Missouri might be the Big 12 favorite next season...

The Sooners had every chance to win the game last year. They started out hot and then blew the lead but came back to make it a 3 point game. The game definitely wasn't over before it started.

This is from the writeup pinned at the top of the board:

Despite leading 22-8 midway through the first half, Oklahoma saw its 19-game home court winning streak halted by Kansas last Feb. 23, 87-78. Playing without would-be national player of the year Blake Griffin (concussion), OU was outscored 79-56 the rest of the way.

• The Sooners rallied from a 58-38 deficit with 10:40 left in the second half to draw within three points twice in the last four minutes.

• OU made six treys during a 33-16 run that made the score 74-71 (three by Cade Davis, two by Omar Leary, one by Willie Warren).
LOL, you're an expert at ignoring the facts, aren't you? You completely ignored my points about what KU did at MU. Who cares if OU is an underdog going into the game at Mizzou? The Vegas line has NOTHING to do with real basketball! IF OU is as good as you and others think there is no reason to think they shouldn't have won that game. The bottom line is they not only lost the game but were handled fairly easily by Missouri.

You don't get it. The point is that Mizzou was arguably the best team in the country at home last season. To say OU should have absolutely gone up there and won if they were clearly the best team in the conference and regardless of how good they were, is ridiculous.

And the line I used represents that Mizzou was actually a very formidable opponent, unlike what you believe. If Mizzou was favored over a Top 10 team, they must be a pretty damn good ball club at home. You're great at not understanding what is posted, aren't you?

Again, you try to make your point by saying KU was worse in regards to their loss to TT but then make excuses about OU's loss at Mizzou. You can't have it both ways. And one game can't make a team "clearly better" than another. LOL.

Haha, this post is dumb on so many levels. First off, when did I ever make excuses for OU losing to Mizzou? This should be interesting...

Also, I find it completely hilarious that you're downplaying KU losing at Tech, and saying its no different then OU at Mizzou. KU losing at Texas Tech shows a lot more then OU losing at Mizzou, anyone that watched basketball last year knows that. It wasn't shocking at all that Mizzou beat OU. Texas Tech was 2-12 in league play going into the KU game... 2-12! So yeah, KU getting blown out by the 2nd worst team in the entire conference shows that OU was a better team, along with other factors that played into the season. Better non conference showing, didn't get humiliated against any Big 12 cupcakes, and went further in the tournament. You're impossible to understand, you say OU was better, but then you argue otherwise. That doesn't make any sense.

Pattillo had 4 double digit scoring games. Stop acting crazy.

Haha wow, you don't get it. Go read what I posted earlier. I'm not explaining something fairly simple to grasp again, because you just don't understand (which isn't very surprising).

But to act as if Griffin had played that it was an easy win or a guarantee is simply foolish.

And who acted that way? I never said it was an easy win or a guarantee... Just said that it was unlikely. OU gave KU all they could handle WITHOUT the best player in the country. Fair to say that OU in all likelihood wins with Griffin in the lineup. Not 100%, but its probable given the game's results. That's what almost anyone except KU fans were saying after the game, as well. Even Self was acting like it afterward IMO. You can get mad and bicker about my opinion about this matter all you want, just don't make irrational statements saying I was acting like Griffin + OU=A guaranteed victory. I said the way the game played out it was a very good chance, but never a guarantee. Huge difference. Stop acting like its not.
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You're right, bro. OU had no chance to win at Missouri, even though they were clearly better than the team that should have beaten Missouri at home and beat them by 25 later. KU did back into the championship because they were played OU without Griffin and OU had no chance to beat KU without Griffin. I'm sure Capel and OU's players believed that in their hearts. Pattillo was a dominant player in many games and despite the fact that KU was his highest scoring game it was really an average game for him.

You are ultimately wise and we bow to your superior knowledge. :)

I would dispute this post, but you're disputing things I never once said (except that KU backed into the victory at OU, because OU took KU down to the wire without the best player in America). So that's one correct thing out of about 5 idiotic statements. That's efficiency at its finest. Congrats, you just made yourself look stupid. Hope you're proud, bro.
You don't get it. The point is that Mizzou was arguably the best team in the country at home last season. To say OU should have absolutely gone up there and won if they were clearly the best team in the conference and regardless of how good they were, is ridiculous.

