drive and determination to be great. I have no idea what she will do.

Vivi just needs to become better aware of what to do when she is double and triple-teamed.

Gabbi, just be consistent and shooting. You can be great. Just be consistent.

I have hopes for this team, Sherri and the program over the next two years. I give Sherri two years. If she hasn't changed herself and this team by then, then I'm moving over to soccer and softball. In fact, I'm already moving to softball as a balm for our WBB performance the last couple of years.

Light me up or whatever. I am depressed and confused about this squad and Sherri and I so want them to be truly competitive again and they just aren't.
Agree with everything you have said. Well done.
The last two games and the season overall remind me of
Bob's 2014 season so much potential but ending in terrible losses.
Beating teams bad teams, flashing high level potential. Losing to the best teams
on the schedule.
A horrid blowout home loss to Baylor. Just embarrassing on all levels.
Bob's massive coaching gaffe v OSU leading to another embarrassing home loss.

The blowout bowl loss to Clemson. Humiliating and Awful.
Hall of fame coach. Great coach. Looking "old", burnt out, out of ideas. Falling behinds
teams he used to dominate. 4 years removed from his last conference title, 6 years removed
from last moment of national relevance. All of his tenure contemporaries being forced out or
fired. Some/all of this seems to apply to Sherri as well. The accolades certainly do.

Bob had to make massive changes. Bob had to decide to recommit to a massive change
in the recruiting environment. Bob's personal engagement in recruiting is completely different,
OU's use of social media might be class leading. And it's paying off.
Admittedly, Bob got lucky that Baker Mayfield was on campus or this transition would have taken
much longer.
Sherri's lucky that one player can have a massive impact in hoops even more so than football.
I know that I'm hoping for that impact on men's hoops in Trae Young.
Maybe Llanusa can be that hope for women's hoops.
But Llanusa/Dungee cannot be those difference makers without Sherri making changes.

Hopefully, a great tourney run is coming to send off the seniors in style.
As I said before I don't hate Sherri C. never talked to her. But I think she is grossly overrated as a head coach and the one in charge. And I don't need any history lesson to tell me what she has done while at OU in the past. Too many times during a game I seen SC just stand or sit with her arms crossed while the game was getting away from the team. Even last night in the Big 12 title game both coaches was not afraid to get on their players and yes even yell at them. Sometimes older coaches can change but more times than not..they can not. If not keep her for what she does best these days, go to fundraising events..ect. Boren & Castiglione should be talked to and take a closer look at her contract, I don't care what anyone thinks imo she is way over paid...$1.1ml salary with 500k results (if that) if she doesn't like it..tough..sell Mary Kay
I like Sherri a lot. We're both from the same part of the world. But I think she is GROSSLY overpaid.
What does her pay have to do with anything? If Boren cut her pay in half tomorrow would you feel better about OU WBB? The program has a problem, some of it stems from bad luck, some of it is described above. School teachers are grossly underpaid, hedge fund managers are grossly overpaid, that's how our world turns.
Good post.

I think we're in the top 20-30 right now....but that is miles from where we were six or seven years ago. I imagine the administration will have to make some tough choices when it comes to money spent and dollars brought in.

I'm a little higher on Manning than you. She seems like the best basketball "player" on the team.

I agree Maddie is the most complete and best basketball player on the roster. And to me that highlights the problem. If Maddie is our best player we are way short of approaching the success of the past. I don't expect to see the Sooners reach the level of basketball they had 2005-2010. That may be asking a bit too much.

But I would like to see us be contenders for the conference championship every year not having only two second place finishes in the past seven years. If Sherri could win 5 of the next 20 conference championships this coming decade I think she would be achieving reasonable success.

NCAA wise I think 9 appearances, 4 Sweet 16', 2 Elite Eight's and 1 Final Four is reasonable expectations for the next 10 years.. When I say decade I am not talking about a moving decade where we look at the past. I am talking about the future with the above expectations always being for the next 10 years.

