Great Capel Article on OU Blog

Dear OU FANS I have an announcement to make, the days of OU Basketball being viewed as something to do between a bowl game, the last six years a bowl loss, and spring practice is history.


Love his enthusiasm, but some definite overstatements and mistruths exist in that piece....I still don't understand why people have to put down Kelvin Sampson in order to raise up Jeff Capel. Jeff Capel can stand on his own. Kelvin Sampson is a fine basketball coach that did some great things for OU basketball. I will remember him for the good....

I hope that Coach Capel will be here long enough to be the best coach in OU basketball history. Fortunately for our program and for the sake of tradition, he has a lot of work left to do if he wants to earn that claim. He is off to a great start! :clap
Try and tell Jeff Capel OU isn’t a Basketball School
Posted by Don't Call Me Bill on October 30th, 2009 under Basketball

He isn’t listening.

Dear OU FANS I have an announcement to make, the days of OU Basketball being viewed as something to do between a bowl game, the last six years a bowl loss, and spring practice is history.

Oh how far we have come in three years. To understand this amazing transformation and what lies ahead let us not forget our colored past.
On a ho hum day in 1980 OU hired the Jack Nicolson of college Basketball and OU’s Basketball fortunes changed forever. The 24/7 full court press, constant screaming and always entertaining Billy “No matter how bad the officials are don’t chunk trash on the court” Tubbs. Billy served us 14 years of Fast Times at Ridgemont High style basketball, the only thing missing was Jeff Spicoli ordering a pizza courtside.

Billy ball was a crafty mixture of Juco ball on glue with a full throttle 24/7 press and Harlem Globetrotter nicknames. Billy’s high flying loud mouth routine didn’t fit into David Boren’s cabinet plans, in stepped the chairman of the NCAA’s 2005 basketball ethics committee Kelvin Sampson. Sampson promised a clean and polished program filled with victories and graduating student athletes. Forward 12 seasons later a 279-109 overall record, three conference tournament championships, eleven NCAA tournament berths, six first-round exits, one trip to the Final Four, less than 25 graduated players and 577 improper phone calls later, OU and the OU fans were left holding one giant bag of dog Feces. An added benefit to Sampson’s teenager like cell phone habits not disclosed by the University was a 9 month Nazi style enema for the OU Athletic program by our favorite governing body once dubbed National Communists Against Athletes by Oklahoma’s favorite steroid/growth hormone stacking split personality Football player.

A behind the scenes 9 month hissy fit by a high profile OU head coach resulted in Sampson exiting stage left. This fall from grace is the catalyst for the best OU basketball coach ever to grace the OU logo.

Joe C’s hiring of this young VCU head coach barely old enough to sport a Landry Jones style porn mustache was given a big YES by the NCAA wigs. Sampson’s 2 McDonald All American signed prospects and the rest of the cell phone posse bolted in the middle of the night for promised greenbacks. The top ranked signed player put it this way “Capel won’t give us what Sampson promised us”. With few options and a young head coach I had visions of another long haul of Juco heavy recruiting classes filled with players of yesterday, William “Don’t Call Me Bill” Davis, Mike “Helicopter” Bell, Andre “the Creator” Wiley, Jackie “I don’t do class” Jones, Jabahri “One hitter” Brown, John “Poindexter” Ontjes, JR “NBA Only” Raymond, Jozsef “Little Allen Banister” Szendrei and the all time thrill a second Calvin “I never met a shot I didn’t like” Curry.

It’s okay remember “we are a Football school” has been drilled into our heads since the days OU Football coaches waltzed around Norman after midnight wearing mink coats, a scotch on the rocks in one hand and sorority skirt in the other. Remember the good ole days, Bill Banowsky Barry’s Godfather said “Barry win another National Championship and no one will care if you are smoke dope.” Heck this is OU Football boys, basketball is something we do after a bowl game and before spring practice.

Not this time Buster, this well mannered young coach with an Ivy League pedigree has a different plan and 5 star high school players coveted by UNC, Duke, UK, KU and every other D-1 school are listening.

