MBB Transfer Portal Thread: Moser Year 4

This is why is you are a joke and a POS.

Go check the offers. I wasn't wrong. And I never said it was a matter of being racist. NEVER. Matter of fact, I tried to cut that talk off with my initial comment.

To think you are around our youth, man, that just makes me sad. Why not go root for the school you attended? Weirdo.

Maybe it was not your intent but your post read like you were calling ou’s head coach racist. It already won dumbest post of the year award in a landslide.
SO switching gears.... Since it seems like our roster has been essentially completed. What is everyone's guess on who averages what next year??

My initial guess off the top of my head:

G) Miles - 14 - I think he could score as much as 16-17, or if he doesn't handle this transition, could fall to 12ish. He's the wildcard to me.
G) Elvis - 8 - He's been very consistent during his career.
G) Jones - 10 - Another wildcard to me. He's a nice 3-pt shooter...much more than Oweh was. He will also be better than non-conf Soares, but doubt he will be as good as conf Soares.
F) Moore - 14 - I think he will/should be the first option. This number may be a bit aggressive ,but I also expect him to play more minutes this year.
F/C) Godwin - 8 - won't be flashy and will get beat defensively against big/athletic guys, but he's consistent once he gets that ball in the block and had some nice P & R plays last year.

Goodine - 9 - I expect him to be in the Darthard role, but a better shooter. Could have a few games of 20+ easily. Had games of 40 & 37 this past season, albeit against lesser competition.

Nwankwo - 7 - he's the one that is hardest to predict. How much will he play? He seems like the Soares/Oweh type of replacement. Is an athletic freak and has shot the 3 ball well in juco...but will it all translate quickly? If it does, our ceiling is much higher.

Wague - 5 - again, his numbers on a 40 mpg basis are higher than Hugely, Onyeno, and Garrison. BUT, can he stay on the court? If he can control his fouls, this number could be 8 easily.

Northweather/Cole/Dayton/Atak - 7 - I'm really interested in how well Cole does. A lot to be intrigued by. I'm also interested to see how well Dayton's game translates. Atak can really shoot it, but may have a hard time finding much PT. Also needs to add some strength. Hopefully Northweather's shooting % increases to his capabilities. Hitting 3's in practice is much different than hitting them in big-time games.

What do you all got?
I agree with most here.
Miles - 13-15
Elvis 8-10
Jones - I'm super high on.. think he could be more like 12-13
Moore - Think he will stay around 12-14.. Would love if he could be a 15 plus scorer
Godwin/Wague - 10-12 total.
SO switching gears.... Since it seems like our roster has been essentially completed. What is everyone's guess on who averages what next year??

My initial guess off the top of my head:

G) Miles - 14 - I think he could score as much as 16-17, or if he doesn't handle this transition, could fall to 12ish. He's the wildcard to me.
G) Elvis - 8 - He's been very consistent during his career.
G) Jones - 10 - Another wildcard to me. He's a nice 3-pt shooter...much more than Oweh was. He will also be better than non-conf Soares, but doubt he will be as good as conf Soares.
F) Moore - 14 - I think he will/should be the first option. This number may be a bit aggressive ,but I also expect him to play more minutes this year.
F/C) Godwin - 8 - won't be flashy and will get beat defensively against big/athletic guys, but he's consistent once he gets that ball in the block and had some nice P & R plays last year.

Goodine - 9 - I expect him to be in the Darthard role, but a better shooter. Could have a few games of 20+ easily. Had games of 40 & 37 this past season, albeit against lesser competition.

Nwankwo - 7 - he's the one that is hardest to predict. How much will he play? He seems like the Soares/Oweh type of replacement. Is an athletic freak and has shot the 3 ball well in juco...but will it all translate quickly? If it does, our ceiling is much higher.

Wague - 5 - again, his numbers on a 40 mpg basis are higher than Hugely, Onyeno, and Garrison. BUT, can he stay on the court? If he can control his fouls, this number could be 8 easily.

