you would think the refs would get clued in sometime. eVEN THE ANNOUNCERS JUST SAID Smart is #1 in the NCAA at time laying on the floor. The crowds everywhere they go are yelling Flopper. The NBA will get it and fine him like there's no tomorrow.
you would think the refs would get clued in sometime. eVEN THE ANNOUNCERS JUST SAID Smart is #1 in the NCAA at time laying on the floor. The crowds everywhere they go are yelling Flopper. The NBA will get it and fine him like there's no tomorrow.
you would think the refs would get clued in sometime. eVEN THE ANNOUNCERS JUST SAID Smart is #1 in the NCAA at time laying on the floor. The crowds everywhere they go are yelling Flopper. The NBA will get it and fine him like there's no tomorrow.
Flopping or not, he and his team are looking all out of sorts right now. KU is lighting them up.
watching KU drives me crazy (yes one of my best buds is a diehard KU fan). The amount of talent they have is disgusting and they have 2 more top 15 players coming in next year.
Gonna be hard for them not to make the Final Four this year I think.
Surprise surprise. Vinny posts threads about smart just as much as smart flops
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National guys are ripping him on twitter!