In three years Capel’s recruiting is off the charts:

Blake Griffin was swayed into buying the vision and graced us with two years. Year two Willie Warren said no thanks to KU, UNC, UK and others. Year three includes two top 30 players Tiny Gallon and TMG, the class is ranked 7th in the country by Scout, four of the five signed are ranked in the top 75 and all five are four year prospects. Warren will give Capel two Lottery picks, this year’s class appears to include another lottery pick. No Juco nicknames this year we will reserve that prize for Taco Tech and OSU’s Sergeant Carter.

While Sooner fans were worried about OU’s zone blocking scheme and inability to punch it in from the one yard line against Baylor and UT Capel was and still is in a head to head battle with UNC and Duke for the number 1 ranked player in the Country, Harrison Barnes a 6-7 small forward from Ames, IA. Many experts believe he is headed to OU, his visit during the Baylor weekend was off the charts. Capel has already signed a top 30 player in Cam Clark 6-6 shooting guard from Sherman TX and TJ Taylor ranked 91 nationally. Capel is deep in the mix for a handful of top 35 players. Top 10 nationally ranked and the number 1 ranked center Josh Smith, Doron Lamb 6-4 shooting guard ranked 33 overall, Terrance Jones 6-7 Power Forward ranked 15th nationally and 3rd at his position. These are only a few of the official visits by national ranked players that have taken place this fall.

If someone told Jeff Capel this was a Football school first, he sure didn’t listen and I for one am glad.
It's not necessary to put down Sampson when praising Capel. But I understand why it happens. Capel's success in areas that Sampon struggled reminds us of the frustrations during those 12 years. Thats why it gets brought up.

The Sampson stuff happens less and less and it will continue to die down. People just have to get it out of their system.
Like BT said, some things that don't need to be said, but all together, it is a good read.
A behind the scenes 9 month hissy fit by a high profile OU head coach resulted in Sampson exiting stage left.

Whom might that have been? Or is this just a case of cyberspace hyperbole?
I agree with BT. The problem with articles like that is the exaggeration and hyperbole turn readers off and they quit reading at that point.
A behind the scenes 9 month hissy fit by a high profile OU head coach resulted in Sampson exiting stage left.

Whom might that have been? Or is this just a case of cyberspace hyperbole?

I was wondering the same thing. How many OU head coaches of any sport would be referred to as "high profile"? Bob Stoops seemed to get along well with Coach Sampson, but I'm not sure Sherri Coale did. It's well-chronicled that she reached out to Rick Barnes for coaching advice, but that doesn't necessarily mean she had it in for Sampson.

I agree with the others that the pot shots taken at Sampson were completely unnecessary and diminished the effectiveness of the article.
I was wondering the same thing. How many OU head coaches of any sport would be referred to as "high profile"? Bob Stoops seemed to get along well with Coach Sampson, but I'm not sure Sherri Coale did. It's well-chronicled that she reached out to Rick Barnes for coaching advice, but that doesn't necessarily mean she had it in for Sampson.

I agree with the others that the pot shots taken at Sampson were completely unnecessary and diminished the effectiveness of the article.

I have heard that Sherri did not like Sampson at all.
One more thing...the first thing I thought of when the writer used the term "hissy fit" was, he was referring to a female. I then looked up the definition and here is what one online dictionary said:

A sudden outburst of temper, often used to describe female anger at something trivial. Originally regional from American South. Thought to originate from contraction of "hysterical fit."
One more thing...the first thing I thought of when the writer used the term "hissy fit" was, he was referring to a female. I then looked up the definition and here is what one online dictionary said:

A sudden outburst of temper, often used to describe female anger at something trivial. Originally regional from American South. Thought to originate from contraction of "hysterical fit."

Touche! Maybe something telling there? Maybe just dumb luck? I first thought of BS when I read the article. Probably wrong. In any event, I have no hard feelings for KS.

