MBB Transfer Portal Thread: Moser Year 4

If you change his tweet to be a series (say, 30 or so) of how the SEC is embarrassing itself by letting Porter Moser coach one of its teams .. and have 43 permutations of how Oklahoma is not in the in club (and Porter sucks) with lists showing teams who are better. Oh, and he needs to bill himself as an OU fan, all the while tweeting those at the sports department anytime they have a happy message about OU basketball. That should do it.
Easily the best idea on the board in a while, obviously ok to hate PM but the same old rehashed circle jerk of jokes/comments from the same few posters add little to the discussion especially in the portal thread.

And yikes at throwing racism charges around lol.
We could label it as the MDS Corner. Moser derangement Syndrome Corner. To be so invested in hate or your opinions removes a lot of joy in watching sports. For those of us who coached at high levels or even youth sports can understand some of the issues that are invisible to fans, parents or talking heads.

Doesn't just about every P6 basketball team start the season with NCAA Tournament Expectations???

I get not having Mizzou on the list because they're maybe not "expecting", but can't imagine folks in Columbia (SC was 26-8) and even Baton Rouge and Norman are playing just to "hope" to make the tournament. If a P6 coach (or most of them) isn't playing the season with the expectation of postseason play, they shouldn't be at a P6 gig.

For example, if we don't "expect" to make the tournament, and it's just a hope or a goal, then Moser's job is okay if we don't make it, right? LOL.

Kind of a silly list/post by Rothstein.
Doesn't just about every P6 basketball team start the season with NCAA Tournament Expectations???

I get not having Mizzou on the list because they're maybe not "expecting", but can't imagine folks in Columbia (SC was 26-8) and even Baton Rouge and Norman are playing just to "hope" to make the tournament. If a P6 coach (or most of them) isn't playing the season with the expectation of postseason play, they shouldn't be at a P6 gig.

For example, if we don't "expect" to make the tournament, and it's just a hope or a goal, then Moser's job is okay if we don't make it, right? LOL.

Kind of a silly list/post by Rothstein.
Maybe there’s a list of programs that are expecting a press conference complaining about the committee next year?
Maybe there’s a list of programs that are expecting a press conference complaining about the committee next year?
I’m waiting for some of the Moser apologists to get on here and argue that technically, the tweet didn’t say that OU DOESN’T have tourney expectations.
I’m waiting for some of the Moser apologists to get on here and argue that technically, the tweet didn’t say that OU DOESN’T have tourney expectations.

I'm waiting for some of the Moser whiners to show up and try to pat themselves on the back that someone might, sort of, kind of agree with them or give them a word or two they can latch onto and twist into something else..........oh wait.......
I’m waiting for some of the Moser apologists to get on here and argue that technically, the tweet didn’t say that OU DOESN’T have tourney expectations.

I have one question…how many times did you jerk off to Rothstein’s tweet? You seem almost giddy that he didn’t mention us. Nothing changes what most people think of you…sorry to disappoint you. Until we don’t have a chance at making the tourney…I’ll continue to not choose to be a negative t-wat…but you do you.

The good news is, IF he’s right and we don’t make it,maybe you all will get your wish…and they’ll crucify PM.
You literally brought race into it. That is touching the topic

Talking about "race" doesn't have to mean talking about "racism."

Can you agree that both of these statements can be true:
1. PM offers noticeably more white players than the previous coaching staff.
2. There could be reasons for #1 being true that don't involve PM being a racist.

If so, than me bringing up race didn't have to automatically jump the conversation to racism. YOU did that. I wonder why?

Edit: I edited #2. Lost my train of thought while typing, but it now needs as I intended it to.
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I'm not sure you know what that phrase means. Feel free to point me back to a post if I missed something. Absolutely nothing you said was irrefutable evidence.

Can I help you with anything else?
Talking about "race" doesn't have to mean talking about "racism."

Can you agree that both of these statements can be true:
1. PM offers noticeably more white players than the previous coaching staff.
2. PM is not racist.

If so, than me bringing up race didn't have to automatically jump the conversation to racism. YOU did that. I wonder why?

Not saying you did or didn't bring racism in....

But what difference does it make if he does or doesn't offer more white players? If a guy can play then he can play.
I have one question…how many times did you jerk off to Rothstein’s tweet?
So weird when you some of you turn things sexual so quickly when somebody disagrees with you about sports on the internet.

That is a something I'll never understand. Talk about odd behavior.
Not saying you did or didn't bring racism in....

But what difference does it make if he does or doesn't offer more white players? If a guy can play then he can play.
I was curious if anybody else noticed.

I was curious as to why it may be the case.

Nothing more. Nothing less. I get it, some of you aren't interested in the topic at all. Learn to leave it alone and move on. It could have been a post/thought/topic that just died in the wind if nobody was interested in discussing.
I was curious if anybody else noticed.

I was curious as to why it may be the case.

Nothing more. Nothing less. I get it, some of you aren't interested in the topic at all. Learn to leave it alone and move on. It could have been a post/thought/topic that just died in the wind if nobody was interested in discussing.

I didn't say you were using racism. I was just curious.

I would ASSUME when PM or any coach offers a kid they are looking for specific playing traits. For me, I knew we wouldn't get bigs due to cost and lack of scholarships....but knew we could get plenty of guards....so we looked for 6'1"-6'6" guards who could handle the ball and shoot threes. We loaded up with what we could attract.we made ourselves competitive that way.

My thought was the three point shot even the playing field for us. If everyone could handle the ball we would be hard to press and we could cut TOs down.

Obviously PM has different things he looks for and different guys that fit his system. But he has to deal with the portal and NIL so that is a different layer.
I was curious if anybody else noticed.

I was curious as to why it may be the case.

Nothing more. Nothing less. I get it, some of you aren't interested in the topic at all. Learn to leave it alone and move on. It could have been a post/thought/topic that just died in the wind if nobody was interested in discussing.
So weird when you some of you turn things sexual so quickly when somebody disagrees with you about sports on the internet.

That is a something I'll never understand. Talk about odd behavior.

What’s odd is you of all people bringing up odd behavior.
I was curious if anybody else noticed.

I was curious as to why it may be the case.

Nothing more. Nothing less. I get it, some of you aren't interested in the topic at all. Learn to leave it alone and move on. It could have been a post/thought/topic that just died in the wind if nobody was interested in discussing.
When you call folks racist it’s not gonna die. Then you play the victim as always
When you call folks racist it’s not gonna die. Then you play the victim as always
Asking a serious question. Is there a perception issue when it comes to how players are viewed? For instance, Sean Pedulla is a really good scorer, but has a low IQ imo. I hear a lot of people talk about how heady of a player he is. I’ve heard several people on this board refer to Wague as an athletic upgrade over Godwin. Wague is a stiff. And Godwin is explosive off of the floor and more athletic.

Can coaches have those same preconceived notions?