My (almost) Final Analysis of Year One for Moser


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Dec 15, 2014
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I say “almost” because I DO believe the NIT should count in the overall analysis of the season. It probably won’t make a huge difference in how I view this season on the whole, but if you play and they keep score, I think it’s fair and reasonable to judge. With it being year one with this staff and some of these players, I think we can view the NIT more as positive opportunity than a negative disappointment. I will watch the games. Might go to a couple if it works out. I will root for them. I will also be lying if I said it would be with same gusto as I have all year or had they made the Dance. But I’ll stick with them until the season officially ends.

That said, I think it’s fair to make an assessment on the season. Here is a scattered stream of thoughts about our season and an ultimate conclusion.

1. Without question the biggest positive from this season is how we finished. Three weeks ago, I really felt the season was trending to a “C” or maybe worse. The strong finish has me grading it as a solid “B”— maybe even a little better than that if we do well in NIT. They played their best, toughest, smartest basketball in late Feb and March. This is a VERY good sign. To be able to pull out of a mid season nosedive is very, very good sign for coaching. It means players continued to buy-in, continued to work, continued to believe in their coaches. Ending strong instills confidence. Moser did this at Loyola as well— strong runs late in year and into March. Big thumbs up on that.

2. I know some of the numbers don’t show it, but I think they defended well all year. Some lapses yes, but rarely did I ever watch our game thinking we just couldn’t get stops. Team was outmanned in conference quite often, but more or less always scrapped on D.

3. Started the season well. Good energy from the outset. Wins over Florida and Arkansas were impressive. Overall, a good non conf run despite the two losses (can’t win them all).

4. Biggest complaint part A) Offense too clunky too often. No doubt a huge part of this was simply lacking talent. If you don’t hate the athletes it’s hard for your offense to look smooth playing in a top conference. I get that. But the turnover nonsense was bad and it never really stopped. At some point, coaching should be able to correct it more than they did. It was maddening.

5. Biggest complaint part B) The mid season slump was TOO “slumpy.” They needed to find a way in a couple of those games. The close losses to really good teams was one thing, but they also got crushed on the road in Lubbock, Stillwater, and Ames— very ugly performances. I was at the game in Stilly and it was a REALLY bad effort overall. Offense was abysmal in all of those games. If you want to be a tourney team you probably need to fare better than that.

6. Luck matters. Maybe not “luck” so much as 50/50 things falling your way sometimes. When you’re an under-talented team you need things to fall in your favor— didn’t happen enough for this team. Could have used a couple of those close games to go our way— maybe get lucky and one of the other teams blows it, etc. The Chargois shot against UT, the Goldwire shot against KU, the Gibson non-shot against Tech, OT in Fort Worth, etc.. needed more of those to go our way.

7. Newcomers were a mixed bag. Tanner was solid. If you had high expectations for him, probably disappointed. But I think he proved to be a worthy B12 rotation player, not the anchor some had hoped. Jacob was a bit more disappointing for me. Just seemed lost too often— maybe the great game against Baylor gives him some juice moving forward. I think he stands to benefit from the NIT more than anyone else. I like Noland and wish Moser would have found more minutes for him. Bijan? Not really sure. Not sure he’s made for this level. Had a rough year after a decent start. Goldwire, Chag, Johnson— admirable efforts. Hope they enjoyed their time in Norman— bummer they don’t go out on a tourney team. Thought Goldwire really came on late and was maybe biggest reason for late season run.

8. Entering the NIT, I say “B.” Obviously this is based on all things considered; not saying a “B” would be given to the team of back in NIT next year. I enjoyed watching the team although it was often a grind and sometimes frustrating. I made it down to Norman many times and enjoyed following the team.

9. I think we got the right guy. There is no question he can coach on the floor. That’s undeniable at this point. Not even sure how you’d argue otherwise. Don’t think he’s a wizard offensively, but no coach or player is perfect— we will likely never be Showtime under Moser and will always lean more to defense and toughness, but I’m OK with that if it translates to winning basketball. I also think he has the right energy and demeanor for this job. He has an uphill battle with the fanbase, but there were glimpses this year of a connection— and we all know if they are good, more people will show up, and the greater chance his energy has to rub off. I also don’t think he’s too over the top with it to where it becomes grating. I like his balance. I think it will work here. The big question now is— can he get ballers on campus and can he get them to stay? Time will tell.