With that said. I'm really excitied about our current HC. Best thing to happen to OU hoops since Alvin Adams/Gar Heard.
One more thing...the first thing I thought of when the writer used the term "hissy fit" was, he was referring to a female. I then looked up the definition and here is what one online dictionary said:

A sudden outburst of temper, often used to describe female anger at something trivial. Originally regional from American South. Thought to originate from contraction of "hysterical fit."

More than one coach was uphappy with the 577 improper phone calls. Sampson's issues camped the NCAA at our house for an entire school year. The NCAA was tearing into everything looking for lack of instutitional control, the Bomar pay for no work scam was not the work of the coaches. Stoops handled it fast and the self imposed sanctions were harsh. Unlike USC we take care of our problems and are open with the NCAA. Sampson tried to play a different card in the beginning. They were in our grill daily and it was Sampson's fault. There was no way in heck Sampson had any chance of staying in Norman. I have no idea how he pulled off the job down the road from Hickery high, I loved Sampson as our head coach he was tough as nails and gave a few smack downs to OSU, UT and KU. His 3 conference champiosnhips and the final 4 was super considering he only had 1 NBA player in his 12 years. How many big 12 coaches won 3 conference championships in 12 years? He was great for OU however the disregard for the NCAA rules was to much for us to swallow. Remember he was the chairman of the ethic's committee which makes it even worse.

That's a UT site, masquerading as an OU Site.
That article is awful.

I went back and read some of the other stories on there and see what you mean. Why would someone spend so much time and effort on a fake OU blog? Pretty lame if you ask me.
I think OU fans, and I, are made at Sampson because of the state of the program upon his departure and Sampson's attitude toward the university and the rules. He left our program in terrible shape. While he wouldn't take any of his recruits with him, he didn't encourage any of his recruits to believe in Oklahoma and Capel.

Bob Stoops has every right to be pissed at Sampson. If Sampson hadn't been in trouble with the NCAA and so self-righteous in his defense, the NCAA wouldn't have been threatening a lack of institutional control charge against us. Stoops's hands were tied. He had to kick Bomar and J.D. Quinn off immediately. Looking back on it, what was actually proveable against both players didn't warrant being kicked off the team (especially considering on what other universities and the NCAA were allowing). So Stoops had to play Paul Thompson at quarterback which legitimately cost us a shot for the national title (we had all-world Adrian Peterson in the backfield and Malcolm Kelly at wide receiver, and a two-loss LSU team ended up making it).

The long and short of it is that Sampson arrogance hurt our university and our basketball program. It is nothing short of amazing what Capel has been able to do so fast and that our university avoided a lack of institutional control charge.

Just because Capel took the high road and welcomed Kellen back, doesn't mean as a fan, I can't still be pissed that I had to watch our basketball team in shambles (broke our nation leading post-season tournament streak) and our football season pissed away with one of the greatest all-time running backs.
I think OU fans, and I, are made at Sampson because of the state of the program upon his departure and Sampson's attitude toward the university and the rules. He left our program in terrible shape. While he wouldn't take any of his recruits with him, he didn't encourage any of his recruits to believe in Oklahoma and Capel.

Bob Stoops has every right to be pissed at Sampson. If Sampson hadn't been in trouble with the NCAA and so self-righteous in his defense, the NCAA wouldn't have been threatening a lack of institutional control charge against us. Stoops's hands were tied. He had to kick Bomar and J.D. Quinn off immediately. Looking back on it, what was actually proveable against both players didn't warrant being kicked off the team (especially considering on what other universities and the NCAA were allowing). So Stoops had to play Paul Thompson at quarterback which legitimately cost us a shot for the national title (we had all-world Adrian Peterson in the backfield and Malcolm Kelly at wide receiver, and a two-loss LSU team ended up making it).

The long and short of it is that Sampson arrogance hurt our university and our basketball program. It is nothing short of amazing what Capel has been able to do so fast and that our university avoided a lack of institutional control charge.

