My take on things...


New member
Dec 28, 2008
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I have stayed away from the boards pretty much since the season started because I have been sick to my stomach with how things have gone, but also because I generally find message boards to be really awful places to be when the home team is having trouble. I knew I had to come home eventually, and I guess after a Bedlam win was as good a time as any.

Anyway, I have been lurking on and off and I just wanted to point a few things out.

First of all, we all clearly fell into the same trap that our in-state brethren fell into a few years back when OSU got their recruiting class of the century. I know I would normally never have such high expectations of a team with so little experience and leadership. I'm not sure why I got so over-hyped, I normally keep a pretty even-keel, but for some reason I lost my objectivity completely. I should have seen at least some of this coming, as should many others on the board. As far as I can remember, abd was the only person who was strongly urging people to temper their expectations this year (though its really hard to give him too much credit, since he is a serial contrarian :)

So everything really should start there. What did we expect vs. what is the product on the floor? There are 2 ways of looking at this: the team as a whole and the individual players. I'm going to start with the players. For all the things that have been said or written, how many guys on the team are actually underperforming based on what you envisioned for them? Crocker and Wright are pretty much exactly what we should have expected, right? I'd actually say that Crocker is probably playing better than most people thought he would...he's averaging 13 on 46% FG, 42% 3PT, 7 boards, 1 block, and 1 steal per game. I don't think expecting better than that would have been too I right? Speaking of right, I think Ryan Wright has actually played about as well as we could have reasonably expected. We new he struggled on catches and around the hoop offensively, but he is a plus athlete and a solid defender. Nothing about his play is surprising to me.

Now lets look at Cade Davis, Ray Willis and Orlando Allen. Cade has been all the good and all the bad things that we should have expected from him. He is a really good energy player, plays the right way and is pretty trustworthy with his minutes. But, as we all should have known already, he is limited offensively and isn't the shooter many have made him out to be. Again, so real surprises from Cade. Now to Ray and Big O...I know a lot of us had high hopes for these guys, but what were we basing those hopes on? From what we have seen and heard about these two, they also belong on the growing list of players that pretty much are exactly what we thought they were...short-minute role-players. I know many of us had high hopes for these guys, but like my man Michael Lombardi loves to say, "Never mistake hope for a plan."

Now the freshmen...Tiny, TMG and Pledger have all been pretty much what we should have expected, right? I know we all have grand ideas about the guys we sign, but if these were OSU's or Baylor's freshmen, would we be that surprised about the level they've played at this year? Tiny has actually been a "tiny" bit better than I thought he would be in terms of his willingness to plant himself in the paint, his general level of conditioning, and especially his rebounding. TMG has been about what most of us thought too, right? He has been ok with the ball for a freshman (2.5 to 1 assist-to-TO), shot the three very well, and has been a decent initiator. Most of the reasonable people that talked about TMG coming in expressed concerns about adjusting to D1 ball at his size, and his generally lackluster defense and his inability to find a comfortable way to finish drives are proving that out. Pledger has also been pretty much exactly what we should have expected too. He is either a sub-par or average athlete, but with good size and a terrific shot. He's a willing defender who has some legitimate athletic limitations at this point. Didn't we know that about him? So I'd have to say, we shouldn't really be surprised by these three freshmen either. I think the guy that is confusing and possibly disappointing is Fitzgerald. I personally feel responsible on this one because I fed you guys the testimonials of my buddy from New Hampshire that raved about Fitz. Honestly, I thought he would be more of a factor at this point. I will say, however, that he is easily the hardest guy on the team to get a feel for. Its like he is either comfortable in a particular game or he isn't, and Capel certainly hasn't shown a lot of faith in him up to this point. While I would objectively still give him an "incomplete" grade for things thus far, the bottom line is that most of us anticipated him being more of a contributor at this point.

So, that just leaves us with one guy doesn't it? I guess its time to talk about Willie. First of all, I think anyone who has had any opportunity to take a shot at Willie has done it (whether in the radio, tv, internet, commentators, draft experts or message board losers like us) and for the most part I think people have gone way overboard in the way they've thrown Willie under the bus. It is very, very easy to jump to conclusions about a guy when his body language is as bad as Willie's has been. But the bottom line is that no number of "insiders" or Capel suspensions can really get us inside that team and the dude is one of ours. I think he is hurting as much as anyone with how things have gone this year. Any criticism he receives is likely deserved and comes with the territory he aspires to be in, but I think OU fans in particular can at least take some of the edge out of those criticisms. I mean, its never good if you sound like you hate the best player on your favorite team, right?