Sherri has been paid for what she has done or hasn't done in the past. Her future salary should be for what she is expected to do in the future. Incentative compensation always produces the best results. Just one guys opinion.
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What does her pay have to do with anything? If Boren cut her pay in half tomorrow would you feel better about OU WBB? The program has a problem, some of it stems from bad luck, some of it is described above. School teachers are grossly underpaid, hedge fund managers are grossly overpaid, that's how our world turns.
Well let's say if I was building you a deck onto your home and we agreed the cost was going to be $3500.00. Once completed and you're not happy with the end results would you still want to pay me the $3500.00 or want me to drop the total some? If you wanted to cut the price I guess I could tell you hey that's how our world turns
Let me say this to the previous poster who equated a tough life being like the adversity you face if your house burned down compared to say what Amanda Thompson grew up with.

Having had a house burn down, I can say no, it's not the same as growing up on the Southside of Chicago in any way, shape or form. I feel sorry for Dungee and her family, more so than most because I've had to do that rebuilding and grief. But growing up in a slum or tough neighborhood with crime and drugs and gangs --- it isn't even close which is worse.

On other responses, let me say this. The team, the program and the future don't rest on what Maddie does or doesn't do. She may be the best overall player on the team, although I think Vivi is, but if Maddie is the best, as another poster said, that's sad news.

I just think it's time to move on. Maddie isn't bringing a championship or victories in tough contests. She just isn't. It doesn't mean she shouldn't play next year and play a lot. It's just time to groom the next group of kids. We've had her two years now. We see what Maddie is capable of and what she isn't. The jury is in folks. That horse is no thoroughbred, she's just a good contender.
I don't think there many on here that as seen first hand some of the really slums and tough neighborhoods around the U.S. I seen a few, not a nice place to live. Heck in Southside of Chicago they'll burn a house just to keep warm in the winter..
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I really don't get into concern about what others are paid.

I am a lot more concerned about how well we recruit and how well we develop players. I can see raw talent and how those skills develop. We recruited 4 (Wyatt, Carter, Edwards and Kellogg) and later added Little as a transfer. (Sorry I was changing computers to finish.)

I feel that Carter was better as a soph and while Little and Wyatt have improved their overall game both have had better years shooting as underclassmen. Kellogg has only been a mop up player. Carter and Edwards still play wild at times and still make freshman mistakes. Something is missing re the development of players and I am concerned about just how much better Dungee, Mulkey and Llanusa will be as seniors.

I don't like the new offense much better than the older one. I don't consider myself an expert about Div I offenses but I can see that we don't get nearly as many open shots as the better teams. This leads to forced shots and that along with too many unforced turnovers result in terrible runs that often put us behind the 8 ball.

I am mystified as to how the ladies can turn in a superb effort as against Texas and be so bad in other games. That is not natural. All teams good or bad have off nights but are much more consistent than we are. Everyone lays it on leadership but looking back on this year we had many games where we held on in tough games to win and had a few comebacks like at Texas Tech and against West Virginia. But this is a problem that has to be fixed before we can return to our better years. I think a better half court offense could be one of the fixes and while I constantly hear about how intense Sherri's practices our players are very undisciplined at times.

I don't know much about the assistants and what their responsibilities are but they have to bear some responsibility for better recruiting and better development of players. Don't know but my sense is that Sherri does not have a great relationship with the Oklahoma and north Texas coaches. I also haven't understood the real reason for dropping the summer camps. The high school coaches probably don't like that as well.

As for the type of player we recruit I doubt that they have to pass a rigid morals test to get recruited. Sherri seems to be very good at creating good citizens of her players but she is certainly capable of being a good mentor for the borderline cases. So I'm without a strong opinion here.

One thing I have always wondered. There is much said about a family atmosphere and everyone being a good teammate. While on the surface it appears to be an ideal situation I wonder if we would be better off if things were a little more intense particularly with patience about bad and undisciplined play.

