Coale love and hate

Some on here have criticized Mulkey for only winning one championship with Griner. We made only one final four appearance with CP3 and AP5 and that was not until their last year.
I agree just because you live in what some call a "bad neighborhood" doesn't mean your a bad person. If that is the case at OU now then I can see why SC can not bring in some of these talented players and never will. And if I were a parent of one of this young ladies I would tell SC to hit the road when/if she showed up at my home.

Absolutely! And there lies ONE of the issues with this program...IMHO! The staff does not know how to recruit to be able to compete at a CONSISTENT high level of success AND I don't believe SC (since she is in charge) wants it any different. She appears to be comfortable with SOME level of success, don't rock the boat, take no risk, this is my program and I'll run it how I want, etc. She's in a comfort zone AND she's compensated handsomely for it. She took on a program that was DESPERATELY in need of any kind of hope and she has not had to come up through the ranks as many college coaches with serving as the Operations Director, Assistant Coach, moving around the country, etc...she's been in the comforts of her home without too many challenges normally experienced by coaches that have coached as long as she has. So clearly it does not matter if ticket sales are down, attendance is down, sponsorship is down, national tv/media coverage is non-existent...

Think about it for a minute. The university really has nothing to lose from a financial perspective because one of their biggest expenses (scholarships) has been covered with endowments...every scholarship is endowed. SC campaigned for those major gifts when she lucked up on some great recruits in 2005-2007. Maybe those donors should have put some stipulations on those endowments based on recruiting, productivity, diversity on the staff and with the student-athletes, etc. But is really the job of Boren and JC. They must have given her a blank piece of paper and told her to submit her own contract after what looked like she was going to be a consistent top recruiter, the endowment campaign and another trip to the FF.

Now, SC might think she has met some of the diversity from a cultural perspective with the inclusion of PDeCosta and VPL. But's a comfort zone for her. PDeCosta is a former assistant that has returned and VPL is from Haiti where SC goes each year on a mission trip and builds relationships with that community. Nothing wrong with that, BUT, maybe she should take a mission trip to do some things a little closer to home AS WELL. There's plenty of work to do within a 200 mile radius of the campus. She might be surprised to find some talent that did not have the money to play on a club/AAU team. Go watch a pick-up game on one of the courts on a native American reservation...recruit out of the box; such a novel idea! But she can't keep doing what was working for you in 2000 and expect positive results in 2009. Then again...if you keep your job and no one is complaining except us crazy fans on this message board...who really cares?

The powers that be (Boren and JC) might be getting close to saying, "Come on SC...we've got to at least stay in the top 10 nationally...make it to the Sweet 16 and above every couple of years. Our primary product offered in the athletic program is sports. The academic department is clearly doing their part since the graduation rate is great, but it's time to get back to a FF." Keyword..."might".

Also...maybe the assistants do know how to recruit along with the players, but SC does not approve of their choices. I personally know of several recruits that ended up on NC teams that WANTED to attend OU, but SC said "no" when they really wanted to be on the OU team. Go figure. I've come to the conclusion they (powers that be) are comfortable for whatever reason, so I remain a fan but watch numerous other teams to see some really good, passionate, competitive basketball. And no, I don't contribute as much as I did in the past because IMHO, it's not wisely invested. I started to ask for a refund when I saw SC sitting on the bench looking as though she was in the wait area of the doctors office to receive a spinal she really did not want to be there. But I was encouraged to keep watching when the players on the bench got up and cheered and coached their teammates, pointing out strategies while the ball was in play. They didn't give up on each other and quite frankly...I think that is how they've done as well as they have for a number of years; they believe and support each other if no one else believes in them. You can see it all over them and recognize it if you've spent anytime watching games. Just my two cents...well that was at least a dime! It's March Madness...I'll put in some OT!
Absolutely! And there lies ONE of the issues with this program...IMHO! The staff does not know how to recruit to be able to compete at a CONSISTENT high level of success AND I don't believe SC (since she is in charge) wants it any different. She appears to be comfortable with SOME level of success, don't rock the boat, take no risk, this is my program and I'll run it how I want, etc. She's in a comfort zone AND she's compensated handsomely for it. She took on a program that was DESPERATELY in need of any kind of hope and she has not had to come up through the ranks as many college coaches with serving as the Operations Director, Assistant Coach, moving around the country, etc...she's been in the comforts of her home without too many challenges normally experienced by coaches that have coached as long as she has. So clearly it does not matter if ticket sales are down, attendance is down, sponsorship is down, national tv/media coverage is non-existent...