That said, Willie is what is disappointing about the team this year, more than any other single factor. If you had told me he was going to look this lost I never would have believed it. Maybe it came from years of watching Samson's team continually turn the team over to the "next guy" or maybe I just put too much stock into his games without Blake last year, I don't know. But I never would have believed he would struggle so much in the role of Alpha Dog. On the contrary, I really believed he would thrive in it, that it was the role he was most suited to. I am completely stunned that his play as the team leader has been so poor. He has really struggled to deal with the attention he is getting from opponents, and as far as I have been able to tell he either shuts it down or forces it. He doesn't seem to know how to play creatively. This has been a shock to me...again, I really believed this would help his game out. Instead, I watch him and feel like he is begging for someone to cut down his options and just slot him into a specific role. I can't begin to communicate how surprising this has been.

And that is just looking at his tangible game...his intangibles are the things that have really been hard to figure. I just don't understand where his head is this year. I know some guys just aren't cut out to lead, but I guess I just missed the warning signs. He really did seem like a guy that was relishing the opportunity to be a team leader. Now when I watch him I feel like he is almost desperate for someone else to take off his shoulders.

Ultimately, we were wrong about Willie. There is no real way around that reality. We were all wrong. It doesn't mean that's the end for him at OU or anything, but we thought he was something that he simply wasn't. And no matter what your specific expectations for this season were, I really feel that the whole argument ends with Willie. If you want to talk about bad defense or inconsistent possessions, I'll just remind you that we only have 2 upperclassmen with any significant playing experience. We should have expected it. If you want to talk about frontcourt issues, since we lost Pattillo we knew that either Ryan or Big O were gonna have to take a major step forward or that Fitz would have to be better than advertised for this not to be a weak area, so again, how can we be surprised?

Fair or not, whether we realized it or not, our expectations for this team (expectations that have not been met) were based on the player we thought Willie would be. I personally thought he would be a dynamic offensive player, a first team all-american and at least an adequate team leader. Right now he simply isn't anywhere near that. And honestly, I am finally ok with that. As a fan, I have to acknowledge my own culpability in this mess. Willie never really demonstrated leadership qualities last season, in fact if anything we probably should have seen the immaturity issues coming. And with the exception of 3-4 games last year, he showed the same difficulty fitting his game into the team. He always either seemed to be super-aggressive or super-passive. We projected a leap for Willie that seemed justified because of how Blake jumped from his freshman to sophomore season.

I love Willie to death and no one is pulling for him more than I am. I hope his worst critics are wrong about him and I sincerely hope he can gradually find a way to put his stamp on this team in a productive way. Going forward, I really do have to forget any kind of season-long goals and just look at each game and hope for the best. I agree with most people that this has been a very tough year as a fan. But things have a way of looking differently after a while, and in a week or a month we might have a whole new feeling about things. Regardless, I think a lot of us need to recognize that we were hoping for a lot more than we had good reason, and we should have been a bit more realistic coming into the year.

Dear God, I can't believe I typed this much...must have needed to get that off my chest. I hope this post made sense and I welcome your input...
Thanks for your post, you're pretty much exactly right. I think it's time too stem some of the criticism and just support our boys. it seems like most of them are trying to get better, so let's give them the benefit of the doubt and be as good as fans as we hope they are as players.
Elmo once again brings the heat. Fine post my man!
I too haven't been around as much...but this read just made my day.
Great stuff as usual, Elmo. Thanks for taking the time to give us your thoughts.

You're right on the money with this post.
Thank you, Elmo. I'm glad you got that off your chest. Your post just helped me gain a better understanding of what I've been witnessing for the past several weeks.
The only thing I disagree with is not the notion that we should have expected our freshmen to struggle (I certainly expected them to, and felt all along that some of our fans were buying into the hype too much), but the idea that their struggles have simply been due to their inexperience.

Sorry, but I can't buy that. A freshman will always make mistakes, no doubt, but if he'll work hard and hustle on the court, I can deal with the miscues.

But a lack of hustle, a lack of effort in practice, an overall lack of energy? Sorry but whether the player in question is a freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior, those I can't stomach.

That's what I've been disappointed in with this team: effort and hustle -- the complete disinterest in playing hardnosed defense in so many games.

