MBB Transfer Portal Thread: Moser Year 4

$600k sounds like a lot of money for Pedulla. Seems like that kind of dough would buy a better player, or no?
Are the better players getting more?
Was Uzan or McCollum getting that kind of cash?
Just assuming but I’d guess Mayo got in the 800k range at Kansas, 1mm to Dickerson, then idk maybe 300 or so to the Bama kid, CoachTalk knows more I bet, I’d just imagine Kansas wants to make a run and a starting 5 of Dickerson, adams, Griffen, Mayo, Harris, while it costing in the 2.5 mill range seems what I’d guess
Just assuming but I’d guess Mayo got in the 800k range at Kansas, 1mm to Dickerson, then idk maybe 300 or so to the Bama kid, CoachTalk knows more I bet, I’d just imagine Kansas wants to make a run and a starting 5 of Dickerson, adams, Griffen, Mayo, Harris, while it costing in the 2.5 mill range seems what I’d guess
I don’t think Pedulla gets 600k

Rylan will get 600+ from KU

Aj storr asked for $1mil and ku said 750k take it or leave it. I think that was reported a few weeks back.
$600k sounds like a lot of money for Pedulla. Seems like that kind of dough would buy a better player, or no?
Are the better players getting more?
Was Uzan or McCollum getting that kind of cash?
To be honest, I think Trilly is wrong. He's solid but not perfect. I'm not tracking it in-depth because eh, it's tedious, but Trilly, like everyone has, gets a variety of things wrong (or the situation changes, etc).

I think the first number ($300K) floated out there is more accurate on Pedulla.

I think Trilly got to the $600K number because he saw me post it in regards to Garrison (and I stole it from a Scoop poster which I clearly stated, lol). Sort of a wires crossed moment, if you will.