Think about it for a minute. The university really has nothing to lose from a financial perspective because one of their biggest expenses (scholarships) has been covered with endowments...every scholarship is endowed. SC campaigned for those major gifts when she lucked up on some great recruits in 2005-2007. Maybe those donors should have put some stipulations on those endowments based on recruiting, productivity, diversity on the staff and with the student-athletes, etc. But is really the job of Boren and JC. They must have given her a blank piece of paper and told her to submit her own contract after what looked like she was going to be a consistent top recruiter, the endowment campaign and another trip to the FF.

Now, SC might think she has met some of the diversity from a cultural perspective with the inclusion of PDeCosta and VPL. But's a comfort zone for her. PDeCosta is a former assistant that has returned and VPL is from Haiti where SC goes each year on a mission trip and builds relationships with that community. Nothing wrong with that, BUT, maybe she should take a mission trip to do some things a little closer to home AS WELL. There's plenty of work to do within a 200 mile radius of the campus. She might be surprised to find some talent that did not have the money to play on a club/AAU team. Go watch a pick-up game on one of the courts on a native American reservation...recruit out of the box; such a novel idea! But she can't keep doing what was working for you in 2000 and expect positive results in 2009. Then again...if you keep your job and no one is complaining except us crazy fans on this message board...who really cares?

The powers that be (Boren and JC) might be getting close to saying, "Come on SC...we've got to at least stay in the top 10 nationally...make it to the Sweet 16 and above every couple of years. Our primary product offered in the athletic program is sports. The academic department is clearly doing their part since the graduation rate is great, but it's time to get back to a FF." Keyword..."might".

Also...maybe the assistants do know how to recruit along with the players, but SC does not approve of their choices. I personally know of several recruits that ended up on NC teams that WANTED to attend OU, but SC said "no" when they really wanted to be on the OU team. Go figure. I've come to the conclusion they (powers that be) are comfortable for whatever reason, so I remain a fan but watch numerous other teams to see some really good, passionate, competitive basketball. And no, I don't contribute as much as I did in the past because IMHO, it's not wisely invested. I started to ask for a refund when I saw SC sitting on the bench looking as though she was in the wait area of the doctors office to receive a spinal she really did not want to be there. But I was encouraged to keep watching when the players on the bench got up and cheered and coached their teammates, pointing out strategies while the ball was in play. They didn't give up on each other and quite frankly...I think that is how they've done as well as they have for a number of years; they believe and support each other if no one else believes in them. You can see it all over them and recognize it if you've spent anytime watching games. Just my two cents...well that was at least a dime! It's March Madness...I'll put in some OT!

Best assessment of the program I have seen!!
Some on here have criticized Mulkey for only winning one championship with Griner. We made only one final four appearance with CP3 and AP5 and that was not until their last year.

You're right on point Star! Other college coaches often wondered why SC didn't develop and make better use of the talent the Paris twins brought to OU. I heard a group of college coaches...successful college coaches...have a discussion about the Paris twins and why SC was not doing more to recruit other top 10's each year and how she should have won one NC for sure, but possibly two that got away. I will not divulge their names because I was ear hustling and they probably did not realize I was listening as INTENTLY as I appeared to be focusing on my work.:ez-laugh:

But they were not saying anything that at least one other coach said openly...

Coach Andy Landers
On Oklahoma's Ashley Paris:
"I will create a little dissension since I'm here and I'm leaving in a few minutes, but if I'm Ashley (Paris) I would ask the coach why didn't you play me more last year. I told our players that she might be the tougher proposition, because she moves her offense around a little bit. She is a little bit more mobile with her bounce, and a little bit more creative or shifty with the bounce. Courtney (Paris) will use the bounce but it is more powering you straight to the basket. So Ashley might be the tougher proposition. Her field goal percentage is outstanding and she is having a terrific year."

Again...go figure!

