Kelvin assisting in current OU recruiting

If absolute scumbags like Todd Bozeman can get another D-1 job after the crap he pulled, then anybody can.
You're probably right. Unfortunately, there are more morons in the world than there are people with common sense.

Then what was his recent appeal all about? I don't think there is another idiot out there like Greenspan who would put their neck on the line for a guy like Kelvin who has trouble following the rules. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. But then again, there are plenty of morons out there who still believe OJ is innocent.


OJ is still searching for Nicole's killers. Apparently he thinks they were golfers, since he spent most of his time looking for them on various golf courses. Now, he is searching for them in lockup as it looks like he will spend the rest of his life in the pen. :D
That is certainly true, good point. Personally I think it would be pretty funny if Sampson decided to just give the middle finger to the NCAA and do whatever he wanted. The only worry I would have is that some in Indianapolis would then have it out for his son, although Kellen is going to have to walk the straight and narrow anyway because of who he is.

Anyone more knowlegable than me want to take a stab at interpreting this:

I don't see any wiggle room there...