David Goldbold's probably not in any of our ballyhooed freshmen's league, talent-wise, but he always hustled. So has Tony Crocker. So did dozens of players that preceded them.

I love that Coach Capel has shown the ability to sign some highly touted young athletes, but he's going to have learn sooner than later how to coach them up very quickly, how to break down their me-first attitudes and make gutty, hardworking team players of them.

The other factor, of course, is the disressing reality that we're so reliant on this group of slow-developing young players. We shouldn't be, not four years into Coach Capel's tenure at OU, but we are. That's another area in which Coach needs to step it up, in my opinion -- getting (and keeping) some solid, hard-working nos. 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 guys, tough and dedicated role players who can contribute game in and game out.

I mean, for pete's sake, if this is really all we should ever have expected from Wright, Allen, and Willis, then they should have been recruited over from the juco ranks.
As far as the whole lazy argument goes... It doesn't matter how hard you hustle if you are too busy thinking instead of reacting. Only having two seniors with the capability of reacting and several 1st or 2nd year players out there thinking too much can sometimes give off the appearance of laziness. I'm not saying that we haven't seen a little frustration and dejection lead to laziness at times but not nearly as often as you would believe.
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Dear God, I can't believe I typed this much...must have needed to get that off my chest. I hope this post made sense and I welcome your input...

I can't believe I read it from start to finish either, but I'm glad I did. :)

Well said, Elmo! Not much there I disagree with. I think most of us are guilty of over-hyping this young team, and that most certainly includes me.

I still have some concerns about this team that have little to do with youth, inexperience, unreasonable expectations, etc. But, that's for another time and place. I would not want to throw cold water on a great post and the distinct possibility that none of those things will matter much if the positive signs we saw in our win on Saturday carries over to our next game, and beyond.

I totally agree with the sentiment of what you are saying. I know you were a big fan of Kelvin too, so I would expect you to put a specific priority on hustle and heart (hardwood too, I guess). I totally respect where you are coming from and agree in part. However, I think you are a little too eager to lay all or most of this on something that Capel is lacking.

The big difference I see is that these aren't just freshmen, but a lot of freshmen. TMG and Tiny are guys that pretty much have to play heavy minutes for this team. Its part of why they chose OU in the first place. But as I mentioned previously, there just isn't much experience on this team. And more importantly, there just isn't any leadership. From the outside, it would appear that Capel does done just about anything he could to motivate these guys. He's changed lineups, altered his rotation, gotten on guys during games, gotten on them in the media and recently he pulled the locker room trick. He has always been very clear any time he's had an opportunity to say anything about it while he's been at OU that defense is a high priority for the program.

I really think the issue is leadership. All coaches need players out on the floor that are bought in to help keep a culture of hard work going. This is the area that Willie seems to have really let us all down. He is the Alpha Dog on the team...there's no way around it. Heck, he is probably one of the biggest factors in Tiny and TMG choosing OU. I also think he is the #1 culprit when it comes to poor energy and effort. Tiny and TMG have looked a lot more lost to me than lazy. But Willie has just not brought it at all. I have no complaints with Crocker, Cade or Wright in terms of effort either. Basically I guess I am suggesting that the appearance of a lack of effort is coming through so strongly because of Willie's lack of effort. I've seen Tiny bust his butt for stretches of the game, and I honestly feel like conditioning is the only thing that really effects his effort. TMG just looks very unsure of himself on D...its a lot harder to know where to be and how to guard out on the floor than in the paint. I'm not making excuses for him, I just think he is suffering more from a lack of confidence than anything.

Let's put it this way...If you put Blake's leadership traits into Willie, do you think guys would be getting away with taking plays off? Its just really tough to work in all the things you need with a team that has so much to learn. And I think if you look at the year Samson brought in Lavender and Foust you'd have to acknowledge that they struggled with many of the same issues due to the number of new players they had to rely on.

Also, as far as the makeup of the roster goes, I guess its a fair criticism. Personally, I don't think there are many programs in the country that have 10-12 quality guys on their roster every year. Everyone misses on some guys. And I think we'd all agree that the roster would look a lot different with Keith Clark and Juan Patillo.

I'm not trying to be dismissive of your points you raise, I think they are valid. I guess I just disagree with how much of a factor they are on this seasons team so far.
I can't believe I read it from start to finish either, but I'm glad I did. :)

Well said, Elmo! Not much there I disagree with. I think most of us are guilty of over-hyping this young team, and that most certainly includes me.

