Sampson i think would have pushed last year's team to the natty..
Couldn't disagree more. Maybe they play Nova closer in the national semifinal but the 2 best teams in the country played for the title...
The hottest two definitely did.
It may sound ridiculous given the margin we lost by, but I'm not convinced Nova was better than us. They were that day (boy, were they!) but they were on a hot streak and on that particular day they simply couldn't miss (and we couldn't hit).
I posted this at the time, but if we'd shot our average for the tourney and Nova had shot theirs and both of us had taken the same number of shots, we'd have won. Obviously, we shot much worse and they shot much better than those respective averages and they won decisively (to say the least), but one nightmare of a game didn't change my mind about our team. It wasn't a fluke that we routed them in Hawaii; we were red-hot that day, and they were ice cold. The roles switched in the Final Four. It happens. If we'd played Nova once a month over the course of the season, we'd have done no worse than 2-3, in my opinion, and we might well have won three of five.
The hottest two definitely did.
It may sound ridiculous given the margin we lost by, but I'm not convinced Nova was better than us. They were that day (boy, were they!) but they were on a hot streak and on that particular day they simply couldn't miss (and we couldn't hit).
I posted this at the time, but if we'd shot our average for the tourney and Nova had shot theirs and both of us had taken the same number of shots, we'd have won. Obviously, we shot much worse and they shot much better than those respective averages and they won decisively (to say the least), but one nightmare of a game didn't change my mind about our team. It wasn't a fluke that we routed them in Hawaii; we were red-hot that day, and they were ice cold. The roles switched in the Final Four. It happens. If we'd played Nova once a month over the course of the season, we'd have done no worse than 2-3, in my opinion, and we might well have won three of five.
I just think it's silly to suggest a different coach or approach changes any outcomes for this group. Sampson and Kruger are pretty comparable coaches but I don't think Sampson's style changes anything about how this team's season went or finished. They weren't built like a Sampson team.
Don't get me wrong. We deserved to be in the final four and were a top 5 team, IMO. I just think it's silly to suggest a different coach or approach changes any outcomes for this group. Sampson and Kruger are pretty comparable coaches but I don't think Sampson's style changes anything about how this team's season went or finished. They weren't built like a Sampson team. In fact, I'd reckon we wouldn't have made it to the final four with Sampson as the coach of this team.
But Sampson was an outstanding coach for us. Very undervalued particularily by our own fan base
You're posting in a thread theorizing outcomes of a 10 Game series.. yes, 10 games lol that's "silly"
I stand by my opinion. I really liked sampsons toughness and emphasis on rebounding. Dont really like the guy tho. Kruger is night and day there.
But Sampson was an outstanding coach for us. Very undervalued particularily by our own fan base
You're posting in a thread theorizing outcomes of a 10 Game series.. yes, 10 games lol that's "silly"
"Best of" series are uneven games, so somebody HAS to win.
It's like when people want to you bet on an over/under proposition, then give you an even number that can hit exactly.
just wow man.
big has been around sports long enough he should know better. I've literally never heard a single person offer up a best of <insert even number here> series. It's absurd. And his follow up post wasn't much better.
big has been around sports long enough he should know better. I've literally never heard a single person offer up a best of <insert even number here> series. It's absurd. And his follow up post wasn't much better.
You hear all the time,xxx team wins 9 out of 10,etc. All the time. It was quite obvious what the op was getting at. And leaving it at 10 leaves the possibility for someone that thinks both coaches are equal.
That is not what he was getting at. He said so himself.