Coach Landers was right on point with his description of the Paris' style of play. I'm sure he recruited them when they were in high school and had seen them play club ball since they were on the top club team in the nation (starters were 5 2005 McDonald's AA's in AGray-Lawson (Cal), DHampton (Cal), EAriaran (Texas) and the Paris') and played all over the country. The Paris' were often described in the bay area media as the "Kobe and Shaq" of girl's high school basketball. AParis always played more of a Power Guard position. It was never used or futher developed at OU. She was the primary press breaker on her high school teams...she was very good with a low power dribble and a spin move that broke ankle, after ankle, after ankle. If I saw it once, I saw it fifty times.
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Bubba Paris was absolutely spot on.

Yes! I think he had that conversation with SC prior to that airing. Usually parents don't have the savvy, chutzpah or the platform to make that type of commentary. And anyone that has watched Bubba over the years on tv commentating or even when he was playing during the very successful years of the San Francisco 49ers knows that he is not one to mince his words. It's always been with a "sense of humor" but one can always read between the lines. And he knows what it takes to win. He started as a freshman lineman at a football powerhouse...the University of Michigan during the Bo Schembechler days!
I have never met Sherri Coale. We've been at a few functions together, but I never chatted her up. I have chatted with former recruits, players and athletic department officials, however.

So, here's the deal: I have a love-hate relationship with Sherri -- and the OUWBB program -- at this point.

Watching Sherri Saturday night as she bit her lip, cast her eyes down and shook her head in frustration -- and in shame, in my opinion -- over our performance, I felt so sorry for coach and felt like we fans had somehow contributed to this season and this mess. I wanted to have some answers to offer Sherri.

Saturday night was one of those nights I loved Sherri Coale -- and there have been many.

I find her to be an example of what you see is what you get, while at the same time being an enigma. I am proud to have her as our coach.

As a role model coach, Sherri seems to be the entire package. Hard-nosed, but lady-like, sincere, a mentor and leader, a mother-confessor and a task master. She is perfect for OU, or any program really. From a distance she is an outstanding human being and from talking to people who interact with her, she is truly wonderful. Great coach. Highly motivated to bring the best product to the floor. Seeks to turn out better, more complete, individuals than basketball players.

In short, Sherri is the entire package, and athletic director's dream and a fan base's best girl.

Saturday night, I also hated Sherri Coale. I blamed her for the lousy focus, poor play, bad decisions, lack of intensity. We are 22-9, but the reality is this is an average team barely. If it's a big game, 9 times out of 10 we get kicked.

I wanted Sherri chewing out her players, stomping her foot, lecturing, benching people (which she finally did). I thought, how can such a great coach and person turn this kind of mess out.

It's easy to say it's just her or it's just the players. However, it was definitely the players Saturday night. Just an horrific performance, but that, in essence means it's Sherri's faulty too.

So Saturday night, I hated Sherri and what seems like her milk-toast staff. I was really angry at a senior/experience-laden team that turned in a performance more akin to a grade-school church league team than a history-laden D-1 basketball program.

Now, still living in my love/hate Sherri and OUWBB world, this is what, in as short a monologue as I can make it, WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE, IMO.

FTR, I don't know if Sherri or anyone would have the guts to do a couple of these thing:

1. Sherri must change herself. She must recruit hard, whether she likes it or not. She must play the AAU game up to the point that she just can't live with herself any longer -- until that system of corruption is reformed. She has to recommit herself to a herculean effort. I believe she began that effort two seasons ago and we will see this improve next year and the year after, as we have this year. She has to leave her comfort zone -- the zone that says I'm golden, I've been her 20 years and I'm gonna slide now. Every veteran, tenured coach falls into that trap. It's impossible to avoid in any profession after 20 years.

2. Sherri must change the type of of player she is recruiting hard and is willing to accept. You need players with an edge. Players like Buddy Hield, in the gym when they are awake, players who live and die basketball. Sherri's number one job is to recruit, build and present a championship team. It's to do nothing else first. Building solid citizens comes 2nd. It has too. You want fire and desire, talent and determination. Most of our players have no fire and little desire that manifests itself on the court. Their a bunch of middle-class, no-trouble kids. Twenty years ago I would have said they are a bunch of middle-class snotty white girls, but race has nothing to do with this.