I do agree with some of what Hardy posted. I try to learn from other posters but largely from those more balanced. Don't learn much from Syb who is always all positive or a number of those who are always negative but still insist they are not wanting to see Sherri fired.
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I really don't get into concern about what others are paid.

I am a lot more concerned about how well we recruit and how well we develop players. I can see raw talent and how those skills develop. We recruited 4 (Wyatt, Carter, Edwards and Kellogg) and later added Little as a transfer.
How else would you try and make Sherri C change, do better recruiting, get back to where we all want. I think maybe a cut in pay is better than getting fired...Tell us what your options would be to her.
You come across as the most confused person in this part of the country.

You will never get SC's salary lowered. Never. Give it up. Those in the say do not care what you say because you hate OU and everything about it. Just dramatic jealousy.

SC is paid about 500K for coaching and a bit more than 500K for other things she does for the university. So, in fact, she is one of the lowest paid coaches in the conference as far as coaching WBB is concerned.

Give it up and go to a board where you will have more positive things to post.
You come across as the most confused person in this part of the country.

You will never get SC's salary lowered. Never. Give it up. Those in the say do not care what you say because you hate OU and everything about it. Just dramatic jealousy.

SC is paid about 500K for coaching and a bit more than 500K for other things she does for the university. So, in fact, she is one of the lowest paid coaches in the conference as far as coaching WBB is concerned.

Give it up and go to a board where you will have more positive things to post.

You don't know crap about that of which you speak. But that is normal. Sherri got her big salary jump after multiple schools contacted her because of her success as a WBB coach. OU bumped her salary into the $850-900K range because Joe C. was being proactive to insure he kept Sherri and that money was not an issue with her. Rest assured that no one was contacting her to promote their university and its image despite that being part of any head coaches job description. Sherri was a hot commodity nationally because of her success on the hardwoods. Multiple conference championships and multiple Final Four's created the demand for her services.

Head and assistant coaches make up 14 of the top 20 salary earners at OU the least paid makes $354,999 . It is part of their job description to sell the university and enhance its image to schools, alumni and at university events. They all many appearance promoting OU. That is also part of Sherri's job description as head WBB coach. Other than coaches virtually no one at the university makes big bucks. Virtually all of the successful coaches make big bucks.

Only one professor or vice-president of OU makes $400K (Jizhong Zhou). Boren makes $372,203. Only 2 vice-presidents makes $300,000. Four additional professors make $300+K. The big bucks are paid to coach sporting events and win big.

No question Sherri is uniquely qualified to represent the face of the university and should she decide to quit coaching WBB she could likely move into a university vice-president with a focus on dealing with the public, OU Alumni, business entities, schools, etc. and be outstanding at the job.

It is the market place that drives salaries and their is no market place to pay a WBB a half of a million dollars to promote the university. But there is a market place for coaches who can win big on a national scale.
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I have never met Sherri Coale. We've been at a few functions together, but I never chatted her up. I have chatted with former recruits, players and athletic department officials, however.

So, here's the deal: I have a love-hate relationship with Sherri -- and the OUWBB program -- at this point.

Watching Sherri Saturday night as she bit her lip, cast her eyes down and shook her head in frustration -- and in shame, in my opinion -- over our performance, I felt so sorry for coach and felt like we fans had somehow contributed to this season and this mess. I wanted to have some answers to offer Sherri.

Saturday night was one of those nights I loved Sherri Coale -- and there have been many.

I find her to be an example of what you see is what you get, while at the same time being an enigma. I am proud to have her as our coach.

As a role model coach, Sherri seems to be the entire package. Hard-nosed, but lady-like, sincere, a mentor and leader, a mother-confessor and a task master. She is perfect for OU, or any program really. From a distance she is an outstanding human being and from talking to people who interact with her, she is truly wonderful. Great coach. Highly motivated to bring the best product to the floor. Seeks to turn out better, more complete, individuals than basketball players.

