Keith Clark what could have been

What's the D League all about if it's not for NBA player personel people to keep an eye on prospects?

If he's in the D League and shows promise, they'll call him up. However, 12 and 7 is not exactly living large in Dsville.

As far as being ready out of highschool, KC wasn't close.

As far as the clip, I agree that anyone who gets in top shape can make a big contribution to a college team. He could have been huge for us.

I think Livingston was averaging about 9 points when he got his contract.
I think Livingston was averaging about 9 points when he got his contract.

Yeah but Livingston has been in the league and has shown what he can do. 2 completely different cases. Also he is a PG whereas Moose would be a 3 or 4.
Yeah but Livingston has been in the league and has shown what he can do. 2 completely different cases. Also he is a PG whereas Moose would be a 3 or 4.

Hopefully he gets a shot, but his playing career seems to be on a better track than it is now. When Humphrey took a leave of absense, he put up big numbers. Getting to a draft camp where he can play against other draftable players can help him. Especially if he can outperform him.
No way in hell Clark could have made the jump from high school to the NBA.

He was a solid player, but always overhyped by the Lloyd Noble board.
That can be the situation often at universities. However, not always because professors sometimes hate athletes. I was advised in college to change my major because many of the professors were anti athlete. Let's face it, athletes are stereotyped....maybe a little more in some sports than others. Ironically, they are pre judged probably because of guys like Clarke. I'm sure OU's academic advisors know which teachers to avoid but I would not say its that much of a cakewalk.

Ya I guess I should have said in my situation but I came into college with a 4.0; but I have heard what you are talking about some athletes being targeted but not at OU.

Clark has some problems in high school but he was making real progress at OU and was a great guy to be around. He just could not get the school thing down.
Keith Clark is exactly why the rule you have to go to college a year is a terrible rule. Kid had no desire to be in school. Why force kids to go to college that don't want to be. He could have put his name in the NBA draft out of high school.

He could have put his name in the draft but would have been in the same D league if he did.
He could have put his name in the draft but would have been in the same D league if he did.

That's true, I think what Cheno was saying is that it wouldn't of been a waste of his or ourt time to have Keith on campus for as long as he was.
That's true, I think what Cheno was saying is that it wouldn't of been a waste of his or ourt time to have Keith on campus for as long as he was.

That's exactly what I'm saying. It hurt the institution. And who knows maybe Keith would have wowed them at the pre-draft camp and he gets a look. At worse he's where he is today in the D league. It just makes a mockery of the education system. A one and doner (not talking about Clark here) can take pud classes first semester and then just enroll in 2nd semester and not even attend classes and then go pro. It's a joke.
I say let them go out of high school. That's my first preference. They can go to war but they can't go to the NBA? Stupid. If that won't work make them stay two years in college.
That's true, I think what Cheno was saying is that it wouldn't of been a waste of his or ourt time to have Keith on campus for as long as he was.

Everyone knew who Keith is and was. That was discussed at Nauseum (sp?) on the other board. Many of us thought he would never play at OU. He did for a little bit which was more than I thought.
Everyone knew who Keith is and was. That was discussed at Nauseum (sp?) on the other board. Many of us thought he would never play at OU. He did for a little bit which was more than I thought.

Part of that is due to the fact that colleges try and give all students (not just athletes) a probation period to try and pull their grades up. It was the only reason that Bobby Maze lasted as long as he did in Norman (it baffles me that he was able to get into UTenn).

I wish Moose the best. He is actually a very nice guy and it seems like he is now taking his basketball seriously from a conditioning standpoint.