I still have some concerns about this team that have little to do with youth, inexperience, unreasonable expectations, etc. But, that's for another time and place. I would not want to throw cold water on a great post and the distinct possibility that none of those things will matter much if the positive signs we saw in our win on Saturday carries over to our next game, and beyond.

I'd love to hear your thoughts Ada...if you still think this isn't the place, PM me...
none of those things will matter much if the positive signs we saw in our win on Saturday carries over to our next game, and beyond.

Good point. I'm very hopeful that Monday marked the start of an upward swing.
I'd love to hear your thoughts Ada...if you still think this isn't the place, PM me...

Well, we have two players that just had kids, another two that have missed some practices, and while it is hard to tell, body language by our three most "talented" players that indicate that at different times that they are frustrated with each other [more than just a little] and then we have a coach who has seemingly been thrown into a three ring circus of a season.

To my point of view, the on-court lapses that we have seen these kids make are symptomatic of the type of off-court drama that winning cures. Not trying to pretend to know or even think that was where Ada was headed, but when you look back at this season, Gallon showing out the Oklahoma on his jersey, Warren playing to the crowd that an hour earlier cheered his being benched and the ear-to-ear grin that TMG had in the biggest win of his career to date may be seen as the turning point.

IF [and it is a big IF] we can get a win against Mizzou, I think you will see OU Basketball back on the right track. Not sure who the poster was, but I am just rooting for the positive and a stretch of four "winnable" games are coming up after that Missouri game for 5 total...pull of 3 and 2 or 4 and 1 out of there, things are looking up. If we play inspired and together, it is a possibility.
i still have some concerns about this team that have little to do with youth, inexperience, unreasonable expectations, etc. But, that's for another time and place.
nc ;)
Elmo, thanx.

Alot of us through youtube and all star games saw the real tangible ability of our incoming players to score points. I think that has misguided us in what we should have been anticipating. Each of these freshman were the man at their schools. The primary go to people. They've had a hard time adjusting to that. They also have been mired in the AAU habits of not being sound team defenders. These real issues have shown in the first two months of this season. Our hopes are that by the end of this season we see some building blocks. We thought we would have had a player that could dominate while these guys got up to speed, but WW is pretty much the same as the guys that we brought in. Blake camoflauged the real development he needed as a player. I think everyones hope is that he matures throughout the year so his career at OU can be a good one, whether it ends this year or next.
I have stayed away from the boards pretty much since the season started because I have been sick to my stomach with how things have gone, but also because I generally find message boards to be really awful places to be when the home team is having trouble. I knew I had to come home eventually, and I guess after a Bedlam win was as good a time as any.

Anyway, I have been lurking on and off and I just wanted to point a few things out.

First of all, we all clearly fell into the same trap that our in-state brethren fell into a few years back when OSU got their recruiting class of the century. I know I would normally never have such high expectations of a team with so little experience and leadership. I'm not sure why I got so over-hyped, I normally keep a pretty even-keel, but for some reason I lost my objectivity completely. I should have seen at least some of this coming, as should many others on the board. As far as I can remember, abd was the only person who was strongly urging people to temper their expectations this year (though its really hard to give him too much credit, since he is a serial contrarian :)

So everything really should start there. What did we expect vs. what is the product on the floor? There are 2 ways of looking at this: the team as a whole and the individual players. I'm going to start with the players. For all the things that have been said or written, how many guys on the team are actually underperforming based on what you envisioned for them? Crocker and Wright are pretty much exactly what we should have expected, right? I'd actually say that Crocker is probably playing better than most people thought he would...he's averaging 13 on 46% FG, 42% 3PT, 7 boards, 1 block, and 1 steal per game. I don't think expecting better than that would have been too I right? Speaking of right, I think Ryan Wright has actually played about as well as we could have reasonably expected. We new he struggled on catches and around the hoop offensively, but he is a plus athlete and a solid defender. Nothing about his play is surprising to me.

Now lets look at Cade Davis, Ray Willis and Orlando Allen. Cade has been all the good and all the bad things that we should have expected from him. He is a really good energy player, plays the right way and is pretty trustworthy with his minutes. But, as we all should have known already, he is limited offensively and isn't the shooter many have made him out to be. Again, so real surprises from Cade. Now to Ray and Big O...I know a lot of us had high hopes for these guys, but what were we basing those hopes on? From what we have seen and heard about these two, they also belong on the growing list of players that pretty much are exactly what we thought they were...short-minute role-players. I know many of us had high hopes for these guys, but like my man Michael Lombardi loves to say, "Never mistake hope for a plan."