10. Free agency is here in college sports. Just the reality. The minute this season ends, we say goodbye for sure to three rotation guys and all the others are free agents. I really hope we retain Harkless, Groves brothers, Hill, Noland. I also hope we can convince Gibson to return. You want to be ADDING, Not just replacing all the time. I bet one or more of them is not back, but I hope I’m wrong. If you keep most of that core and bring in two Top 100 kids, the German kid, and maybe land a real impact or two in portal, you’ve got yourself a much improved team next year. We have a coach. Now we see if we have a builder.
I agree with most of it. I'll have more later but real quick i'd just say that coming into the year not one guy on this team averaged double figures on a P5 team. That's big. I agree his offense won't be Billy Tubbs but what team nowadays is? I actually like the structure and high percentage shots it gets alot of the time. Again, you're combining talent that had not one guy average in double figures for a P5 team against the best defensive league in the country.

Helluva job by Moser in year one. No doubt about it.
The coaching job Moser did in rallying this team after Harkless went down and they got blown out by ISU and Tech proved all we needed to know this year imo. This team went through a crazy amount of frustration and adversity and he got them playing their best ball of the season at the end. Average coaches don't do that.
I agree with most of it. I'll have more later but real quick i'd just say that coming into the year not one guy on this team averaged double figures on a P5 team. That's big. I agree his offense won't be Billy Tubbs but what team nowadays is? I actually like the structure and high percentage shots it gets alot of the time. Again, you're combining talent that had not one guy average in double figures for a P5 team against the best defensive league in the country.

Helluva job by Moser in year one. No doubt about it.

The coaching job Moser did in rallying this team after Harkless went down and they got blown out by ISU and Tech proved all we needed to know this year imo. This team went through a crazy amount of frustration and adversity and he got them playing their best ball of the season at the end. Average coaches don't do that.

2 very good points. Moser did a great job coaching this group. The bar raises next year though. We need to get to the big dance at minimum and I am confident we will. I bet he and the group coming back will have very lofty goals themselves.
2 very good points. Moser did a great job coaching this group. The bar raises next year though. We need to get to the big dance at minimum and I am confident we will. I bet he and the group coming back will have very lofty goals themselves.

Compared to our last two first year coaches, Moser is in a much better spot. Both Capel and Lon took over a shambles situation and had bad rookie years on the court. Both got it going better in year 2 (Capel inheriting Blake of course). This situation feels different. Lon didn’t leave the program in bad shape at all. I’d say he left it in neutral. He had a nice 10 year run with a really nice peak and I’d say a somewhat disappointing finish. But the program was handed to Moser in decent condition. He really only needed this one year to transition. I think the program is fully his beginning next year.
Defensive point is a good one:

I would argue that most issues with our defense were a direct result of bad offense. When you turn it over as much as we did and miss a bunch of shots, especially three pointers with long rebounds, you don't get a chance to set up your defense and are typically playing at a disadvantage.

As an example, we were up by 7 on Tech. Four possessions in a row on offense led to four Tech transition offensive possessions and 8 points. Down 1.

Our halfcourt D is elite. No question. Consistent offensive execution was the difference between a top 5 finish in the league and a 6 or 7 seed and the NIT.
I’d say the turnovers are what kept us from having a very successful season. If we turn it over at an average rate, we probably have three or four more wins and are not only in the tournament, but a single digit seed. I’m baffled how it never got corrected given the experience we had in the backcourt.

But, I’m very glad we finished strong. If we had played as poorly the last two weeks as we did the few weeks prior, I’d be very worried. Seeing us compete and improve is a good sign. I don’t know that the NIT means a ton as far as momentum for next season; someone could look at the results in previous years and see if there is anything to that. But Skins is right … if you are playing, you need to play to win. Regardless of whether it helps us going forward, it is still
meaningful for this year’s team.

It sure sounds like the Groves and Harkless have already decided to stay. Would be nice if Mo does, and I’m the president of the Jalen Hill fan club, so I really would hate to see him transfer. I’m high on the incoming class, but also hope we add an impact transfer or two. A talent upgrade, plus taking care of the ball, could lead to a significant improvement.
I say “almost” because I DO believe the NIT should count in the overall analysis of the season. It probably won’t make a huge difference in how I view this season on the whole, but if you play and they keep score, I think it’s fair and reasonable to judge. With it being year one with this staff and some of these players, I think we can view the NIT more as positive opportunity than a negative disappointment. I will watch the games. Might go to a couple if it works out. I will root for them. I will also be lying if I said it would be with same gusto as I have all year or had they made the Dance. But I’ll stick with them until the season officially ends.

That said, I think it’s fair to make an assessment on the season. Here is a scattered stream of thoughts about our season and an ultimate conclusion.

