Drew got another one

It was mentioned on Phog that Baylor wouldn't be able to sign John Wall even if he wanted to commit. Interesting.
That may be true about Ford. I was only giving an example. Ford probably was not recruiting the same guy that Drew was that day. I saw what I saw and I was giving it as an illustration to make my point. What I have learned so far from posting on the OU board:

Defend Scott Drew- get bombarded by criticism.

Make comments about Travis Ford and Rick Barnes and they are treated like sacred cows here.

Wow- the times are a changing...

I have seen very little, if any, defending of Rick Barnes on this board. In fact, I would say he is generally criticized except that people do acknowledge he can recruit.

There are several worthless aggies (OSU) on this board so that would explain most of the defense of Ford. You also have a percentage of OU fans that buy into the Oklahoma media's constant promoting of OSU as a basketball school. Those that buy into the myth seem to have some strange opinions about OSU basketball. Regardless, I think you will see most on this board think very little of OSU.
It was mentioned on Phog that Baylor wouldn't be able to sign John Wall even if he wanted to commit. Interesting.

There is no truth to this. Baylor is ready for any scrutiny that comes with the Dwon Clifton hire. They gave him a three year contract at a reasonable pay. It is above board. Of course, they were trying to land Wall by making that hire and get access to NC AAU talent in the future.

If Clifton can't deliver Wall, I doubt he stays the full three years in Waco. The guy Clifton played for- Driscoll- has accepted a head coaching job in Florida. And how do you deliver future recruits if you can't get the one you are closest to? But we will see. I think Drew got sold a bill of goods on that deal from the beginning.

Now if he and his brother- Brian Clifton- cut a deal with World Wide Wes and accepted a large forgiveable loan to deliver Wall to Calipari and Kentucky as rumored... then Baylor should sever ties with Clifton and chalk it up to stupid mistakes.

You get the LOI and then hire the coach like Kansas, A&M and K St does... Baylor has a lot to learn about that game :)

On a side note, I know Baylor's top target for the Fall is Phil Pressey. How hard is OU recruiting him? With TMG at OU and Branch at A&M, it seems like Baylor might be the right fit for him.