Does Willie even want to be out there?

OK, I don't agree, but let's say I concede the point. A fan can take a slice of time, a subjective view of a players effort and determine not only the reason the team is losing, but the players future as well. So what does it accomplish to discuss these "truths"? Is it a need to assign blame? Do we think the player and/or coach can not improve without our insight? Do we think the fans can or should vocalize the "identity" of the program? Does that help in recruiting? Players come and go, fans come and go, perceptions of a school linger.
Re: The treatment of Willie Warren

If you don't fall into this, the post isn't directed at you. I'll leave it up to individuals to figure out where they fall in. There is nothing discerning about people taking an interest and having a passion for a sport. However, when people think they know or understand what it takes to play at the level these guys are playing and start psychoanalyzing guys they don't even know or can't possibly relate to, all because they watch a lot of games or played on the JV team in high school or "have inside info", it becomes obvious they are simply looking for a scapegoat to make themselves feel better about their own personal shortcomings.

So if I understand you correctly: psychoanalyzing players is a bad thing. Psychoanalyzing message board posters is okay. Making sweeping generalizations and amazingly uniformed conclusions about message board posters is also okay.

Do you know what a hypocrite is?

After psychoanalyzing your posts in this thread I feel confident that you only played JV basketball, can't relate well to others, aspire to be in the "in crowd", and you feel deeply disenchanted with you life.

With all of that said I usually agree with your posts on basketball and football.

For the record all the statements I made about you were in jest.