Doing this means Sherri might have to deal with kids who have personal problems, tough home lives or who operate on the edge, kids who will challenge her and her rules. Those are the best players. Well, that's just life and why she gets $1.2 million a year. If she won't recruit, then go do something else. While Bible study and turning out fine young women is laudable, that's not the goal. Winning championships and building women are not mutually exclusive, one has to be put before the other, however. Frankly, I'm worn out with the battle over which comes first. Sherri, without a doubt, has a type of player she is willing to get -- a strong family, goody-two shoes, middle class American girl. That hasn't always been the case and there are plenty of girls Sherri took a chance on, kids like Amanda Thompson and other. We were best when we had that kind of kid. Hell, I think D-Rob was that kind of person. We need that kind of kid again.

3. She's got to shake up her staff. Chad has to go, frankly her best friend has to go. Only keep Acosta if and only if, she's going to bring in some great players right away. A clean house, frankly, would be the best thing for this program.

4. Joe C. has to throw down the gauntlet. He has to say to Sherri, we are losing money big time again. We aren't winning championships, hell, we barely compete in big games. Not acceptable. Change or retire and for goodness sake, don't make me fire you. If you want to move to teaching and motivating in a different place in this university, fine, you are family who is to be honored. But it is no longer acceptable.

5. Sherri needs to somehow increase defensive intensity and go to more man, although our defense was probably the best it's been in years this year.

6. The new offense needs to be scrapped. It's not any better than the last one.

There it is. Why I love/hate Sherri Coale. I want her to bring back the glory she gave this program. I want her to change, something this old man knows isn't easy to do. However, I'm pretty sure pride and $1.1 million per year would make me change, especially if it came down to possibly losing the gravy train.

As for the players, let me say, I'm glad these seniors are graduating. They simply aren't very good. Not one of them is as big a disappointment as Peyton Little has been. There's a reason she couldn't get on the floor at A&M and we've seen it the last two years.

Frankly, (and this is where I give some of you a heart attack), I wish Maddie would not come back. She isn't a leader, she isn't that great and she disappears when it counts more. No clearer picture of what Maddie is and isn't exists than the first play of the WVU game and the subsequent foul. She's isn't going to lead us to any level of greatness or competitiveness, so it's time to move on. We need the scholarship for a better player. Now, it also doesn't bother me if she stays another year -- but, and this is a big but -- she should be coming off the bench. She is not the starting player type,

Mulkey, this girl is one year away from being a bust or big-time. If she is anywhere but the gym, the film and weight room over the next six months, then she's going to turn into another famous Sherri bust. She simply must develop the drive and determination to be great. I have no idea what she will do.

Vivi just needs to become better aware of what to do when she is double and triple-teamed.

Gabbi, just be consistent and shooting. You can be great. Just be consistent.

I have hopes for this team, Sherri and the program over the next two years. I give Sherri two years. If she hasn't changed herself and this team by then, then I'm moving over to soccer and softball. In fact, I'm already moving to softball as a balm for our WBB performance the last couple of years.

Light me up or whatever. I am depressed and confused about this squad and Sherri and I so want them to be truly competitive again and they just aren't.

Hardy, regarding, not at all. And think about it, ALL of the black players have come from environments that SC is comfortable; really no risk to what has been described as "bad girls" on this forum. Especially of late.

DRob comes from a very supportive middle class family and she attended an expensive private school in San Jose, CA. The Paris' twins, DRob and AOlajwon are what coaches dream of when recruiting any player; not only black players. They are culturally diverse, able to play with and against anyone and get along with anyone because they have had the opportunity to be exposed to the socio-economic upper class, middle class and the disadvantaged.

