It's evidently software that can fool a web site into not thinking the post is from a robot. I've gotten 2 of them from new posters from Russia .... it says. It's very annoying. I'm just curious to see how many of us are getting them.
No. Change that password
They're not accessing our accounts -- they're accessing the board itself and then sending us private messages.
Right. They're registering as new users. They don't show up as robots because of this software when they register.
Yes, I received them as well.
Someone is going thru a lot of trouble just to get permanently banned. Thanks for taking care of that, Ada.
There is some good news. They're registering but they can't post or reply on any of the forums..... until an Admin or someone (BoulderSooner) approves them. There have been 100 of these foreign accounts opened in the last 2 days. I can delete them but we need to figure out how to stop them from getting registered in the first place.