next years starting line-up

He passed Wright in the rotation, and there is no other obvious choice for the spot.

I will preface this by saying I have heard nothing but great things about the big O as a person and a teamate. Therefore this is not a shot at him.

That being said, I would rather go 4 guards and Tiny or someone than have Orlando playing more than 5 or so minutes a game.

I just don't see what everyone else sees. I hope no one takes that as me being a jerk, I just don't see it. sorry.
If Juan makes a ton of improvement, I agree, but we're going to need a high/low option. Tiny can go high and low, but Juan can really only go low at this point. He needs a jumper and better handles.

Juan scored like crazy in JUCO. is it possible that his lack of scoring last year is because he knew his role was to be an energy guy? In other words, is it that he CAN'T score, or that he was trying to fill a role that prevented him from scoring?
I will preface this by saying I have heard nothing but great things about the big O as a person and a teamate. Therefore this is not a shot at him.

That being said, I would rather go 4 guards and Tiny or someone than have Orlando playing more than 5 or so minutes a game.

I just don't see what everyone else sees. I hope no one takes that as me being a jerk, I just don't see it. sorry.

I see what you're saying. I will have to see it to believe it with Orlando.

I will say that if anyone can "will" a player to get better it's bigabd!! :)
Juan scored like crazy in JUCO. is it possible that his lack of scoring last year is because he knew his role was to be an energy guy? In other words, is it that he CAN'T score, or that he was trying to fill a role that prevented him from scoring?

Juans biggest problem is that he is 6'5'', 6'6'' at best. He can't shoot, and he can't dribble well either. He is a great athlete, but he doesnt do anything particularly well outside of block shots and be an athlete.

I see what you're saying. I will have to see it to believe it with Orlando.

Me too. This is not a prediction or anything, lol. We saw almost nothing from Orlando last year, and I am just throwing out a possible situation.
I think the reason Allen has a chance to start is because Pattilo is seen as an energy player off the bench at this point in his career. He seems best suited in the reliever role of providing a spark off the bench. If Allen could develop into a guy who can hit the boards, and alter shots down low I could see him having a chance to start.

I agree with Pattillo being an excellent Selvy type spark of the bench (see last year during his four game masterpiece run during the conference season).

As for Big O, it will be all about how quickly he can get used to the speed of the game. The guy has the tools to be an adequate defender, plus shot blocker, and decent rebounder. He is a hard worker and has a great attitude.

One thing that worries me is how small his hands are....