They played and won against the upper class and played and won in neighborhoods where gunfire can be heard on the regular. Therefore, they are not easily intimidated on the court. I remember seeing a fall league tournament hosted by Mark Curry, actor from the series "Hangin with Mr. Cooper" where the Paris' high school team (Piedmont) participated. The tiny rec center gym where they played in the heart of the hood in Oakland, CA had three rows of bleachers on one side of the gym against maybe 40 feet of wall space, but there had to be at least 600 people packed like sardines in the gym. Fans caught the player after a fast break layup! The championship game was against Oakland Tech including DHampton and AGray-Lawson. Piedmont had the Paris' and 8 other players, all white and maybe two of them had played AAU before. It was one of the most competitive games I've seen. Piedmont won because they were well coached and the Paris' made it clear that their teammates would not be bullied or intimidated. They had their teammates backs. Based on what I've read, AThomas came from a really tough neighborhood but had the opportunity to attend a great school with some mentoring and support. NStevenson seems like the same situation. But I don't believe SC has taken a chance on a kid from the "hood" regardless of their GPA, mentoring and support of late. I guess if you want to count VLP from Haiti, maybe, but that's totally different. But she clearly has "her type" of player, as she has stated. It just won't be enough to get to the FF (well, S16 or EE either) versus today's competition.

The crazy part is a coach can miss out on a great opportunity to coach and mentor some really good kids who are exceptionally talented in the classroom and on the court when they have "a type" that they want. SC appears to be most comfortable (but not FF bound) with a team that resembles what she knows best...Oklahoma Christian College (renamed Oklahoma Christian University in 1962). And that doesn't make her a bad person because that's her experience, but it doesn't result in a team that can compete at a consistently successful level.

Bottom line...don't stereotype anyone. Get to know a recruit and build a relationship. Sometimes what appears to be a goody too shoes can be the worse headache.
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At least you could avoid displaying a terribily slow witted mental ability by figuring out what school SC is from.

And perhaps avoid getting caught up in a major lawsuit at the same time.

Pretending like you have some "connections" when in reality you have zero knowledge about even the most obvious and local history and relationships. Wow.
At least you could avoid displaying a terribily slow witted mental ability by figuring out what school SC is from.

And perhaps avoid getting caught up in a major lawsuit at the same time.

Pretending like you have some "connections" when in reality you have zero knowledge about even the most obvious and local history and relationships. Wow.
Oklahoma Christian is now OCU for Oklahoma Christian University. If that is what you were referencing as being incorrect on the part of the previous poster.
soonerbay lives in such an alternate reality she could be in Trump's cabinet. As far as black players' backgrounds, to refute her claims, one needs look no further than Vivi on our current team.

Here's one thing to think about - Sherri has an excellent relationship with all her graduated players. KM threw her most famous player - the one that established Baylor's supremacy - under the bus as soon as that player graduated and was no longer useful.
Not sure if the statement regarding a "lawsuit" was directed toward me. But if so...I'll cross that bridge if the trip takes me there.
OCU is Oklahoma City University. Sherri's alma mater calls itself OC.
I didn't say they called themselves OCU, merely said it is now Oklahoma Christian University per their website.

I edited the post and removed the abbreviation "OCU" to clarify. That should eliminate the need for others to send post to you about it.
That should keep from getting your intelligence questioned and out of a lawsuit

Insert rolling eyes, just in case my post is part of the lawsuit
Here's the bottom line:

If football went 7 years without a championship or at least contending for one, the head coach would be fired.

We can have any explanation you want to make for the performance and ver the past 7 years, but the bottom line is this:

Are these results acceptable for OU or should we have the same expectation for coaches in all sports regardless of gender?

I expect all our coaches to be great representatives of the University, that is before we consider the win/loss performance. But they aren't paid just to be great people. So back to the fundamental question, shouldn't every coach be held to the same standard.
---the last men's basketball national championship was in_______?

Obviously, Tubbs, Sampson, and Kruger have no clue how to run a program. We have had a men's basketball program since 1908.

_____number of Final Fours that Sherri Coale has been to in her twenty years
_____number of Final Fours the men's program has been to in 109 years.
---the last men's basketball national championship was in_______?

Obviously, Tubbs, Sampson, and Kruger have no clue how to run a program. We have had a men's basketball program since 1908.

_____number of Final Fours that Sherri Coale has been to in her twenty years
_____number of Final Fours the men's program has been to in 109 years.
There are no national championship on the men side, just like there are not for the ladies and most likely will not be or even a decent chance with this current staff in place. I want the women program to be up there with the contenders each year not fighting for 3rd place in the big 12, with a very experience ball club imo Sherri C = failed. Fire her, keep her, make her make changes to the staff, cut her pay..I don't care but she isn't getting it done imo