Antifa does exist and they’re only goal is to incite violence and mayhem. Yes, they’re mostly white, spoiled, radical left wing democrats. Local and national democrats have remained silent on their violent rioting and anarchist behavior. Some dems have been very supportive. They are criminals.
You continue to deflect from the truth because it does not suit your narrative of lies.
Is anyone left of center a democrat? Your world-view appears to be very narrow. Most other democracies (real ones) have many more active political parties that actually represent segments of the population. We have a two-party system, so a "far left" person may support Democrats because its the closet to them they have, just as far right fascist groups support Republicans because its the option that is closest to them that they have. Even though those who are very far left don't really have their interests represented by the majority of the Democratic Party, and those on the far right don't have their interests represented by the majority of the Republican Party.
For example, Norway... One of the world's best democracies. Their parliament (Congress, if you will) is represented with 9 political parties. Meaning, 9 different parties have seats in their parliament. 15 other parties vied for seats, but didn't make the vote cut.
The group with the most seats is the Labour Party, which would translate to our Democrats... The second most is the Conservative Party, which would translate to our Republicans. The others have who representation in their parliament are the Progress Party (Libertarian), Centre Party (Centrist/Moderates), Socialist Left Party (further left), Liberal Party (more centrist), Christian Democrats (center right, religious based), Green Party (center left, environmental based), Red Party (far left, communist party)...
All of these parties have representation.... And to get legislation passed, the parties typically have to work together, build coalitions, and make concessions to the other parties because more of the population is properly represented in their government.
See, real democracies don't divide the entire population into two groups of people. That is a flaw in our system.
Anyway, just food for thought.