MBB Transfer Portal Thread: Moser Year 4

I love this site, but I posts thinking "man there's a lot of news,hopefully it's good news on ou basketball transfer portal news but just bs about what is the best chili, now it's posts about what players should be paid and sports that should get money. Start a post about any crap other than transfer portal news!!!
You're expecting Portal news at this point?
I love this site, but I posts thinking "man there's a lot of news,hopefully it's good news on ou basketball transfer portal news but just bs about what is the best chili, now it's posts about what players should be paid and sports that should get money. Start a post about any crap other than transfer portal news!!!
I don't much care for all the non OP related posts, but the roster is full. Not going to be any new portal news for us.
Several of you have now simultaneously stated the obvious and ignored my point: The business world does work that way, it's true, but college athletics has never been a business--not in the truest sense. Sure, money played a role, as with any endeavor, but the point was never to make a profit (if it was, the VAST majority of colleges failed in this regard). And the goal has always been to have every sport in which a university's students compete be successful, while, yes, making sure the more successful sports--the cash cow(s) at each school--received the most focus.

But that's a long way from where we are now and some of you seem to be embracing--tacitly in some cases, overtly in others--the attitude and approach that favors paying football and men's basketball players whatever it takes, even if it means the other sports wither and die. That is a new outlook (though perhaps not for certain individuals), and one I most definitely do not endorse.

For one thing, it's likely to mean that women's sports get short shrift, just when they are increasing in popularity. The two most successful programs at OU in recent years, in terms of on-court/field performance, are the softball and women's gymnastics squads. Some here have made it clear they don't care a whit about those programs (there's even been some resentment and disdain expressed toward softball). And women's hoops has been vastly more successful than men 's. But if we remain on the trajectory some here are embracing, they could just fade away.
college football has been big business for at LEAST the last 40 years ..

Sad Season 7 GIF by The Office
I wasn’t nearly as excited about him as some posters, but no question he has more upside than who we ended up getting/settling on at the 5.
Yeah, Ugo is very limited but man, I'd take his potential over a year of Wague and I think OU could have beaten KState for him....if they would have been patient.

Oh well.
Yeah, Ugo is very limited but man, I'd take his potential over a year of Wague and I think OU could have beaten KState for him....if they would have been patient.

Oh well.
I mean you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. How many were complaining about OU being too patient and not being active enough? Now we are going to complain that we weren't patient enough and shouldn't have filled the roster so fast?
I mean you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. How many were complaining about OU being too patient and not being active enough? Now we are going to complain that we weren't patient enough and shouldn't have filled the roster so fast?
Not the same.

He is not complaining about the entirety. At that point, he is complaining that instead of just taking Wague, we should have waited on Ugonna. The same thing we have been complaining about since the beginning in not going after multiple guys. Ugonna is worth the wait there, if you miss...you probably don't miss much bringing in some project 5 other than Wague. I think the bigger difference is Ugonna v. Wague rather than Wague v. another available 5/Luke Northweather.

They were impatient after their 4 weeks of sitting on their asses. For 4 weeks you bring in multiple visitors. Not just 3 or 4. You don't sit and wait while you see your "targets" trying to get other schools and offers. You force their hand. OU should have had 2 to 3 visitors per position. 3 to 4 for a center. OU putting all their eggs into the BG basket hamstrung them and forced us to pick the bottom of the barrel by the last week for Wague. OUR hand was forced, not the other way around. It was a huge fumbling of the portal.

This portal season was a demonstration in what the lack of a General Manager. Either Moser had too much on his plate, was too loyal to recruits (even though loyalty is long and gone), or too prideful to think if you offer 1 guy, he will take it.

I hope we can put together some solid team games and effort, bc right now, this portal season showed me that the staff just is not ready to maintain this type of high level recruiting and effort. Until we hire a GM, that won't change. I am very disappointed. After a bubble miss, you would think that would light the fire to do whatever possible to improve your roster while moving to the SEC. But what do I know.
Not the same.

He is not complaining about the entirety. At that point, he is complaining that instead of just taking Wague, we should have waited on Ugonna. The same thing we have been complaining about since the beginning in not going after multiple guys. Ugonna is worth the wait there, if you miss...you probably don't miss much bringing in some project 5 other than Wague. I think the bigger difference is Ugonna v. Wague rather than Wague v. another available 5/Luke Northweather.

They were impatient after their 4 weeks of sitting on their asses. For 4 weeks you bring in multiple visitors. Not just 3 or 4. You don't sit and wait while you see your "targets" trying to get other schools and offers. You force their hand. OU should have had 2 to 3 visitors per position. 3 to 4 for a center. OU putting all their eggs into the BG basket hamstrung them and forced us to pick the bottom of the barrel by the last week for Wague. OUR hand was forced, not the other way around. It was a huge fumbling of the portal.

This portal season was a demonstration in what the lack of a General Manager. Either Moser had too much on his plate, was too loyal to recruits (even though loyalty is long and gone), or too prideful to think if you offer 1 guy, he will take it.