In short, Sherri is the entire package, and athletic director's dream and a fan base's best girl.

Saturday night, I also hated Sherri Coale. I blamed her for the lousy focus, poor play, bad decisions, lack of intensity. We are 22-9, but the reality is this is an average team barely. If it's a big game, 9 times out of 10 we get kicked.

I wanted Sherri chewing out her players, stomping her foot, lecturing, benching people (which she finally did). I thought, how can such a great coach and person turn this kind of mess out.

It's easy to say it's just her or it's just the players. However, it was definitely the players Saturday night. Just an horrific performance, but that, in essence means it's Sherri's faulty too.

So Saturday night, I hated Sherri and what seems like her milk-toast staff. I was really angry at a senior/experience-laden team that turned in a performance more akin to a grade-school church league team than a history-laden D-1 basketball program.

Now, still living in my love/hate Sherri and OUWBB world, this is what, in as short a monologue as I can make it, WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE, IMO.

FTR, I don't know if Sherri or anyone would have the guts to do a couple of these thing:

1. Sherri must change herself. She must recruit hard, whether she likes it or not. She must play the AAU game up to the point that she just can't live with herself any longer -- until that system of corruption is reformed. She has to recommit herself to a herculean effort. I believe she began that effort two seasons ago and we will see this improve next year and the year after, as we have this year. She has to leave her comfort zone -- the zone that says I'm golden, I've been her 20 years and I'm gonna slide now. Every veteran, tenured coach falls into that trap. It's impossible to avoid in any profession after 20 years.

2. Sherri must change the type of of player she is recruiting hard and is willing to accept. You need players with an edge. Players like Buddy Hield, in the gym when they are awake, players who live and die basketball. Sherri's number one job is to recruit, build and present a championship team. It's to do nothing else first. Building solid citizens comes 2nd. It has too. You want fire and desire, talent and determination. Most of our players have no fire and little desire that manifests itself on the court. Their a bunch of middle-class, no-trouble kids. Twenty years ago I would have said they are a bunch of middle-class snotty white girls, but race has nothing to do with this.

Doing this means Sherri might have to deal with kids who have personal problems, tough home lives or who operate on the edge, kids who will challenge her and her rules. Those are the best players. Well, that's just life and why she gets $1.2 million a year. If she won't recruit, then go do something else. While Bible study and turning out fine young women is laudable, that's not the goal. Winning championships and building women are not mutually exclusive, one has to be put before the other, however. Frankly, I'm worn out with the battle over which comes first. Sherri, without a doubt, has a type of player she is willing to get -- a strong family, goody-two shoes, middle class American girl. That hasn't always been the case and there are plenty of girls Sherri took a chance on, kids like Amanda Thompson and other. We were best when we had that kind of kid. Hell, I think D-Rob was that kind of person. We need that kind of kid again.

3. She's got to shake up her staff. Chad has to go, frankly her best friend has to go. Only keep Acosta if and only if, she's going to bring in some great players right away. A clean house, frankly, would be the best thing for this program.

4. Joe C. has to throw down the gauntlet. He has to say to Sherri, we are losing money big time again. We aren't winning championships, hell, we barely compete in big games. Not acceptable. Change or retire and for goodness sake, don't make me fire you. If you want to move to teaching and motivating in a different place in this university, fine, you are family who is to be honored. But it is no longer acceptable.

5. Sherri needs to somehow increase defensive intensity and go to more man, although our defense was probably the best it's been in years this year.

6. The new offense needs to be scrapped. It's not any better than the last one.

There it is. Why I love/hate Sherri Coale. I want her to bring back the glory she gave this program. I want her to change, something this old man knows isn't easy to do. However, I'm pretty sure pride and $1.1 million per year would make me change, especially if it came down to possibly losing the gravy train.