Northweather/Cole/Dayton/Atak - 7 - I'm really interested in how well Cole does. A lot to be intrigued by. I'm also interested to see how well Dayton's game translates. Atak can really shoot it, but may have a hard time finding much PT. Also needs to add some strength. Hopefully Northweather's shooting % increases to his capabilities. Hitting 3's in practice is much different than hitting them in big-time games.

What do you all got?
We are scoring 82 per game?
We are scoring 82 per game?
It's already been mentioned that that's prob a tad high. This season we averaged 75 ppg, and that was with some very poor shooting performances. If this team is indeed a better perimeter shooting team, if you just add one additional made 3 a game, you're at 78. In general, I think the SEC plays at a quicker pace (not all teams, but several), so I'd guess we average in the upper 70's.
It's already been mentioned that that's prob a tad high. This season we averaged 75 ppg, and that was with some very poor shooting performances. If this team is indeed a better perimeter shooting team, if you just add one additional made 3 a game, you're at 78. In general, I think the SEC plays at a quicker pace (not all teams, but several), so I'd guess we average in the upper 70's.
I don’t ever try to do individual projections. It’s way too speculative, especially with an entirely new roster. We are less talented and less athletic, and will be relying on lots of guys with no major conference experience. Our numbers last year were also inflated by the lack of quality in the nonconference schedule. So I would imagine the scoring will be down from last season, not up, especially if Moser learned not to fill the schedule with Q4 opponents.
Me? You are calling people racist out hate for a coach…. Bc he offered 3 white top players and ignored the dozen African American….

everyone is seeing your stripes. Both of ya.
No I didn't. YOU made that leap. I literally said that was not what I was saying, when I posted it.

But you will take every opportunity to attack me. I get it. I've called you on your BS in the past and you didn't like it. That's fine. But arguing with me even if I say the sky is blue or water is wet only makes you the loser here. Tired of you following me around creating drama. You can't have a mature conversation. You are incapable. Weird stuff.
Maybe it was not your intent but your post read like you were calling ou’s head coach racist. It already won dumbest post of the year award in a landslide.
No it didn't. Some of you all just can't handle mature topics.

I don't have to call PM a racist to absolutely hammer his coaching tenure at OU. Wouldn't even need to go there if it was true.
It was definitely his intent. 100%
If that was my intent, I'd have said that was my intent.

Like I said above, even if that were true (that PM was racist), I a) wouldn't touch it on this board, and b) wouldn't even need to. PM has given me a lifetime of stuff to be critical of in 3 seasons.
Keep telling yourself that.
Literally posted irrefutable evidence.

I didn't speculate on the why. There is a laundry list of possible reasons. Just posted what I had noticed, then backed it up with "the facts." Trying to suggest I wasn't right about it happening, after what I posted, is laughable. Again, no idea the reason, just found it interesting. If it's something I noticed just following the offers, I wondered if others had as well. But I was 100% right about it happening. Denying that is clownish behavior.
If that was my intent, I'd have said that was my intent.

Like I said above, even if that were true (that PM was racist), I a) wouldn't touch it on this board, and b) wouldn't even need to. PM has given me a lifetime of stuff to be critical of in 3 seasons.
You literally brought race into it. That is touching the topic
I don’t ever try to do individual projections. It’s way too speculative, especially with an entirely new roster. We are less talented and less athletic, and will be relying on lots of guys with no major conference experience. Our numbers last year were also inflated by the lack of quality in the nonconference schedule. So I would imagine the scoring will be down from last season, not up, especially if Moser learned not to fill the schedule with Q4 opponents.
I didn't even ask you to partake. What else do we have to discuss until the season starts?? You're right...we will prob average somewhere in the 50's. ffs
Literally posted irrefutable evidence.

I'm not sure you know what that phrase means. Feel free to point me back to a post if I missed something. Absolutely nothing you said was irrefutable evidence.
Can we just have a forum on here or thread that is a "I hate PM and all his players" so all the fighting, b#tching, moaning and hand wringing can stay there? That would be pleasant.
Easily the best idea on the board in a while, obviously ok to hate PM but the same old rehashed circle jerk of jokes/comments from the same few posters add little to the discussion especially in the portal thread.

And yikes at throwing racism charges around lol.