I hope we can put together some solid team games and effort, bc right now, this portal season showed me that the staff just is not ready to maintain this type of high level recruiting and effort. Until we hire a GM, that won't change. I am very disappointed. After a bubble miss, you would think that would light the fire to do whatever possible to improve your roster while moving to the SEC. But what do I know.
meh...this is all conjecture. PM would be getting ripped a knew one if we waited around for Ugonna and missed on him.
damned if you do and damned if you don't with this fan base (and any for that matter).
We don't know what all goes on behind the scenes, pretty pointless to play armchair qb
meh...this is all conjecture. PM would be getting ripped a knew one if we waited around for Ugonna and missed on him.
damned if you do and damned if you don't with this fan base (and any for that matter).
We don't know what all goes on behind the scenes, pretty pointless to play armchair qb
Considering that we had an insider and also trilly who confirmed visits and interest...

Not conjecture. We know who visited. That is all pretty verifiable. Please don't WT and try to gaslight.

Again, it is not a damned if you do, damned if you don't. I have been a Porter Moser supporter and will continue to root for him and this team, but to act like the staff didn't bumble this portal is just walking through our season with blinders on. Our complaints, I feel warranted, were we sat on our hands for 4 weeks waiting on players who were CLEARLY shopping around and using us. Damn near everyone saw that. IF you want to point to this one instance of Stoopsbros thinking we should have waiting for Ugo, okay, but that does not excuse the first 4 weeks of the portal at all. I wouldn't argue that if we waited and missed he would get ripped, I agree. Probably a testament to how he has done this portal in general.

This forum exists for these discussions, to debate and have conversations about misses and hits. I love it here. That being said, I think those of us who were scouring discord, twitter, youtube, insiders email blasts, scouting reports, Instagram stalking...can probably be seen as more than "armchair QBs". Those are the ones who do no research, watch the game, and complain when they really don't know what they are talking about. We have plenty of former high level players and coaches to be above that. Let's not downplay our fans here. Weird to just try and discount all the work a lot of us put in to try to bring info and our opinions on the matter as "pointless" and a tad bit of a cop out as to the outcome of the portal.
meh...this is all conjecture. PM would be getting ripped a knew one if we waited around for Ugonna and missed on him.
damned if you do and damned if you don't with this fan base (and any for that matter).
We don't know what all goes on behind the scenes, pretty pointless to play armchair qb
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t implies there is no way to win. Yet many, many other schools figure it out. TEvans is right; their entire approach was wrong from the start. There is a huge difference between being “patient” and simply failing to actively recruit and bring in enough players early in the process. We aren’t exactly an attractive destination right now, so why sit back and hope that you’re just going to be able to land your three or four primary targets?
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t implies there is no way to win. Yet many, many other schools figure it out. TEvans is right; their entire approach was wrong from the start. There is a huge difference between being “patient” and simply failing to actively recruit and bring in enough players early in the process. We aren’t exactly an attractive destination right now, so why sit back and hope that you’re just going to be able to land your three or four primary targets?

Someone notated this. Wichita and myself are on the same page.

PM and Co botched the beginning of the portal window. I think they recovered fairly well on the wings...and had us pretty much in the final 2 for possibly the best portal guy until he chose SJ.

I think someone might have ponied up a little extra NIL money midway through the portal but I don't know that for sure. I wasn't a huge fan of throwing giant bags at BG but I will never understand how we don't end up with at least ONE athletic big. We seem to play teams (even worse teams than us) that have 2-3 athletic, active bigs 6'9"+

It is what it is but I'll root for who we suit up though.
Considering that we had an insider and also trilly who confirmed visits and interest...

Not conjecture. We know who visited. That is all pretty verifiable. Please don't WT and try to gaslight.

Again, it is not a damned if you do, damned if you don't. I have been a Porter Moser supporter and will continue to root for him and this team, but to act like the staff didn't bumble this portal is just walking through our season with blinders on. Our complaints, I feel warranted, were we sat on our hands for 4 weeks waiting on players who were CLEARLY shopping around and using us. Damn near everyone saw that. IF you want to point to this one instance of Stoopsbros thinking we should have waiting for Ugo, okay, but that does not excuse the first 4 weeks of the portal at all. I wouldn't argue that if we waited and missed he would get ripped, I agree. Probably a testament to how he has done this portal in general.

This forum exists for these discussions, to debate and have conversations about misses and hits. I love it here. That being said, I think those of us who were scouring discord, twitter, youtube, insiders email blasts, scouting reports, Instagram stalking...can probably be seen as more than "armchair QBs". Those are the ones who do no research, watch the game, and complain when they really don't know what they are talking about. We have plenty of former high level players and coaches to be above that. Let's not downplay our fans here. Weird to just try and discount all the work a lot of us put in to try to bring info and our opinions on the matter as "pointless" and a tad bit of a cop out as to the outcome of the portal.
I appreciate all the work everyone on this site has added, especially your stats. I did not mean to insult you or stoopsbro with my comments, they were made as more of a general comment.

But sometimes yall are so far in the weeds you think that you know everything that is going on behind the scenes. It simply isn't true. Conversations undoubtedly take place that we know nothing about. Offers were made we don't know about. And some form of visits likely happen that we don't know about. To just assume we were sitting around for 4 weeks and getting used is a bit silly honestly.
I'm not gaslighting anyone and it is premature to say this portal was a failure.

And please don't ever compare me to WT...man that is low ;)