1. Without question the biggest positive from this season is how we finished. Three weeks ago, I really felt the season was trending to a “C” or maybe worse. The strong finish has me grading it as a solid “B”— maybe even a little better than that if we do well in NIT. They played their best, toughest, smartest basketball in late Feb and March. This is a VERY good sign. To be able to pull out of a mid season nosedive is very, very good sign for coaching. It means players continued to buy-in, continued to work, continued to believe in their coaches. Ending strong instills confidence. Moser did this at Loyola as well— strong runs late in year and into March. Big thumbs up on that.

2. I know some of the numbers don’t show it, but I think they defended well all year. Some lapses yes, but rarely did I ever watch our game thinking we just couldn’t get stops. Team was outmanned in conference quite often, but more or less always scrapped on D.

3. Started the season well. Good energy from the outset. Wins over Florida and Arkansas were impressive. Overall, a good non conf run despite the two losses (can’t win them all).

4. Biggest complaint part A) Offense too clunky too often. No doubt a huge part of this was simply lacking talent. If you don’t hate the athletes it’s hard for your offense to look smooth playing in a top conference. I get that. But the turnover nonsense was bad and it never really stopped. At some point, coaching should be able to correct it more than they did. It was maddening.

5. Biggest complaint part B) The mid season slump was TOO “slumpy.” They needed to find a way in a couple of those games. The close losses to really good teams was one thing, but they also got crushed on the road in Lubbock, Stillwater, and Ames— very ugly performances. I was at the game in Stilly and it was a REALLY bad effort overall. Offense was abysmal in all of those games. If you want to be a tourney team you probably need to fare better than that.

6. Luck matters. Maybe not “luck” so much as 50/50 things falling your way sometimes. When you’re an under-talented team you need things to fall in your favor— didn’t happen enough for this team. Could have used a couple of those close games to go our way— maybe get lucky and one of the other teams blows it, etc. The Chargois shot against UT, the Goldwire shot against KU, the Gibson non-shot against Tech, OT in Fort Worth, etc.. needed more of those to go our way.

7. Newcomers were a mixed bag. Tanner was solid. If you had high expectations for him, probably disappointed. But I think he proved to be a worthy B12 rotation player, not the anchor some had hoped. Jacob was a bit more disappointing for me. Just seemed lost too often— maybe the great game against Baylor gives him some juice moving forward. I think he stands to benefit from the NIT more than anyone else. I like Noland and wish Moser would have found more minutes for him. Bijan? Not really sure. Not sure he’s made for this level. Had a rough year after a decent start. Goldwire, Chag, Johnson— admirable efforts. Hope they enjoyed their time in Norman— bummer they don’t go out on a tourney team. Thought Goldwire really came on late and was maybe biggest reason for late season run.

8. Entering the NIT, I say “B.” Obviously this is based on all things considered; not saying a “B” would be given to the team of back in NIT next year. I enjoyed watching the team although it was often a grind and sometimes frustrating. I made it down to Norman many times and enjoyed following the team.

9. I think we got the right guy. There is no question he can coach on the floor. That’s undeniable at this point. Not even sure how you’d argue otherwise. Don’t think he’s a wizard offensively, but no coach or player is perfect— we will likely never be Showtime under Moser and will always lean more to defense and toughness, but I’m OK with that if it translates to winning basketball. I also think he has the right energy and demeanor for this job. He has an uphill battle with the fanbase, but there were glimpses this year of a connection— and we all know if they are good, more people will show up, and the greater chance his energy has to rub off. I also don’t think he’s too over the top with it to where it becomes grating. I like his balance. I think it will work here. The big question now is— can he get ballers on campus and can he get them to stay? Time will tell.

10. Free agency is here in college sports. Just the reality. The minute this season ends, we say goodbye for sure to three rotation guys and all the others are free agents. I really hope we retain Harkless, Groves brothers, Hill, Noland. I also hope we can convince Gibson to return. You want to be ADDING, Not just replacing all the time. I bet one or more of them is not back, but I hope I’m wrong. If you keep most of that core and bring in two Top 100 kids, the German kid, and maybe land a real impact or two in portal, you’ve got yourself a much improved team next year. We have a coach. Now we see if we have a builder.

Nice novella, OUSKINS. Good post hah.

This season is leaving everyone wanting more which isn’t a bad thing. The coaching staff, players, and FANS who stick with this team should be hungrier than ever.
Nice novella, OUSKINS. Good post hah.

This season is leaving everyone wanting more which isn’t a bad thing. The coaching staff, players, and FANS who stick with this team should be hungrier than ever.

It was a good start. Or at least a “fine” start to the Moser era. One curiosity for me would be if he was disappointed in the fan turnout/interest this year or if he fully understood what he was getting into and knows it will be a process over years. He put a lot of effort into engaging with students and fans— it seemed to pay off early and taper off later.
One curiosity for me would be if he was disappointed in the fan turnout/interest this year or if he fully understood what he was getting into and knows it will be a process over years. He put a lot of effort into engaging with students and fans— it seemed to pay off early and taper off later.

