

Super Moderator
Nov 4, 2008
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mohook22 2 minutes ago

Can't believe it has already been 4 years. These have been the best years of my life and I couldn't be more blessed to be a sooner. Last time in the LNC tonight. Thanks to everyone for making my career here unforgettable. I love you all.
I like Morgan on and off the court. She has been a solid point guard and I'm glad she will likely continue an association with OU as a grad assistant (assuming OU approves the position). I won't be surprised if she becomes an assistant basketball coach at some point.
Morgan sister Alex is she older or younger? If younger does she play basketball if so does she have D-1 talent? Just Curious...haven't heard anything saw her Sr. night...
Morgan sister Alex is she older or younger? If younger does she play basketball if so does she have D-1 talent? Just Curious...haven't heard anything saw her Sr. night...

Alex is older than Morgan. And is not near as athletic, however she did play volleyball and basketball in HS. She is a lot nicer too.
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Alex is older than Morgan. And is not near as athletic, however she did play volleyball and basketball in HS. She is a lot nicer too.

Seriously? You felt the need to add the last sentence? That says a whole lot more about you than it says about Morgan or her sister.
Seriously? You felt the need to add the last sentence? That says a whole lot more about you than it says about Morgan or her sister.

Yeah I agree. I have met Morgan and Whitney Hand and you would have to look long and hard to find any 2 nicer young ladies. They even came over later and said bye when they were leaving.
Seriously? You felt the need to add the last sentence? That says a whole lot more about you than it says about Morgan or her sister.

I don't know how that says anything about me. Interacting with both, Alex was the much more friendly of the two.
Alex is older than Morgan. And is not near as athletic, however she did play volleyball and basketball in HS. She is a lot nicer too.

I believe this is fair comment based on the particular interaction with both sisters. I have seen much worse on here about Morgan, some people need to relaxxxxxx. It's almost like a ref that hasn't blown his whistle in a while and suddenly feels the need to.
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Gosh people let her dang private life go. I don't think we've ever had so much to say about a kid's life off the court. Whether she's nicer than her sister or not doesn't really matter. Plus you never know who reads these posts, so before you go saying something negative that doesn't associate itself with basketball, think about that.
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Gosh people let her dang private life go. I don't think we've ever had so much to say about a kid's life off the court. Whether she's nicer than her sister or not doesn't really matter. Plus you never know who reads these posts, so before you go saying something negative that doesn't associate itself with basketball, think about that.

I agree. Some people act like they really know these kids when they may have been around them a few seconds. Hard to believe we can form these opinions about someone when we really don't know them. It also amazes me that all these people from other schools get on here and say stuff like that. Stick with your own school and your own players.
I haven't met Morgan's sister or her brother. But I have met Morgan and her parents. On the basis on my few (and I do mean *few*) interactions, you couln't ask for a nicer young woman or two nicer parents.
You have to be around someone a few times to really know what they are like. If Morgan had a lot on her mind, perhaps that was confused with 'unfriendly'. I know sometimes I have pre-judged someone only to find out later that my first impression was completely wrong.
mohook22 2 minutes ago

Can't believe it has already been 4 years. These have been the best years of my life and I couldn't be more blessed to be a sooner. Last time in the LNC tonight. Thanks to everyone for making my career here unforgettable. I love you all.

I think she was referring to those fans who attend the games on a regular basis. :woot:woot I still find it awkward how many people her follow these girls on twitter and such, could be just me but I got more important things to do than that. Does that make me a bad fan? Hell NO.
I think she was referring to those fans who attend the games on a regular basis. :woot:woot I still find it awkward how many people her follow these girls on twitter and such, could be just me but I got more important things to do than that. Does that make me a bad fan? Hell NO.

I think she was referring to those fans who attend the games on a regular basis. :woot:woot I still find it awkward how many people her follow these girls on twitter and such, could be just me but I got more important things to do than that. Does that make me a bad fan? Hell NO.

Have you stated something similar to fans on the Waymon Tisdale board? I think it's awkard that some people complain about where someone gets their information but they will darn sure read it???
Have you seen me post anything over there about it? No! Why? Because I don't post over there.

You can swing it anyway you want Norm, keep on creeping.

Like I stated I have better things to do then follow ANY college athlete on social media, I could care less what they are up to or doing. I care about the results on the court. If it will appease your ego I can go post this exact statement on the men's board!!! And yea I read it, I like to read most of your stuff, that way I get some good laughs!!!!!