Officials screw Oklahoma out of 4-1 start.

Donaghy was able to make a killing with a few calls for a reason.

The 8-10 point home referee advantage Greg alluded to is real and makes college basketball just a notch above the WWF. You should not have to overcome biased refereeing. But I guess when the home team usually wins the home fans go home happy and it makes the sport seem more exciting than it really is.
Do you think the refs screwed Capel out of the Baylor game as well? It was close if it wasn't for those snarky refs.
Donaghy was able to make a killing with a few calls for a reason.

The 8-10 point home referee advantage Greg alluded to is real and makes college basketball just a notch above the WWF. You should not have to overcome biased refereeing. But I guess when the home team usually wins the home fans go home happy and it makes the sport seem more exciting than it really is.

I don't like complaining about the refs because I don't think they intentionally, except in Donaghy's case, try to influence the outcome.

However, the home court differential is worth noting. Refs, when they're not sure about a call, will side with public opinion. Human nature. Secondly, on final second shots, unless a foul is obvious, the home team won't be whistled. Know this going in. Against T A&M we went up weak. We weren't going to get bailed out on the final shot.

So in the scheme of things if we're not significantly better than our opponent we'll lose on the road and barely win at home. If you don't win by 8 points at home, you got no reason to gloat. When we barely top OSU and MIZZOU at home, it likely means we'll lose by 5 to 8 at their place. When we take A & M and Tech to the wire at their place it means we're slightly better than them but not good enough to beat them.

Some things must change for the practice to change. If the league allowed free speech by coaches, there would be less homerism. Criticism improves the product.
Had we made half of our wide open 3's this wouldn't be an issue. I go into every road game exceptng the home team to get the calls. Is it right? Probably not, but its not something new. I thought the A&M officiating was 10 times worse than last nights. Missed wide open shots and 2nd half turnovers cost us the game.
I hate to gripe about officials. It just sounds like a sore loser. However, Tiny barely touched the guy on his last foul. That was about as dumb as you can get from Tiny. He needs to be smarter than that.
I don't normally complain too much about officiating either, but this year it has been REALLY bad. I wish there was some accountability for bad officiating.
These kinds of thread topics make us sound like OSU fans.

Yeah... because this is like... the first time that OU fans have ever complained about officials... :ez-roll:

Get over yourself BigTime... all fan bases are basically the same.... they have mostly good fans and some bad fans... and when the team isn't performing the bad fans come out in droves and make crazy posts on message boards like this one.
all fan bases are basically the same.... they have mostly good fans and some bad fans... and when the team isn't performing the bad fans come out in droves and make crazy posts on message boards like this one.

Dang i gotta agree with the poke. *goes and gags*