Coaches talk to one another. I guarantee he's talked with Lon Kruger; perhaps even Kelvin Sampson. I'm sure they both told him that trying to engage the fan base and getting them interested would be very challenging. On the other hand, when one gets a raise from a 6-figure salary to a 7-figure salary, making those efforts is part of the job. He knows what he's up against.
It was a good start. Or at least a “fine” start to the Moser era. One curiosity for me would be if he was disappointed in the fan turnout/interest this year or if he fully understood what he was getting into and knows it will be a process over years. He put a lot of effort into engaging with students and fans— it seemed to pay off early and taper off later.

He appeared to make progress with the students. That's a good sign. If that keeps improving I think it will carry over to the rest of the fans. I would love to see the students enthusiastic enough that we had to increase the size of the student section. I don't think anything will bring back the fans we lost to the Thunder.
Agree with most of your points.
1. Need better athletes
2. Need more size
3. Better athletes/size will allow us to defend better and attack more!
I think this team was a lot like Texas Tech. Struggle some on offense, but can be elite on ball defenders. The diff is they have way more guard size and better athletes at every position.
I'm a big believer in Cortes. Worst case he plays 10-12 min a game next year as the backup. That means we start a FR probably which I may not love. Cortes offensively I think can be pretty elite eventually.(passing,running the team)
Noland - I like, needs to get into better shape. Could be starter at 2 next season.
Harkless/Gibson - would love both to come back... honestly more gibson if I had to pick. He really showed how he can take over games at times/elite shooter, better defender than you think. Harkless my ? is when will he be cleared and healthy. Won't he miss time? Feb surgery to next October/November is not enough time is it?
Groves brothers. Tanner is fine, hope is he can be that 12-14ppg and 8reb game next season. Jacob, I like just don't want him being a starter for us. Be the 7th or 8th guy for us and I like it.
Jalen Hill - I still believe he needs to play the 3 for us, then we add a 4 that can go! This would give us size/athleticism. He can guard every position just needs to shoot it better. Think he could be a top 6-10 guy in the Big 12 next season.
Love what Porter did this season.. our team just lacked skill and athleticism for sure! Hope to end the season winning a few more games and making the Final 4 of the NIT.
Agree with most of your points.
1. Need better athletes
2. Need more size
3. Better athletes/size will allow us to defend better and attack more!
I think this team was a lot like Texas Tech. Struggle some on offense, but can be elite on ball defenders. The diff is they have way more guard size and better athletes at every position.
I'm a big believer in Cortes. Worst case he plays 10-12 min a game next year as the backup. That means we start a FR probably which I may not love. Cortes offensively I think can be pretty elite eventually.(passing,running the team)
Noland - I like, needs to get into better shape. Could be starter at 2 next season.
Harkless/Gibson - would love both to come back... honestly more gibson if I had to pick. He really showed how he can take over games at times/elite shooter, better defender than you think. Harkless my ? is when will he be cleared and healthy. Won't he miss time? Feb surgery to next October/November is not enough time is it?
Groves brothers. Tanner is fine, hope is he can be that 12-14ppg and 8reb game next season. Jacob, I like just don't want him being a starter for us. Be the 7th or 8th guy for us and I like it.
Jalen Hill - I still believe he needs to play the 3 for us, then we add a 4 that can go! This would give us size/athleticism. He can guard every position just needs to shoot it better. Think he could be a top 6-10 guy in the Big 12 next season.
Love what Porter did this season.. our team just lacked skill and athleticism for sure! Hope to end the season winning a few more games and making the Final 4 of the NIT.

Good analysis. Here's what i'm hoping... Uzan comes in and takes over the point. He's 6-4, can defend, pass, and absolutely fill it up. He rebounds, is long, and is a 3 pt marksman. But, yes, he's a freshman. I say so what if he's good enough. Harkless at the 2. Oweh at the 3. Big, physical, long. Can defend, score, and is very athletic. Hill at 4. And Tanner at 5 again. That would give us 6-4, 6-3, 6-6, 6-7, and 6-10. Schroeder off the bench at 6-7. Either Cortes or the other freshman at backup point. Noland off the bench. And Jacob off the bench. Another big would be nice to back up Tanner. Adding Uzan and Oweh is an athletic and hopefully scoring and defensive upgrade. Oweh would probably not replace Gibson's overall scoring but would help in other areas. That lineup may still not be enough scoring but it would be better potentially overall.

THis is banking heavily on the hope that the freshmen come in somewhat ready to play. I really like all 3 of them. They are a big key to next season. And, hopefully a couple of late signing gems.