It's Time


maybe your best post evah.
IMHO, Buzz was never coming. Brad Stevens not coming. We missed our chance for a big splash hire by not going after BCG.
At this point, we are waiting for dominos to fall to see which lower-level candidate we go after, unless Joe C has an Ace up his sleeve, which is certainly a possibility.
As I have stated, I like Johnny Jones. He has done a admirable job for a sustained period at a school with no resources. I think his Texas ties would be a benefit. But it certainly would be a gamble, and it this point that might not be a possibility.
I like Jones as fallback plan. But personally I want a bigger name, like Buzz.
Why cant he just keep winning at Butler? He has a winner, but why leave a winner to try and make another school do what you are already doing?

What its really time for is to be realistic. Brad Stevens to OU is not realistic. He has absolutely no reason to leave Butler for OU. He is in practically the same situation as Mark Few. Sure, its a small school, but they are now big time basketball programs. He has a better chance at a championship with Butler than he does at Oklahoma.

I mean, the fans are just roaming around pointing at coaches who are winning NCAA Tournament games and saying "I WANT HIM!", but those coaches are advancing through the NCAA Tournament with winners they put on the floor. Again, why should they leave?

OU is not an elite job, so if you are already winning its a step down right now. OU is a very good job, but they will either hire someone with connections to this part of the country or who works at a crappier school.

Butler, Florida, Marquette, etc are not crappier schools. These guys have BIG TIME jobs and are playing on the national stage. Sure, OU is used to that, but these guys are ALREADY there.

UCO, North Texas, Wichita State, Missouri State, etc are crappier schools that have good coaches and are in the area. These guys win with lesser talent, they recruit the area, and they could win at OU.

I could be totally wrong, and I think Buzz is a realistic "big time" candidate because of his connections to Oklahoma and this part of the country, but Buzz is about as "big time" as OU is going to get.

Say all the crap that you want, but every once in a while a coach will leave super duper job for a lateral move or even a lesser move. No reason to harp on people's dreams that are hoping for Stevens despite the odds.
Let's put it this way. If you were Brad Stevens, would you come to OU? Right now, his coaching star is at its pinnacle. Moving to OU to attempt to rebuild a program is a major risk. He can just stay at Butler, make the NCAA Tournament every year, and advance past the first weekend every few seasons. When Brad Stevens leaves, Butler it will be for one of college basketball's blue blooded programs. I can easily see him being the next coach at a place like UCLA, UNC, or Indiana when the time comes.