OT: Jessie Boone 5K Miracle Run


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Nov 10, 2008
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To all of my Sooner friends. I have a small request.

As many of you may or may not know, back over spring break, a friend of my daughter's from Mustang High School, Jessie Boone, was SEVERELY injured in a snow skiing accident. She has endured months of medical attention. She's had her ups, but mostly what you and would consider downs (her parents are NOT into downs...they have been extremely faithful over this past 2-3 months). She is now in OKC at Jim Thorpe Rehab and is making minor improvements every day.

Jessie was a freshman softball player and track athlete at Mustang this past year.

With all that said, the Mustang HS track coach is organizing a "miracle run" in Jessie's honor. The proceeds will help this family with the financial side of this horrific accident and I know many of you want to help out. Below is the information I currently have:

Also with this memorable day comes another exciting day for Jessie...Her track coach, Andrea Mount from Mustang schools is having a Jessie Boone miracle run. I can't imagine a better day to share this wonderful event and know Jessie Boone would be running the 5 K if she could....The date is June 13th beginning at 8am - it's a Saturday. It starts at Chisholm Heights Baptist Church in Mustang. There will be a 5K run for all ages, a 1 mile spirit walk for all ages and a one mile kids fun run for 12 years and younger.

Registration has been set up on line. Go to active.com and search for Jessie Boone Miracle Run. All contestants who register on line will get a t-shirt with their registration. There will also be a silent auction. All the information is online.

Any questions or problems....contact Andrea Mount, Jessie's track coach, at mounta@mustangps.org or shelley lamle....shelley.lamle@wa velinx.net and they can give you any additional information. Let me know if you need a phone number and I will get you one.

BTW, my daughter's softball team will be running together and we'd LOVE to have as many teams/groups sign up and run together for this GREAT cause!!!!