Just because Capel took the high road and welcomed Kellen back, doesn't mean as a fan, I can't still be pissed that I had to watch our basketball team in shambles (broke our nation leading post-season tournament streak) and our football season pissed away with one of the greatest all-time running backs.

Wow well said.

That's a UT site, masquerading as an OU Site.
That article is awful.

What makes it awful is the state of the program and the NCAA nazi's unleashed due to Sampson's 577 infractions. Not sure if the player graduation statement is correct but the other points are spot on. The top recruit did make a comment that Capel won't promise what Sampson had promised. Not sure what that means but it sure doesn't sound good.

Remember Sampson was the chairman of the ethics committee when all this was going on.
I think OU fans, and I, are made at Sampson because of the state of the program upon his departure and Sampson's attitude toward the university and the rules. He left our program in terrible shape. While he wouldn't take any of his recruits with him, he didn't encourage any of his recruits to believe in Oklahoma and Capel.

Bob Stoops has every right to be pissed at Sampson. If Sampson hadn't been in trouble with the NCAA and so self-righteous in his defense, the NCAA wouldn't have been threatening a lack of institutional control charge against us. Stoops's hands were tied. He had to kick Bomar and J.D. Quinn off immediately. Looking back on it, what was actually proveable against both players didn't warrant being kicked off the team (especially considering on what other universities and the NCAA were allowing). So Stoops had to play Paul Thompson at quarterback which legitimately cost us a shot for the national title (we had all-world Adrian Peterson in the backfield and Malcolm Kelly at wide receiver, and a two-loss LSU team ended up making it).

The long and short of it is that Sampson arrogance hurt our university and our basketball program. It is nothing short of amazing what Capel has been able to do so fast and that our university avoided a lack of institutional control charge.

Just because Capel took the high road and welcomed Kellen back, doesn't mean as a fan, I can't still be pissed that I had to watch our basketball team in shambles (broke our nation leading post-season tournament streak) and our football season pissed away with one of the greatest all-time running backs.

You are right. But why still be pissed? We have a great, young coach and a bright future as a program. For me, its pretty easy to look at all the good that Kelvin brought to the is program. Lots of really good players, big wins, conference championships, a final four....why focus on the bad. We aren't in shambles anymore.
I love the Sampson-era players and teams. I'm happy for the success we have had. I think Sampson was an good coach and won a lot of games where we were overmatched (he also lost a lot we shouldn't have). But as an individual, I don't respect him.

What he did to our fan base still hasn't been rectified. In the '80s and early parts of Sampson's career, LNC was a very loud and tough place to play. I still remember in Sampson's first year we went 15-0 at home. The fans rushed the floor three or four times that year. It was loud and crazy. Every year, the fan support decreased. Many like to blame it on Sampson's offense and failure to win big games, but I disagree. We had some big wins and some very exciting games. I blame it on Sampson's alienation of the fan support with his arrogance. Many a season ticketholder have told me that they just couldn't cheer for the guy, which is sad but true.

P.S. There were four aspects of Sampson's coaching that were horrible. One, in-bounds plays offer superior scoring possibilities for set plays because the inbounder cannot be pressured. Yet Sampson routinely just called for the ball to be thrown into the back court. Two, Sampson could not coach a full-court press to save his life. Three, from day one, he couldn't get his guys to defend a backdoor cut. The worst of it being when Bogut and Utah basically scored every point in the NCAA tournament against us on backdoor cuts. How hard is it to tell a player, (a) a backdoor cut pass is almost always a bounce pass so your hand should be down toward the floor not up in the air and (b) if they take our center to the high post to set up the backdoor cut, sell out to stop the backdoor. No one shoots better than 45% from the three but almost everyone in college shoots above 99% on a layup. Four, (especially late in his career) he went to a one-on-one style game. It seemed to start with the clearing out for Nolan Johnson against OSU at GIA. He always relied on one guy to be the man (e.g., Minor, Erdman, Brewer, Najera, and N. Johnson). But he had no creativity to have team offenses.
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