'One And Done' Rule About To Hit Colleges Hard - NBCSports.com

NBA doesn't give a rata$$ about NCAA and colleges. It uses the colleges as its platform for evaluation and marketing purposes. Show me the money! There's absolutely nothing that the NCAA and Universities can do to change the one-and-done rule unless, as stated in the article, the NBA is onboard. I think the NBA is enjoying this rule too much right now and I don't think this rule is gonna changed anytime soon, unfortunately.
All of this one and done and thug basketball can be stopped in about 1 minute. Stop giving scholarships for sports, stop giving exceptions for entry for sports. If you enroll and want to play sports and you meet the requirements for that school, fine, have fun, but keep your grades at the 2.5 level. No exceptions, no excuses.

Wow!!!!! At first, I thought "what a stupid idea". Makes A LOT of sense. You go to school for an education -- Give educational SCHOLAR ships. You want to be an athlete too, we'll give you an OPPORTUNITY. You need the money, earn an educational scholarship or get a loan.
Wow!!!!! At first, I thought "what a stupid idea". Makes A LOT of sense. You go to school for an education -- Give educational SCHOLAR ships. You want to be an athlete too, we'll give you an OPPORTUNITY. You need the money, earn an educational scholarship or get a loan.

I go watch intramural basketball games all the time. Nothing quite like it!