Now the freshmen...Tiny, TMG and Pledger have all been pretty much what we should have expected, right? I know we all have grand ideas about the guys we sign, but if these were OSU's or Baylor's freshmen, would we be that surprised about the level they've played at this year? Tiny has actually been a "tiny" bit better than I thought he would be in terms of his willingness to plant himself in the paint, his general level of conditioning, and especially his rebounding. TMG has been about what most of us thought too, right? He has been ok with the ball for a freshman (2.5 to 1 assist-to-TO), shot the three very well, and has been a decent initiator. Most of the reasonable people that talked about TMG coming in expressed concerns about adjusting to D1 ball at his size, and his generally lackluster defense and his inability to find a comfortable way to finish drives are proving that out. Pledger has also been pretty much exactly what we should have expected too. He is either a sub-par or average athlete, but with good size and a terrific shot. He's a willing defender who has some legitimate athletic limitations at this point. Didn't we know that about him? So I'd have to say, we shouldn't really be surprised by these three freshmen either. I think the guy that is confusing and possibly disappointing is Fitzgerald. I personally feel responsible on this one because I fed you guys the testimonials of my buddy from New Hampshire that raved about Fitz. Honestly, I thought he would be more of a factor at this point. I will say, however, that he is easily the hardest guy on the team to get a feel for. Its like he is either comfortable in a particular game or he isn't, and Capel certainly hasn't shown a lot of faith in him up to this point. While I would objectively still give him an "incomplete" grade for things thus far, the bottom line is that most of us anticipated him being more of a contributor at this point.

So, that just leaves us with one guy doesn't it? I guess its time to talk about Willie. First of all, I think anyone who has had any opportunity to take a shot at Willie has done it (whether in the radio, tv, internet, commentators, draft experts or message board losers like us) and for the most part I think people have gone way overboard in the way they've thrown Willie under the bus. It is very, very easy to jump to conclusions about a guy when his body language is as bad as Willie's has been. But the bottom line is that no number of "insiders" or Capel suspensions can really get us inside that team and the dude is one of ours. I think he is hurting as much as anyone with how things have gone this year. Any criticism he receives is likely deserved and comes with the territory he aspires to be in, but I think OU fans in particular can at least take some of the edge out of those criticisms. I mean, its never good if you sound like you hate the best player on your favorite team, right?

That said, Willie is what is disappointing about the team this year, more than any other single factor. If you had told me he was going to look this lost I never would have believed it. Maybe it came from years of watching Samson's team continually turn the team over to the "next guy" or maybe I just put too much stock into his games without Blake last year, I don't know. But I never would have believed he would struggle so much in the role of Alpha Dog. On the contrary, I really believed he would thrive in it, that it was the role he was most suited to. I am completely stunned that his play as the team leader has been so poor. He has really struggled to deal with the attention he is getting from opponents, and as far as I have been able to tell he either shuts it down or forces it. He doesn't seem to know how to play creatively. This has been a shock to me...again, I really believed this would help his game out. Instead, I watch him and feel like he is begging for someone to cut down his options and just slot him into a specific role. I can't begin to communicate how surprising this has been.

And that is just looking at his tangible game...his intangibles are the things that have really been hard to figure. I just don't understand where his head is this year. I know some guys just aren't cut out to lead, but I guess I just missed the warning signs. He really did seem like a guy that was relishing the opportunity to be a team leader. Now when I watch him I feel like he is almost desperate for someone else to take off his shoulders.

Ultimately, we were wrong about Willie. There is no real way around that reality. We were all wrong. It doesn't mean that's the end for him at OU or anything, but we thought he was something that he simply wasn't. And no matter what your specific expectations for this season were, I really feel that the whole argument ends with Willie. If you want to talk about bad defense or inconsistent possessions, I'll just remind you that we only have 2 upperclassmen with any significant playing experience. We should have expected it. If you want to talk about frontcourt issues, since we lost Pattillo we knew that either Ryan or Big O were gonna have to take a major step forward or that Fitz would have to be better than advertised for this not to be a weak area, so again, how can we be surprised?

