Official Doron Lamb to OU Thread!!!

And those recruits were...?

You gotta provide a little more info!
I sat in the row in front of Capel and the recruits on my late night flight from Dallas to OKC last night. I couldn't help but to hear everything they said. Capel blends right in with the recruits. I heard a lot of interesting stuff that I'd enjoy relaying what I heard but out of respect for the program I'll let what is said on a plane stay on a plane and not post it on an internet message board. Obviously, nothing inappropraite was said, and in fact both kids even discussed school and their classes at one point. I can't imagine another coach that can blend in with the kids as well as Capel did.

Its fine if you withhold info like that. I'm satisfied enough with the tidbit you provided! Although, it would be cool to know the recruits you speak of?
I'm pretty sure it was Lamb and Barnes. I know one was Lamb because the other (Barnes I assume) was telling him he didn't need to wear his hood over his head cause he wasn't in New York anymore- jokingly. I know Capel asked them what numbers they wanted in college and the one I assumed was Barnes said he'd like number 20, and Lamb said he'd like 43- which prompted Capel to say he'd never seen a 43 in basketball before, then Capel brainstormed and couldn't think of one. The flight was delayed because of thunderstorms around DFW so we didn't land until after 11. The assistant coaches were also on the flight but sitting elsewhere. The 3 of them talked alot of basketball and one of the things I'm sure Coach Capel wouldn't mind sharing with the media is that when he determines his starting lineup he doesn't look at it position by position like most of us fans do when we try to pencil in our future starting lineups by PG, SG, SF, PF, C. He said in his eyes there is a PG, then the 4 best players.

I determined the other was Barnes because I logged on here the following morning and saw a split screen with 2 players and it said Lamb and Barnes in town this weekend. I am also certain the other was Lamb because Capel talked about Oak Hill with him. I can't tell from the pictures if it was Barnes for sure cause they were sitting the row behind me. I could hear them crystal clear but obviously I wasn't going to turn around and stare. When we got up to remove our carry ons from the overhead compartment Capel noticed I had on a College of William and Mary sweatshirt and he struck up a conversation with me informing me that the school he came from was in the same league as William and Mary and that they once were really good at football and that it was located in Williamsburg, VA. All facts I didn't know cause I didn't buy the sweatshirt it just ended up in my closet somehow- haha. I figured somebody on here could tell me if the other recruit was Barnes for sure or not. Does anybody know that fact??
I'm pretty sure it was Lamb and Barnes. I know one was Lamb because the other (Barnes I assume) was telling him he didn't need to wear his hood over his head cause he wasn't in New York anymore- jokingly. I know Capel asked them what numbers they wanted in college and the one I assumed was Barnes said he'd like number 20, and Lamb said he'd like 43- which prompted Capel to say he'd never seen a 43 in basketball before, then Capel brainstormed and couldn't think of one. The flight was delayed because of thunderstorms around DFW so we didn't land until after 11. The assistant coaches were also on the flight but sitting elsewhere. The 3 of them talked alot of basketball and one of the things I'm sure Coach Capel wouldn't mind sharing with the media is that when he determines his starting lineup he doesn't look at it position by position like most of us fans do when we try to pencil in our future starting lineups by PG, SG, SF, PF, C. He said in his eyes there is a PG, then the 4 best players.
I determined the other was Barnes because I logged on here the following morning and saw a split screen with 2 players and it said Lamb and Barnes in town this weekend. I am also certain the other was Lamb because Capel talked about Oak Hill with him. I can't tell from the pictures if it was Barnes for sure cause they were sitting the row behind me. I could hear them crystal clear but obviously I wasn't going to turn around and stare. When we got up to remove our carry ons from the overhead compartment Capel noticed I had on a College of William and Mary sweatshirt and he struck up a conversation with me informing me that the school he came from was in the same league as William and Mary and that they once were really good at football and that it was located in Williamsburg, VA. All facts I didn't know cause I didn't buy the sweatshirt it just ended up in my closet somehow- haha. I figured somebody on here could tell me if the other recruit was Barnes for sure or not. Does anybody know that fact??

Awesome info.

I highlignted that one statement because It is a statement that I totally expect for a coach to tell two perimeter players. Those guys obviously are looking at each other wondering to themselves how it would work between the two of them and Cameron Clark all vying for the same position. Not saying capel is lying, but he knows the recruiting game and how kids keep score with other recruits. Some recruits even try to recruit the future lineup. Kyrie Irving is trying o sell Barnes on him and Barnes at Duke.
One other interesting tidbit. Capel asked Lamb who he thought was the best PG in the NBA last season and Lamb went with Deron Williams. Capel said he thought Tony Parker was the best last year, in large part because he was so impressed with TP's over 50% FG for the season as a PG.

Capel Also, talked about Blake and Taylor quite a bit and shared stories about the rookie treatment that is typical in professional sports.
I never know who is going to post the next great bit of information on this site as so many contribute but in this case it was Buddy. Great job!

Been hearing -- another Wildcat coach is making a second push for Lamb.

There will be some NEWS updates on Doron Lamb by Adam Zag.-Stay Tune.
This maybe a battle between wildcats.

(FYI-Refer to thread: The LAMB is on the Desert Horizon, wildcatsportreports.....Book IT)
:tinypower + :tmg want you in Norman, Doron. Come be with your friends and help us win a national championship.
:tinypower + :tmg want you in Norman, Doron. Come be with your friends and help us win a national championship.

Big Time,

Doron and Calvin have another visit scheduled...

Not too not see Doron going to UK because of the commit of Stacey Poole...i hope.
This also means that Doron will NOT commit to Kansass "GANGSTER U".
(You know Calvin and Coach Smith- both are professional and will not cancell forthcoming visits.)