CU up double digits on K-State...

The tone never changes. Doesn't matter what team we're discussing, if they're losing it's always the coach's fault. It's funny (not the ha-ha variety) how Frank Martin took a dive from the penthouse to the outhouse in less than half a season. Almost feel warm and fuzzy knowing that Capel's fall from grace took a little longer.

About the only college coach I can remember getting a pass around here is The Great Roy Williams, who probably deserves the kid glove treatment less than just about anyone else.
Not looking forward to Saturday when OSU gets to go to CU. It seems that Boulder has always been a hard place to play for OSU.
how Frank Martin took a dive from the penthouse to the outhouse in less than half a season.

Believe me, I've never been the one to laud Martin as this genius coach. I think he's good, just get tired of the media circle-jerk that constantly surrounds him. We get it... He's a maverick when it comes to his coaching style; its entirely different and some feel its more entertaining to watch. That's why he's a media darling.

I just thought expectations were way too high on K-State entering the season in large part because Martin got way too much credit as a coach, which in some cases had more to do with his style than his substance.

And I'm not suggesting he's a bad coach, either. I do appreciate the way he gets his players to play hard and hustle on defense. My contention is just simply that he wasn't as good as the prognosticators were proclaiming going into the season, and he's not as bad as the detractors are claiming now.
Believe me, I've never been the one to laud Martin as this genius coach. I think he's good, just get tired of the media circle-jerk that constantly surrounds him. We get it... He's a maverick when it comes to his coaching style; its entirely different and some feel its more entertaining to watch. That's why he's a media darling.

I just thought expectations were way too high on K-State entering the season in large part because Martin got way too much credit as a coach, which in some cases had more to do with his style than his substance.

And I'm not suggesting he's a bad coach, either. I do appreciate the way he gets his players to play hard and hustle on defense. My contention is just simply that he wasn't as good as the prognosticators were proclaiming going into the season, and he's not as bad as the detractors are claiming now.

This is fair.
And let's be honest...K-State's season last year was a bit of a fluke. They really didn't beat anybody in the regular season. Had a nice win vs Texas but then Texas fell apart so it wasn't really that nice. Beat Baylor a couple times. Best non-conference wins were UNLV & Dayton. Then had a lucky draw to the Elite 8 with North Texas, BYU & Xavier. It was kind of the perfect storm.
The challenge I think Martin will always have because of his style of coaching is if things are all good he's fine but the first time things start to go south his yelling and screaming starts getting to kids and they can quit on him. It's too early in the season to say this team has quit on him but they have that look of whipped puppy dogs right now. They have what should be an easy one next at home vs Texas Tech but then they go to Mizzouri, go to A&M, Baylor at home and then at KU.
There is a very good chance that K-State is 1-6 in conference on Feb 1st.
Probably at best 2-5. If they are 1-6 they are done. K-State may only win 6 games in conference.
Last year K-State had some basketball skill...this year, outside of Pullen, they're just a physical team which muscles points. Unfortunately that will keep you in games, but teams are going to eventually beat you.
My contention is just simply that he wasn't as good as the prognosticators were proclaiming going into the season, and he's not as bad as the detractors are claiming now.

Agree wholeheartedly…and that's what I mean when I say coaches get too much blame when their teams struggle – and, of course, too much credit when things are going well. The knee-jerk reactions we see in the media are mirrored by the fans/message boards. That's why we're seeing successful coaches who have a down year or two suddenly finding themselves on the unemployment line.