Fair or not, whether we realized it or not, our expectations for this team (expectations that have not been met) were based on the player we thought Willie would be. I personally thought he would be a dynamic offensive player, a first team all-american and at least an adequate team leader. Right now he simply isn't anywhere near that. And honestly, I am finally ok with that. As a fan, I have to acknowledge my own culpability in this mess. Willie never really demonstrated leadership qualities last season, in fact if anything we probably should have seen the immaturity issues coming. And with the exception of 3-4 games last year, he showed the same difficulty fitting his game into the team. He always either seemed to be super-aggressive or super-passive. We projected a leap for Willie that seemed justified because of how Blake jumped from his freshman to sophomore season.

I love Willie to death and no one is pulling for him more than I am. I hope his worst critics are wrong about him and I sincerely hope he can gradually find a way to put his stamp on this team in a productive way. Going forward, I really do have to forget any kind of season-long goals and just look at each game and hope for the best. I agree with most people that this has been a very tough year as a fan. But things have a way of looking differently after a while, and in a week or a month we might have a whole new feeling about things. Regardless, I think a lot of us need to recognize that we were hoping for a lot more than we had good reason, and we should have been a bit more realistic coming into the year.

Dear God, I can't believe I typed this much...must have needed to get that off my chest. I hope this post made sense and I welcome your input...

I guess the problem I'm having is this...When the guys play as a team, work for each other as well as for the team...everyone looks good...No one gets beat more off the dribble then WWIII, with cade a close 2nd...we only question a player ability when things dont go as planned
Elmo, thanx.

Alot of us through youtube and all star games saw the real tangible ability of our incoming players to score points. I think that has misguided us in what we should have been anticipating. Each of these freshman were the man at their schools. The primary go to people. They've had a hard time adjusting to that. They also have been mired in the AAU habits of not being sound team defenders. These real issues have shown in the first two months of this season. Our hopes are that by the end of this season we see some building blocks. We thought we would have had a player that could dominate while these guys got up to speed, but WW is pretty much the same as the guys that we brought in. Blake camoflauged the real development he needed as a player. I think everyones hope is that he matures throughout the year so his career at OU can be a good one, whether it ends this year or next.

Do D-1 coaches ever have the following conversation with AAU coaches?

"I love your players offensive skills, but they really need to work on their defense."

Or are there AAU teams that are known for being good defensively as well as offensively?

Or do D1 coaches just figure they'll teach the kids what they need to know when they get them on campus?
If you guys aren't in Willie's head (and you aren't), then you have no idea what effort he is putting forth.

Even if he has areas to grow, the ultimate realization of ability comes from within the player not through the force and authority of a coach. I know the cheater taught all you people differently, but he was wrong, disgraced and wrong if that matters to anyone.

Let's see what becomes of WW as a player and I hope you have the guts to come back with an apology.
If you guys aren't in Willie's head (and you aren't), then you have no idea what effort he is putting forth.

Even if he has areas to grow, the ultimate realization of ability comes from within the player not through the force and authority of a coach. I know the cheater taught all you people differently, but he was wrong, disgraced and wrong if that matters to anyone.

Let's see what becomes of WW as a player and I hope you have the guts to come back with an apology.

What the heck does Kelvin have to do with anyone's opinion about Willie? Most people are comparing Willie's leadership and effort to our most recent sophomore leader of a Sooner team, Blake Griffin.

Yes, the realization of ability comes from within the player, but if you think that Kelvin didn't help Hollis and Eduardo or Coach Capel didn't help Blake reach their full potential, you are the one who is mistaken.
I'm just tired of people looking for someone to blame because we are not winning. I'm tired of people thinking WW has to be a leader instead of just a good basketball player. Capel put this team together. If it doesn't have a leader, that's his fault not WW.

I'm tired of people holding WW to some "subjective" standard of effort. Remember Heart, Hustle and Hardwood. Well that legacy or curse reflects in these subjective assessments. I think these assessments of his effort are bull, but we are losing, so he must be guilty of not developing as we were instructed that good players develop.

I go to every game, but I also go to a lot of Thunder games now. WW can play in the NBA and so far, I don't see anyone else on that team that is even close. WW is not the problem and if the fan base did not of the previous theory of basketball beaten into our heads, they would understand.

Personally, I think Capel is making a serious mistake to have hold overs like Kellen, Szendri and Neal hanging around. It's obvious he wants his players to drive themselves, but it's harder to do with the past looking over your shoulder.