As for the players, let me say, I'm glad these seniors are graduating. They simply aren't very good. Not one of them is as big a disappointment as Peyton Little has been. There's a reason she couldn't get on the floor at A&M and we've seen it the last two years.

Frankly, (and this is where I give some of you a heart attack), I wish Maddie would not come back. She isn't a leader, she isn't that great and she disappears when it counts more. No clearer picture of what Maddie is and isn't exists than the first play of the WVU game and the subsequent foul. She's isn't going to lead us to any level of greatness or competitiveness, so it's time to move on. We need the scholarship for a better player. Now, it also doesn't bother me if she stays another year -- but, and this is a big but -- she should be coming off the bench. She is not the starting player type,

Mulkey, this girl is one year away from being a bust or big-time. If she is anywhere but the gym, the film and weight room over the next six months, then she's going to turn into another famous Sherri bust. She simply must develop the drive and determination to be great. I have no idea what she will do.

Vivi just needs to become better aware of what to do when she is double and triple-teamed.

Gabbi, just be consistent and shooting. You can be great. Just be consistent.

I have hopes for this team, Sherri and the program over the next two years. I give Sherri two years. If she hasn't changed herself and this team by then, then I'm moving over to soccer and softball. In fact, I'm already moving to softball as a balm for our WBB performance the last couple of years.

Light me up or whatever. I am depressed and confused about this squad and Sherri and I so want them to be truly competitive again and they just aren't.
I don't agree with everything you say, but I mostly agree. Change and improvement must come, or more of us will quit watching/attending/actively rooting for wbb. Working harder to recruit better players is required. New life in the staff, either through change or ....I guess it has to be change.
And presenting a better product on the floor-compete against the good teams; if you lose, lose because they are better not because you did not give your all in preparation and game.
And $$$ has nothing to do with the coaching-I have quit reading those post and have begun to think strange thoughts about those that can't leave it alone.
You come across as the most confused person in this part of the country.

You will never get SC's salary lowered. Never. Give it up. Those in the say do not care what you say because you hate OU and everything about it. Just dramatic jealousy.

SC is paid about 500K for coaching and a bit more than 500K for other things she does for the university. So, in fact, she is one of the lowest paid coaches in the conference as far as coaching WBB is concerned.

Give it up and go to a board where you will have more positive things to post.
I dunno if you are speaking to me or not but if you are..That's fine, then cut her pay to oh say 225k for coaching and she can keep the rest to do the "other things she does for the university" Far as being blind..well you're the one thinks the big 12 ref's favor a certain coach in waco, you say I hate?? Go back and read some of your posts about other coaches and players. I have no real problem with you or anyone else here. You say I not a're right I not a big fan of SC coaching. You come off to me as a bigger fan of SC than the OU women basketball team..hmm I'm starting to see the big picture now
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I don't agree with everything you say, but I mostly agree. Change and improvement must come, or more of us will quit watching/attending/actively rooting for wbb. Working harder to recruit better players is required. New life in the staff, either through change or ....I guess it has to be change.
And presenting a better product on the floor-compete against the good teams; if you lose, lose because they are better not because you did not give your all in preparation and game.
And $$$ has nothing to do with the coaching-I have quit reading those post and have begun to think strange thoughts about those that can't leave it alone.

I also have wondered about preparation and planning. I admit I'm not sure if those are the actual issues, but you can't help but wonder. It's interesting that we have actually done better than many expected this year and yet we are generally frustrated here at the end of the conference season.

The Oral Roberts loss was a message that this team would never be consistent. It was inexcusable to lose that one, and it hurts our record to this day. Many pushed it to the back of their minds - but it still happened.

I would expect that no one is spending much time in self improvement. You must shoot enormous numbers of shots on your own to be a dependable shooter.

Please don't everyone build some huge expectation that Ana is going to come in and create a national championship team next year. That is NOT going to happen. If you think so, then explain why she could not even lead her team to a state championship this year.