I am very different from most of you. My first concern about a university is whether it is doing its job, that of education and producing people capable of contributing. In that regard, I have the highest respect for Sherri Coale. It seems that she has been very effective at doing exactly that.
Somewhere we got sports mixed up with universities, and we defined the role of coaches to be that of producing sports championships. I don't think that was in the minds of the people of Oklahoma when they created OU back in 91.
I would like to see the winning that we did have with the program regenerated. I don't dwell on it that it hasn't. We are still doing our job.
One can most definitely dispute whether Sherri is still doing her job. While there is no doubt that Sherri is doing an excellent job of educating and producing contributors we must also identify and accept that universities like our culture is dynamic with the only constant being change. That being said the role of sports in academia has made major changes
Sports is no longer is no an approach of providing just an academic exposure to the recognition, trials and tribulations of the real world. Now is serves as a primary interface to entice its graduates, friends and donors to become more closely tied to their schools with their presence on campus while securing from them moneys for both academia and athletics.
Consequently we don't pay Sherri $1,330K just to develop educated contributors to society. We also pay her to win basketball games, to create interest in OU and to draw fans, alumni and donors to campus. Those who are chartered with their primary function be educating and developing contributors are paid based on 2016-2017 numbers an average of $116K for a full professor and $82K for an associate professor. Quite a disparity.
Only the top administrators at OU and OUHSC plus the professional MD's on staff at OUHSC make similar salaries to athletic coaches. The top 20 wage earners at OU's Norman campus are all associated with the athletic department ($395K-$5,330K). Linked below are the top 20 wage earners at OU, OUHSC and OUHSC Professional Plan... With the highest paid professors and administrators paid about what the lowest paid assistant football coach makes.
Sherri Coale was the 4th highest paid person at OU making $1,330K. That is a million dollars plus above what a endowed professor makes and that incremental money is paid to win basketball games, create interest in the university, draw fans to games and generate revenue.
You may not like what has transpired with the integration of sports on the college campus but that is what has transpired through the dynamics of our cultural changes. And no one really cares what the founder had in mind when they started OU. We are not living in 1891. It is what it and unequivocally Sherri is not doing the job she is paid an incremental $1million to do.