Rankings are interesting, but hardly the only issue. A couple of years ago, Texas got a PG in the top ten who was a bit of a disappointment and transferred to Kentucky. Last year, Baylor got a point guard who was supposedly a top five superstar, but she appeared to have been a disappointment, and she transferred. Right now, Baylor is recruiting two point guards that are both in the top ten, one of whom we were in on until recently. They seem to think they need a PG, as does Texas. Interesting?
Tot is not rated by either Prospect Nation or HoopGurlz as the two mentioned above were. Yet, she is being recruited by some five or six schools, one of whom is Rutgers. She was offered by Penn State, but has shown no interest.
It is also interesting that with one of the top ten PGs being recruited by Baylor just a few miles away, we see that more than one coach has called Tot the best PG in Texas. Seems a bit unsung, but not really unknown. I guess we won't know until we see her against D-1 competition. Even then, it may take a year to know. Her mother's experience may be of value. She may have learned a little about basketball.