And the line I used represents that Mizzou was actually a very formidable opponent, unlike what you believe. If Mizzou was favored over a Top 10 team, they must be a pretty damn good ball club at home. You're great at not understanding what is posted, aren't you?

Haha, this post is dumb on so many levels. First off, when did I ever make excuses for OU losing to Mizzou? This should be interesting...

Also, I find it completely hilarious that you're downplaying KU losing at Tech, and saying its no different then OU at Mizzou. KU losing at Texas Tech shows a lot more then OU losing at Mizzou, anyone that watched basketball last year knows that. It wasn't shocking at all that Mizzou beat OU. Texas Tech was 2-12 in league play going into the KU game... 2-12! So yeah, KU getting blown out by the 2nd worst team in the entire conference shows that OU was a better team, along with other factors that played into the season. Better non conference showing, didn't get humiliated against any Big 12 cupcakes, and went further in the tournament. You're impossible to understand, you say OU was better, but then you argue otherwise. That doesn't make any sense.

Haha wow, you don't get it. Go read what I posted earlier. I'm not explaining something fairly simple to grasp again, because you just don't understand (which isn't very surprising).

And who acted that way? I never said it was an easy win or a guarantee... Just said that it was unlikely. OU gave KU all they could handle WITHOUT the best player in the country. Fair to say that OU in all likelihood wins with Griffin in the lineup. Not 100%, but its probable given the game's results. That's what almost anyone except KU fans were saying after the game, as well. Even Self was acting like it afterward IMO. You can get mad and bicker about my opinion about this matter all you want, just don't make irrational statements saying I was acting like Griffin + OU=A guaranteed victory. I said the way the game played out it was a very good chance, but never a guarantee. Huge difference. Stop acting like its not.

Here are your statements to me. Way to keep it classy! :clap

You don't get it.

You're great at not understanding what is posted, aren't you?

Haha, this post is dumb on so many levels.

Haha wow, you don't get it.

because you just don't understand (which isn't very surprising).

So that's one correct thing out of about 5 idiotic statements.

Congrats, you just made yourself look stupid. Hope you're proud, bro.
I prove why your assumption is weak with numbers, you say my assumption is weak just because you say so.... Now that's comical.

You've proven to me how Blake Griffin would have been able to stop Sherron Collins and Tyshawn Taylor? Okay. Go ahead and keep on assuming that would have happened. LOL
Try again.

An OU fan pointed out that it was impossible for one program to win the conference title 8 out of 10 years. I simply pointed out that Self has already done it 6 out of 7. Then another OU fan made the comment about the OU without Griffin game.

It was within the context of the original post until the OU fan felt it necessary to bring up the game last year.

Yes, all that happened... after a kansas fan turned a "Mizzou will be good" thread into "kansas will win 8 of the next 10." Or, like I said... a kansas fan diverted the Mizzou discussion into arguing about the greatness of ku.
Sawyer this thread wouldn't be 5 pages if it stuck to about Mizzou. It would be off the front page by now. In reality, people really don't care much about Mizzou. Sorry...but it's a fact.
Whether or not that's true, it doesn't change the point.

It bothers kansas fans to see positive things said about Mizzou and not them. That's very obvious... and very funny.
Whether or not that's true, it doesn't change the point.

It bothers kansas fans to see positive things said about Mizzou and not them. That's very obvious... and very funny.

It doesn't bother me at all. The thread was a stretch and numerous people (not just Kansas fans) called it out. I'd be shocked if one poll or even magazine has Mizzou #1 in the Big 12 preseason next year. It's quite simply not going to happen. If that bothers you I'm sorry...but that's the reality.
Yes, all that happened... after a kansas fan turned a "Mizzou will be good" thread into "kansas will win 8 of the next 10." Or, like I said... a kansas fan diverted the Mizzou discussion into arguing about the greatness of ku.

Actually, KU was mentioned in the original post as one of many teams to have a shot. So the thread was about Mizzou being the team that the original poster thought had a great chance but listed other teams. I listed KU's lineup and said I thought they had a great chance. The original discussion was not limited to only how Mizzou would be good next year.

I think your conspiracy theory is a little far reaching on this one.
I think your conspiracy theory is a little far reaching on this one.

