Harmon to the draft

I guess this is better then him transferring to another school
Yikes. Two thoughts:

1. If he legit thinks he’s about to get drafted into the NBA, sign a nice contract and begin a lucrative NBA career, then he has received some horrendous advice and/or is delusional.

2. If he’s just done playing college ball and is ready to try and make some $ playing pro hoops and he understands his NBA prospects are beyond slim, then OK— at least he know what he’s getting into.

The culture around college athletics and especially basketball right now is bad. I understand there are some players perhaps with extreme personal circumstances who might be in dire need of making a living RIGHT NOW, but that’s not the case for most. Leaving early, multiple transfers, etc. man, these kids are missing out on what is likely some of the best experiences of your life.

I wonder if any of the advice they are given stems around taking advantage of a unique opportunity/time in your life, not trying to grow up too fast, etc. or is it ALL “get yours” now. Even when “yours” is likely a tiny fraction of what you’re being sold.
That doesn’t sound right - I don’t think he would be permitted to return if he wasn’t drafted. In this case everyone should declare. But I don’t think it’s the case.
That doesn’t sound right - I don’t think he would be permitted to return if he wasn’t drafted. In this case everyone should declare. But I don’t think it’s the case.

you are allowed to declare, get feed back, and return to school one time as long as you don't sign with an agent
Well, Capel’s first year the cupboard was bare and the team was bad. Same thing in Lin’s first year. Looks to be trending the same for whoever takes over.
you are allowed to declare, get feed back, and return to school one time as long as you don't sign with an agent

And plenty of kids do this. Till we know if that’s his plan, it’s hard to know if he just made a terrible decision or is simply going through he process. Or maybe he just hates school and would rather take his chances on making a G League roster, though even that would be a longshot at this point.
And plenty of kids do this. Till we know if that’s his plan, it’s hard to know if he just made a terrible decision or is simply going through he process. Or maybe he just hates school and would rather take his chances on making a G League roster, though even that would be a longshot at this point.

Brandon Rachal at TU's announcement was a lot more specific than Harmons.... Harmons looks like a goodbye... Rachal's leaves the door open to come back.

That's just me looking into it, but Harmon's tweet makes it look like he isn't just testing it out and might come back. Who knows though.
This is infinitely more shocking than Kruger's announcement. What is he thinking?
you are allowed to declare, get feed back, and return to school one time as long as you don't sign with an agent

Yes this has always been the case but you have to pull out of the draft in order to come back. There is discussion of the possibility of staying in the draft - yet still being able to come back if you are not drafted.