Orange Power thread - probably


The Red Wig
Nov 2, 2008
Reaction score
Regarding the "Attack of the HorsePig"


- my 84 year old, senile grandfather OSU (Oklahoma A&M) triple legacy was tarred and feathered by Billy Tubbs and a mascot during the first media timeout. It was awful.
And when they got out to their car, all the paint had been keyed off of it!
- Toby Keith put a boot in my 74 year old, frail aggy aunt's you know what at halftime while the mascot just sat there laughing
- Boomer Boy and Boomer the mascot stuffed my orange clad sister into one of the Sooner Showmens' Tuba while they were playing Gooner Sooner for the 82nd time In the first half.
- a spiked haired Gooner with a microphone screamed "who wants free stuuuuuuffff" into my 12 year old, Leukemia surviving, orange clad niece to the delight of one of those delinquent horse mascots!
Sooner gave my 87 year old, WWII hero, great Uncle Ned (a posse club member) an atomic wedgie while he was trying to buy a bottled water on the upper concourse.
A ruf/neck lil sis and Boomer took turns paddling my wheel chair bound grandmother (whose son started the OSU paddle people) right in front of the whole student section.
Boomer and Sooner would crop dust my blind 74 year old grandma every time they walked by.
University of Oklahoma would deflate the Basketball every time Oswhoo tried to shoot a 3.
Boomer took my newborn infant swaddled in an orange fleece and set her on the Carl's Junior tarp! Child abusin stupid squats!
TopDaug came down from the ceiling via bungee and poured sour milk all over the face and torso of my intellectually disabled nephew. This was his first sporting event.
My 100 yo grandmother wanted to see one last bedlam, however we had to bring her In an iron lung. Horsepig wheeled her up to the rafters and then pushed her over the side. She landed on a group of orphans brought by Desmond Mason; damned Gooners!
Sooner took off his mascot head revealing a red wig. The sight of a ginger gooner gave my grandmother cancer
My son who suffers from Severe Combined Immunodeficiency and is confined to a sterile bubble with a large flaming OSU logo on the side was rolled onto the court by an OU mascot and made a mockery in front of the UO pom squad.
I saw Burns Hargis repeatedly donkey punched by 3 or 4 unruly Sooner mascots after the game! I AM NEVER GOING BACK TO SNORMAN.
Some of the OU Board of Regents and Boomer took the crutches away from my 22 yo son who suffers from cerebral palsy. He was wearing his favorite oSu sweater vest which one of the OU Board of Regents spat on. Terrible!
I witnessed Blake Griffin's mom and one of the Pony mascots performing swirlys on no less than 3 geriatric aged Oklahoma State female fans in the handicapped women's bathroom. Makes my blood boil!!
Boomer beat up my elderly grandmother so badly she will be in the hospital for weeks. The Daily Disappointment refused to report it because they love OU so much. A caller asked Al about it but Al kept talking about Barry Switzer recruiting stories. The media hates us so much!
I saw two squatter mascots repeatedly hold down my 76 year old double amputee father (played for Mr Iba) while Joe C tickled him until he urinated on himself. The horror!
I tried to order one of those ENDUI sausages that those Gooners kept advertising about around the LNC and the concessions lady looked at me like I was crazy! Oh yeah, and a roughneck shot my infant point blank with a t-shirt