I actually think the thread was mainly about Mizzou but like I said who wants to talk about Kim English and Justin Stafford for very long.
Yaaaaawn...goodnight I"m going to bed just thinking about that thread.
Here are your statements to me. Way to keep it classy! :clap

You don't get it.

You're great at not understanding what is posted, aren't you?

Haha, this post is dumb on so many levels.

Haha wow, you don't get it.

because you just don't understand (which isn't very surprising).

So that's one correct thing out of about 5 idiotic statements.

Congrats, you just made yourself look stupid. Hope you're proud, bro.

So its okay for you to call my opinions/posts dumb, stupid, and foolish, but when I do the same its wrong? Yeah... That's not hypocritical.
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I don't care what the polls say about Missouri before the season.

Mizzou has outperformed expectations quite a bit over the past two years (picked 7th both times by the media/coaches, often much lower by opposing fans). I expect MU will be picked no higher than 4th next season, if that. I also expect to once again surpass their predicted finish. A first place finish is a very real possibility.
You've proven to me how Blake Griffin would have been able to stop Sherron Collins and Tyshawn Taylor? Okay. Go ahead and keep on assuming that would have happened. LOL

Haha what? What does Collins and Taylor have anything to do with your weak assumption that I dispelled about Pattillo? Read before you write... Please.
I don't care what the polls say about Missouri before the season.

Mizzou has outperformed expectations quite a bit over the past two years (picked 7th both times by the media/coaches, often much lower by opposing fans). I expect MU will be picked no higher than 4th next season, if that. I also expect to once again surpass their predicted finish. A first place finish is a very real possibility.

That's why I have a lot of respect for Anderson. He does a good job of being able to surpass the program's expectations.
So its okay for you to call my opinions/posts dumb, stupid, and foolish, but when I do the same its wrong? Yeah... That's not hypocritical.

Post it and I'll man up. Unlike you. :) I'm not afraid to say I'm wrong. I highly doubt I've been as overboard on it as you.
Post it and I'll man up. Unlike you. :) I'm not afraid to say I'm wrong. I highly doubt I've been as overboard on it as you.

Allow me.... Here is what you've said:

That's just stupid.

To claim one and not the other is just silly.

You are willing to make your own team look stupid

Stop acting crazy.

simply foolish.

LOL, you're an expert at ignoring the facts, aren't you?

From the quotes above, you might want to retract your previous doubt. My bad for saying some of the things as that was overboard, but don't be hypocritical and act like you weren't doing the same.
Allow me.... Here is what you've said:

That's just stupid.

To claim one and not the other is just silly.

You are willing to make your own team look stupid

Stop acting crazy.

simply foolish.

LOL, you're an expert at ignoring the facts, aren't you?

From the quotes above, you might want to retract your previous doubt. My bad for saying some of the things as that was overboard, but don't be hypocritical and act like you weren't doing the same.

You're right. I made some comments I shouldn't have, though a few of those aren't really all that personal in nature. And even in your post you continue to act like a punk, which you've done in two different threads now. I don't understand why you have such a problem with me but it's cool. I'm ready to move on. Congrats, you are the first person to make my ignore list! LOL. :)
You're right. I made some comments I shouldn't have, though a few of those aren't really all that personal in nature. And even in your post you continue to act like a punk, which you've done in two different threads now. I don't understand why you have such a problem with me but it's cool. I'm ready to move on.

A "punk"... You're joking, right? You've acted the exact same way as I have. Even in your post right now you're downplaying the way you acted, when they were in fact personal. Go back and read and see for yourself. Not to mention you previously were condescending me with the whole "bro" part, that I didn't even point out earlier.

I don't know what else to tell you. Maybe you thought I was a punk when I was joking saying "allow me", because you said I wouldn't "man up", which I took as a joke... I don't know what else to tell you. I probably should have made it clearer that I was joking, but that still doesn't warrant your opinion that I'm a punk and don't like you (I don't even know you).

And I'm not going to even dispute your "last 2 threads"... You acted the same exact way to me in both threads you're talking about. I told you it was my bad, but apparently that's not good enough for you. I don't know what else to tell you, and if you're going to not even consider that but rather undeservedly say I'm still acting like a punk instead, then I could care less about what you think since there's nothing else I can do.

And I'm honored to make your ignore list. You can now go bothering someone else for a change.
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