How happy is Luca Drca that Blake left early?


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Nov 11, 2008
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The Serbian Vampire is the one who tripped him and got ejected from the game in Norman last year. I would think he knows he could have been beaten to a pulp last year, after doing that, if Griffin didn't have such good self-control.

Drca (pronounced Der-cha) is a pretty good player, but I sure lost a lot of respect for him last year when he pulled that little stunt. It wasn't quite as bad as Leonard Washington's (USC) attack-on-the-jewels manuever, but it was still pretty blatant.
The Serbian Vampire is the one who tripped him and got ejected from the game in Norman last year. I would think he knows he could have been beaten to a pulp last year, after doing that, if Griffin didn't have such good self-control.

Drca (pronounced Der-cha) is a pretty good player, but I sure lost a lot of respect for him last year when he pulled that little stunt. It wasn't quite as bad as Leonard Washington's (USC) attack-on-the-jewels manuever, but it was still pretty blatant.

Drca the Jrca is very happy until Tiny trips on him and they need a putty knife to peel him off the floor.
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Tiny will have his hands full against these guys. If he can rebound well and limit their points in the paint it will bode well for us. If not, he may very well struggle against guys like Aldrich and Pittman. Will be interesting to see how Capel schemes the matchups in this game.
The Serbian Vampire is the one who tripped him and got ejected from the game in Norman last year. I would think he knows he could have been beaten to a pulp last year, after doing that, if Griffin didn't have such good self-control.

Drca (pronounced Der-cha) is a pretty good player, but I sure lost a lot of respect for him last year when he pulled that little stunt. It wasn't quite as bad as Leonard Washington's (USC) attack-on-the-jewels manuever, but it was still pretty blatant.

Not one of his better moments. Probably a lot like Godbolds temporary moment of insanity. Godbold was a good guy that made a mistake because he was frustrated. Drca is probably the same way. He was frustrated and did something stupid. No one got hurt, he served his suspension so I will call him lucky and let it go.
We should certainly see how far Tiny has worked on what Coach has been preaching about using his body against opponents. How much weight does he have on thier 7'3" center?
It's hard not to respect the Utah coach after that incident last year. Besides getting thrown out of the game, Drca got a team suspension (forgot how many games) for what he did to Blake.

Utah players have a history of conducting themselves well in spite of what happened last year. In their Final Four game against North Carolina in 1998, a Utah player and a NC player (was it Antwan Jamieson?) mixed it up near the end of the game. The NC player got a reprimand for saying the Utah player made a racial insensitive comment. Rick Majerus, who was Utah's head coach at the time, was so confident his player would have never made a racially insensitive comment, publicly stated that if his player said one, he would immediately resign. The NC player later admitted that he made it up.
If Tony plays like he has, I think we have a matchup advantage.